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What to do when I have a dangerous dog?

There are many pets that, even created with love, end up becoming dangerous dogs. And this is not only for people outside but also for their owners and everyone who lives in the house. Whether attacking or biting, he ends up becoming a problem, even if everyone is fond of him.

To deal with a dangerous dog, training is the best option, as a professional in this area will know how to make him develop habits of respect, and obedience and will carry out all the commands taught, thus having a more sociable life. However, there are cases where the degree is not so intense, so there are solutions that help to alleviate this situation.

What are the causes that make a dog dangerous?

As has already been said, the animal has its temperament and personality, even if each breed has a profile. As in every rule, there are exceptions, it may be that a furry is born angrier by nature, compared to others of the lineage and, then, it is up to find out what is causing him to have this type of behavior.

A common cause that turns the friend into a dangerous dog is the power of leadership, which can be his with other pets or even with their own owners. The instinct to dominate the environment means that he has to take a leadership position, so aggressiveness is his way out of this purpose. This attitude can also happen when you see prey in the other pet. And when he feels threatened by his owners or thinks they are in danger, he attacks whoever it is, regardless of whether the situation is real or a joke.

How to tame a dangerous dog

It's not a quick or easy task, but with affection and the right way, the furry can become less hostile. However, the first step is to take him to the vet, especially if he has changed his temperament from one hour to another or if he has really been accumulating days in this situation, as one of the causes could be some kind of pain. And, therefore, only he will know how to assess what is happening and will initiate the specific treatment.

Another reason for the pet to become a dangerous dog lies in its instinctive behavior, which requires the help of a specialist to train it for another behavior, in addition to the fact that in many cases there is a need to complement it with particular remedies for this problem, such as antidepressants. or serotonin. But remember that this medication can only be taken when indicated by a professional in the field and never on its own or in doses higher than those prescribed.

The owner should also keep in mind that aggression is never met with violence, so the dog needs to be treated with love. And the person should avoid situations that show provocation or even stress the animal, such as being next to him while drinking water, eating or doing his business, waking him up (especially in a sudden way), getting close to him while he is with the bone or a toy and under no circumstances let children get close to it.

A dangerous dog can also be a little tame after neutering, which ends up solving many cases. Once again, it is worth consulting with the veterinarian to decide on this procedure, and especially if it is a male, recovery is quick. If it's a dog, the surgery is a little more invasive, similar to a c-section, but if it's for her sake, why not?

Speaking of females, many are aggressive when they give birth and, by nature, want to protect their young. Try as much as possible to avoid unnecessary proximity (such as watching the little ones and stressing her out for nothing) and let only the person she trusts most have the daily contacts to put food and water in the pots, in addition to doing everything possible dressings.

One more tip: never take a dangerous dog for a walk without a muzzle. In addition to preventing accidents, you are respecting others and also the integrity of your pet.

What if I find a dangerous dog?

When we walk down the street, parks, squares, or anywhere else, we are subject to encountering such an animal. Therefore, avoiding some attitudes is essential, such as facing them. If you do this, he will perceive it as a threat or challenge and may attack you. Keep in mind that he has an impulse to defend his territory, so if you are in it and still try to persuade him with eye to eye, he will find himself in a cornered position and will not hesitate to protect himself.

So, when crossing a supposedly dangerous dog, walk straight by and don't even look back. Stay calm, don't show fear, and never underestimate one breed or be afraid of another, as a Pit Bull can be more docile than a Pinscher, depending on how he is educated.

I want to turn my dangerous dog into a tame one!

To have a more docile dog, observe its characteristics from when it is a puppy. If you realize that he has invasive behaviors and the discipline applied at home is not enough, already seek training, the sooner it starts and in the younger stages of his life, the better the result and the agility in the return of the new molds.

Another way to make your dangerous dog calmer is to get him out of stressful or nervous situations. Having a calm home, without fights or disagreements between his owners, who are “his parents”, makes him more confident in where he is, having a greater chance of balancing his behavior.

Treatment with flower remedies, acupuncture, massage therapy, and physical activity, mainly running and swimming, are great alternatives for him to oppose his instinct to a new rhythm of life, going through moments in which he is emotionally and physically treated, reaching an even greater level of balance.

Acupuncture, for example, takes 15 to 20 minutes and can be started with weekly sessions. The number of sessions will depend on the breed and the degree of the dangerous dog's behavioral imbalance, but usually, 6 to 8 already show excellent results.

If the person opts for massage therapy, their furry will undergo a technique that stimulates relaxation and decreases anxiety, working on the same points as the procedure above. And it is worth mentioning that both are also indicated therapeutically for diseases, such as pain due to fractures, and inflammation, among many others.

Pampering is also another point to be diverted. If you feel that your friend's transformation into a dangerous dog was the fact that he was spoiled, reverse this situation. Try to see him as a child who makes a fuss when he doesn't get what he wants, but play, spend time with him, treat him well, always take him to the vet when necessary, take care of his food and water in a balanced way, but do not confuse care with exaggeration, because if something in the routine of the house changes, his will also change and he may become depressed or aggressive.

Quick tips for your dangerous dog to be more docile

As everyone knows, what a furry needs most is attention and this also applies to the bravest, as these are often this way due to feelings of rejection, abandonment, or loneliness. And so that you have some solutions in your day-to-day with your friend, here are some suggestions to be with him and at the same time get him out of this aggressive climate:

  • He was adopted to be “part of the family”, correct? So, don't leave him alone for a long time and, if necessary, he should stay in a wide place, so that he can run and be in a more comfortable condition. Stock up on his food and water bowls, as well as leaving toys, bones and anything specific to animals that will entertain him, so that he doesn't become a dangerous dog because of the feeling of isolation;

  • When you get home, play with it. One of the best games and one that will also spend a lot of energy (physical and mental) is to hide snacks and encourage him to find them. In addition to having contact with the owner, the person he loves the most, this activity will also produce serotonin during this moment of joy;

  • Always take him for a walk (with a muzzle) so that he releases tension, gets used to other animals and people, in addition to getting tired. All this will make him remain more serene;

Finally, if you feel that nothing has worked, don't hesitate to look for a training service. In many cases, a month or two is enough to transform it from a dangerous dog to a sociable and happy pet.

Author: admin

Date: Sep 02 2023

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Dog Walker - The Dog Walking Companion

Ever heard of a dog walker? It's the perfect combination of dogs + cool profession + health. A dog walker is a kind of walking companion for your dog. If you live in an apartment and work all day, or for any other reason, and you don't have time to go out to take your dog for a walk, a dog walker is a great help.

Your dog needs to exercise, both for health and for the expenditure of accumulated energy, especially for dogs that live in apartments and do not have space to run and play. If your dog is one of these cases, know that it is essential that he has this walking routine and that is where the work of the dog walker comes in, otherwise, the pet can become stressed in an environment in which he is trapped and this will affect not only his behavior but also health.

How to be a dog walker?

It is a profession that does not need initial investment, but it does need training. It's not just ' walking the dogs '. Today, in Pak, there are courses that help to practice the profession of dog walker.

But there are also qualified professionals both in animal behavior or even with trained training who practice the profession. It is indicated that when looking for a dog walker, always look for indications, after all, our puppies cannot be given into the hands of just anyone.

Never forget, animals, especially when they live in a restricted environment, need to sunbathe and, above all, exercise, so if you are not always available to walk your puppy, look for a dog walker, daycare for dogs or day care for dogs, to your pet to have a healthier life.

These days, more and more professionals from different areas have abandoned the stability of a steady job for the opportunity to live alongside animals - and earn money for it. However, a series of specific care and training needs to be part of the life of anyone who wants to become a dog walker; since animals have different needs and care, according to their breeds, and dog walkers must have complete information.

With that in mind, a large number of pet shops, veterinary clinics, and training schools have invested in offering and publicizing special courses for those who want to become a dog walker – where basic concepts and care for animals are taught, in addition to techniques more elaborate from different aspects; chosen according to the ambitions of each walker.

How the courses to be a dog walker work

Lasting an average of three to four months, these courses often offer certificates and diplomas, ensuring that, in addition to knowing how to care for animals, the dog walker will also be able to transmit security, confidence, and respect in contact with your pet.

Although venturing into this type of business involves many risks, demand is not lacking; and there are dog walkers who already have over 70 canine clients under their belts. Contrary to what many may think, being a dog walker can bring benefits that go far beyond the satisfaction of working with the world of animals – and the income of someone who is already known in this profession can be very attractive.

While a series of discounts and “promotions” can be negotiated between the dog owner and his walker, there are dog walkers who already receive around BRL 700 per month for walking an hour a day (Monday to Friday) with a client. Multiply that by the number of dogs that a professional can treat per day, and you can see how profitable this type of job can be these days.

The value of this type of hire can vary a lot and depends mainly on the route and the number of dogs the walker leaves with at a time – and if you want your pet to have the exclusive attention of the dog walker, the game can be more expensive.

In most cases, dog walkers serve specific regions – such as a set of the closest neighborhoods – and it is even possible to hire professionals who, in addition to walking, can also teach training techniques and tricks to the dogs (for an additional fee). additional cash).

However, even walkers who are not able to teach tricks or commands to pets already guarantee a series of benefits for the animal during these daily walks, including the improvement of the dog's physical conditioning to the increase of self-esteem and reducing levels of stress and anxiety. Improved posture, increased socialization, and decreased hyperactivity are also part of the benefits package for animals that have a walker.

Therefore, if you fit into a huge group of pet owners without time to walk with them, hiring a dog walker may be the perfect option to keep your pet happy and healthy.

The Dog Walker's Job

In addition to helping people without time to keep their pets healthy – through physical activity and attention – dog walkers must also meet a series of special requirements to be able to perform their function in the safest way. Check out, below, a list of duties that a walker should follow and what kind of situation he should know how to solve:

  • The walker must know all the breeds he walks with so that he can know how to act in emergency cases – avoiding dog fights in the street or inappropriate behavior on the part of the pet.

  • The dog walker must carefully follow the instructions given by the owners of each dog he assists, avoiding any type of action indicated by his contractor (such as eating street food, contact with other animals, or contact with many people).

  • Walkers must pick up the dog's needs if he does so during the planned journey.

  • The dog walker should never use any kind of violence to try to control a dog - and training courses can be good to help you have a better command and more respect for pets.

Author: admin

Date: Aug 31 2023

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How to calm the dog and cat afraid of rockets and thunder?

Rockets and fireworks are great ways to celebrate the New Year, wedding or summer parties, but not so great for cats and dogs. All animals have evolved to have an instinctive fear of loud sounds, be it rockets or thunder. It's a natural response to running away from an unidentified threat. But this response can be altered or reduced through training and habituation.

Rockets and thunder have common characteristics: they are loud, sudden and launch a shock wave in the air and on the ground. It is to be expected that our dogs and cats will be in a state of terror. In fact, 49% of caregivers in Great Britain say that their dog is afraid of rockets, followed by thunder.

Therefore, we are going to offer you some solutions that you can implement to calm your dog and cat afraid of rockets and thunder.

Early training prevents phobias

Socialization is the period of the dog's or cat's life when they are most receptive to learning what will be normal in their life . Poor socialization leads to behavioral problems such as aggression towards people or animals and phobias. In dogs, socialization takes place in the first 12 weeks, and in cats during the first 7 weeks of life.

This period is also essential to expose the animal to less pleasant situations, showing its harmlessness. This is the case with rockets and thunderstorms. By exposing the animal during this period and associating it with a positive and tranquilizing stimulus, we can prevent the development of phobias . However, if you haven't managed to do this during the first weeks of the animal's life, there is still hope.

hiding place inside the house

Dogs and cats feel more comfortable if they have a space to hide inside the house. Therefore, making a refuge den can help the animal to deal with the fear of rockets or thunder. Many animals already seek hiding places in these situations. For example, cats hide under the bed or sofa.

But the caregiver can also help with the search for a hiding place. You can buy tent beds, where the animal can hide. Or you can even make a den by placing a blanket over chairs or tables.

It is important that the dog or cat is inside the house before the fireworks or thunderstorms start . If they are outside, they can get lost in panic and even get hurt. If you can, stay home with the animal to give it comfort and safety.

desensitization training

Desensitization training allows you to format the animal's behavior to a certain stimulus. It is done through exposure to similar low-intensity stimuli. The animal is taught to tolerate the stimulus , learning that it is not a threat.

That is, in the case of rockets and thunderstorms, the animal should be exposed to a loud noise and taught that it is not dangerous. However, this training is complicated due to the difficulty in replicating the stimulus (rocket, thunder) and in overcoming the instinctive fear of loud and short noises. You can always improve the animal's reaction to noise , but it should always be done with the help of a professional.

Medication to calm the dog or cat

In severe cases, you can ask your veterinarian to write you a prescription for medication. Medication is especially recommended for animals that are very agitated , and may even injure themselves when trying to escape with fear. For these animals, the medication allows them to be more relaxed or sedated during the most critical period . You should never take medication without medical advice, as it could poison the animal.

Create a relaxing and distracting environment

If you can stay at home with your four-legged companion, we recommend that you create a relaxing environment. Games and walks allow to expend energy and keep the animal calmer during the critical period. Create hiding places and close the house so they can't run away in fear.

During, try to distract the animal  by playing with it, offering treats if it is calm and keeping it company. If the animal begins to express fear, do not offer more treats and affection as they reinforce the behavior. Let him find a safe place and be quiet. Watch from time to time if everything is ok, without disturbing him.

Author: admin

Date: Aug 08 2023

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The 20 dogs with the strongest bite in the world. Full list!

Every dog ​​has natural nibbling behaviors and biting objects, games, and even other dogs playfully. However, some dogs have more power in their bite than others due to their size and physical condition.

Meet today 20 breeds of dogs with higher PSI, capable of destroying the most resistant objects or even facing wild animals bigger than them!

What is PSI?

The term PSI is the abbreviation in English for the terms “Pounds per Square Inch”, whose translation would be “Pounds per Square Inch”. These terms refer to the measurement scheme used to determine a dog's bite force based on the amount of pressure exerted by its jaw on a given object.

How is bite force measured in dogs?

The method of evaluating the PSI of dogs can vary, as pointed out by the authors of the study “ Bite Forces and Their Measurement in Dogs and Cats ” (2018), with in vivo approaches (with the animal awake or under anesthesia), in vitro (with based on calculations and mechanism of the skull of the deceased animal) or in silico (simulation based on information already known about the species).

Still, according to the researchers, there are factors that directly affect the performance of the bite of dogs, such as:

– Size of the skull;

– Skull shape (dolichocephalic – elongated muzzle dogs – or brachycephalic – flat muzzle dogs);

– Pain associated with oral diseases (such as periodontal disease or TMJ disorders);

– Other diseases that affect the muscles responsible for biting (such as masticatory muscular myositis – MMM).

Top 20 domestic dogs with the strongest bite in the world

Now that you're already on top of what PSI is and how it's measured in dogs, get to know the breeds that have shown the greatest force in their bites.

However, first, it is important that you have as a reference that the human PSI is, on average, 162. The following ranking will feature breeds ranging from 195 to 743 PSI!

  1. Belgian Shepherd Malinois (195 PSI)

Recently awarded the title of the smartest dog in the world, the Belgian Shepherd Malinois is also recognized for its strength and athletic ability. The breed is commonly used for activities that require a high level of training, agility, and intelligence, such as police missions. That is, it is no wonder that the furry dog ​​ranks 20th in the ranking of dogs with the strongest bite in the world.

  1. English Bulldog (210 PSI)

The English bulldog is a very popular family dog ​​as it is spirited, fun and playful. However, make no mistake! Despite its quiet personality, the dog has great strength in its bite and thus ranks 19th in our ranking.

  1. Chow Chow (220 PSI)

The history of Chow Chows takes us back to ancient China, where they emerged to act as guards and war dogs. In this way, its physical structure was essential throughout its history to fulfill such functions. To this day, the dog carries a protective personality and is somewhat distrustful of strangers, being very loyal partners to their families.

  1. Dutch Shepherd (224 PSI)

A close cousin of the Belgian Shepherd Malinois, the Dutch Shepherd is now a rare dog to find, given that the breed almost became extinct after World War II. Like the other member of its family present in the ranking, the dog of Dutch origin is often used by the police and is capable of carrying out powerful bites.

  1. Alano Espanol (227 PSI)

The Spanish Alano, also known as the Spanish Bulldog, is a breed of dog originally from Spain that emerged as a hunting dog. As it is relatively rare in Pak, it is possible to say that we do not need to worry so much about the risks of knowing the strength of this giant's bite.

  1. Doberman Pinscher (228 psi)

An imposing dog that loves family life, the Doberman Pinscher ranks 15th in the ranking of dogs with the strongest bite in the world. The breed is usually very loving, patient and calm with its family members, but it is not possible to guarantee the same with strangers, given its strong instinct for protection.

  1. Boxer (230 psi)

Being large and very athletic dogs, boxers are not surprisingly doing so well when it comes to their biting ability! Despite its performance scaring some, the breed is also known to be very playful and fun, making it a great partner for the whole family!

  1. Pitbull (235 psi)

Pit bulls are unfortunately misclassified as aggressive and ferocious animals, making many people fearful of interacting with the breed. However, studies have already proven that breed does not determine the personality of any dog ​​and its behavior is essentially linked to the way the animal was socialized and trained.

Thus, despite occupying the 13th place in the ranking of the strongest bites in the world, it is essential that this information is not used in a way that perpetuates such prejudice about the breed, but rather understands that the pitbull is just an athletic dog with strong muscles and energy. physical, like the other dogs on this list.

  1. German Shepherd (238 psi)

As the other shepherds present in the ranking, the German Shepherd is a darling of the military and police forces, making the breed integrate these groups that need skilled, obedient and agile dogs for their activities. Because it has a very powerful bite, the dog is also a defensive agent in these missions. In addition, the German Shepherd is also known to be an excellent company for families, being a very partner and extremely loyal dog.

  1. American Bulldog (305 psi)

Another bulldog integrating the ranking, this time with the American Bulldog . The breed was originally bred to fight bulls until the mid-19th century. After this period, the dogs became part of families all over the world, showing themselves to be very affectionate with their tutors.

  1. Rottweiler (328 psi)

One of the most popular dogs in Pak, the Rottweiler opens the top 10 of domestic dogs with the strongest bite in the world. With proper training and socialization, dogs of these breeds become excellent protectors and inseparable friends of their owners.

  1. Leonberger (399 PSI)

Known as the gentle giant, the Leonberger would have emerged in Germany and throughout its existence caught the attention of artists across Europe, who portrayed the dog in several works. Very protective and attached to its family, the giant has great physical strength which is also reflected in its ability to bite at almost 400 PSI.

  1. Argentine Dogo (500psi)

The Argentine dogo is commonly confused with pitbulls or American bulldogs because of their physical characteristics. However, the breed shoots ahead of its “twins” when it comes to PSI, occupying eighth place in the ranking. The Argentine dogo emerged at the beginning of the 20th century to act as a hunting and guard dog, but today it enters several homes around the world as a furry member of the family.

  1. Dogue Canario (540 psi)

Coming in with everything in the category of giant dogs, the Dogue Canario – as its name already reveals – emerged in the Canary Islands, Spain. The giant has thick skin, intense eyes and very strong and developed musculature, which even gives the dog a bite that would leave anyone with their mouth open.

  1. Tibetan Mastiff (550 PSI)

Best known for being the most expensive dog in the world, the Tibetan Mastiff also makes its mark as the sixth strongest bite of all domestic dog breeds! The giant is believed to have prehistoric origins as a guard dog in Tibet around 1100 BC, where it had the first record of its existence.

  1. English Mastiff (552 PSI)

The origin of the second Mastiff on the list goes back to England, where it would have appeared thousands of years ago. For centuries, it is believed that these dogs were used to fight other wild animals until, finally, such competitions were extinct and the breed became incorporated into other functions among humans, as a great life partner!

  1. Dogue de Bordeaux (556 PSI)

The dog of French origin stands out for its large size and muscular body. For centuries, the breed was used for various types of service, from hunting large animals to even protection. Despite not being well known to Pak, the Dogue de Bordeaux today is part of families all over the world with its generally calm and friendly behavior.

  1. Tosa Inu (556 PSI)

Tied in third place with the Dogue de Bordeaux, we have the Tosa Inu – or Japanese Mastiff -, a dog of Japanese origin that lives up to the physical capacity of the other mastiffs that make up our ranking. With a tendency to be more reserved and vigilant, dogs of this breed can be very protective and need to undergo socialization training - just like any other dog -, after all, nobody wants to know the strength that makes the furry one occupy such a high position in the world. strongest bite ranking in the world.

  1. Cane Corso (700 PSI)

Perhaps you are no longer surprised to learn that second place in our ranking belongs to yet another Mastiff, this time the Cane Corso – or Italian Mastiff. As muscular, imposing and agile as its “cousins” on the list, the breed also has an incredibly strong jaw musculature capable of crushing objects at 700 PSI.

  1. Kangal (743 PSI)

And finally, we present the dog with the strongest bite in the world: the Kangal. The dog appeared in the city of Kangal in Turkey, which explains the origin of its name. The breed is very traditional in Turkish families, being considered a national symbol.

Due to the physical capacity of its bite, it is believed that the breed can fight against lions, wolves, bears and jackals, since its super strong jaws would not be at a disadvantage. In addition, the whole body of the Kangal dog is considered to be strong, making it an excellent guard or herding dog.

Author: admin

Date: Jul 08 2023

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Socialization of dogs and cats

If you have a dog or cat, you should be seriously concerned with socialization. Without it your pet may grow up with phobias and fear, which can be the cause of aggression.

That's why it's important that you make a positive conditioning of the animal to new situations. Training consists of introducing the animal to a wide range of experiences and providing treats and treats so that it associates them with something positive.

What is socialization?

Socialization is the period in which the owner must teach his dog or cat to behave in the world. That's why it's important to be introduced to people, dogs, cats and other animals.

Socialization is a period of rapid change in the animal's behavior . There is maturation of the central nervous system and complete control of perception and response to stimuli

During this period , social behaviors, relationships and bonds with a figure are developed . In the same period , habituation to environmental stimuli should also occur . Good socialization allows the animal to incorporate its species and the human into the social structure.

How to socialize the dog and cat?

When the animal is exposed to the world for the first time it can be frightening. He needs to learn which situations are dangerous and which are not. If normal situations provoke fear in the animal and this is not corrected, it may have a phobia for the rest of its life.

To do so, you need to learn to live with all kinds of people and animals. So you should create a routine to introduce your animal to other animals and people . It's not enough to expose just one. It must be exposed to a high number of people and animals, so that it learns to tolerate the full spectrum of the population.

How important is socialization?

Socialization allows the animal to develop into a healthy adult. Lack of socialization can result in severe phobias and fear aggression . The animal that has not learned to deal with other animals may chase other species.

Fear of strangers can lead to aggressive behavior , which becomes a serious problem and can put the dog's life at risk. That's why it's important that trust is developed in humans and not just in the owner.

This makes it easier during visits to the vet, the groomer or if one day it gets lost and depends on the help of strangers to return home. In the case of dogs, they look for the owner to assess the situation and must trust him to make decisions.

Therefore, it is important that the owner actively participates in the socialization of the dog. He should teach you how to respond correctly to stimuli . Uncorrected fear or over-enthusiasm can persist for life. Therefore, if you want to have a reliable, educated and happy animal, it must insist on its socialization.

When does socialization begin?

Since socialization starts early, it is important that breeders introduce their offspring to positive experiences . The owner should continue training throughout life. This will bring benefits for the entire life of the animal.

Socialization should be an enjoyable activity for both the owner and the animal . As it uses conditioning, it is good that the animal associates the new socialization experiences with something positive . This makes him remain calm in strange situations for the rest of his life.

Active and passive socialization

Socialization should be active . Passive socialization occurs when the animal is exposed to stimuli without the owner's participation. The owner does not make a positive association through treats and treats.

On the contrary, in active socialization, the owner tries to make the animal like the new stimulus . He offers you treats and treats so that you start to associate the situation with something positive. Thus the dog develops in a healthy way.

Tips for socializing dogs and cats:

  • The owner must remain calm and patient, he must never punish the animal;

  • Always and only when the animal remains calm in the face of the stimulus, the owner must reward it with treats and treats;

  • If the animal is nervous or excited, move it away until it relaxes;

  • Choose calm people and animals to introduce your dog or cat;

  • Never force interaction, let the animal try to get to know the stranger;

  • Socialization should be fun for both the owner and the animal.

canine socialization

learn to be a dog

At 3 weeks the puppies become active and curious . Their interest in the unknown makes them more courageous than apprehensive. This exploration feature gradually decreases and is maintained up to 8 weeks.

While playing with littermates, they learn important lessons. They learn how to communicate, how to bite gently, and how dominant-submissive relationships work.

For example, when one dog bites another hard, its companion will yelp and run away or bite back. Both cases are negative for the first dog: if he bites hard, the game ends or he gets a bite back.

The mother also educates the dogs. When the puppy is rough at play or becomes naughty, the bitch disciplines him. It does this by growling or using dominant postures or physical reprimands.

Between 8 and 10 weeks, puppies become sensitive to new experiences and contexts . The degree of nervousness and fear varies with the individual, but the period (8 to 10 weeks) is consistent in all dogs. Therefore, owners must be especially careful not to expose the dog to stimuli that may frighten them.

How to socialize dogs?

The socialization period for dogs mainly occurs between 3 and 12 weeks . Puppies should only be adopted after 8 weeks . During this period, socialization will mainly consist of interaction with the mother and littermates.

It is important for him to learn social rules and how to control biting . The dog learns what the dog's natural behaviors are. The breeder should complement this education by introducing the dog to people and animals to start socialization.

When you receive the puppy, it is the owner's responsibility to socialize it correctly so that it develops into a healthy adult. Continuous socialization is positive and allows maintaining social relationships. In dogs, it is thought to be beneficial to maintain throughout the juvenile period.

With dogs, the ideal is to walk them, take them by car and make them meet a wide range of people and animals . In these, it is ideal to enroll in a training school from a young age. In this period obedience training is easier as the puppy learns faster. And it allows exposing the dog to other animals and strengthening the bond with the owner.

Playing with calm and controlled dogs

With regard to socialization between dogs, the ideal is that the puppy is exposed to calm dogs so that they are not afraid and live together peacefully. He can look for these dogs among his friends or by observing the behavior of dogs in the park.

Ideally, the dog should not scare your dog. He must be in a quiet place. Dogs should play under your supervision until they get tired. If your puppy is overly excited, you should calmly pull him away from his playmate.

Whenever he misbehaves in play, take him away from the other dog. Don't raise your voice or get upset. Simply pull it away and repeat as many times as necessary. So the dog will learn that when he is rough, the game is over. As he likes to play, he will start to control his strength and excitement. Repeat the conviviality 2 to 3 times a week .

build positive associations

The ideal is to provide treats during the walk when the dog is exposed to a new situation. He should stop away from the stimulus, make him focus on the owner and give him the treat . You should only give the treat if the dog remains calm .

As for people, you can ask for their help in training. Approach a person and ask him to pet the dog and offer him a treat. This ritual should be followed 2 to 3 times a week.

If the dog gets scared or barks, push him away and break his attention. The owner should always remain calm and treats should only be offered as a reward for good behavior.

You will have to train the dog by introducing it to a variety of situations such as:

  • Vehicles:

    • motorcycles and bicycles;

    • scooters and skateboards;

    • Garbage trucks;

    • Buses;

    • Trucks.

  • People:

    • Women and men;

    • Various ethnicities;

    • Various accessories: hats, walking sticks, sunglasses, prams, etc;

    • Uniforms;

    • Children, adults and seniors;

    • Crowds.

  • Animals

    • Large and small dogs;

    • Males and females;

    • Cats;

    • Other pets: rabbits, hamsters, turtles, iguanas, etc;

    • Farm or wild animals: doves, chickens, ducks, etc.

socializing adult dogs

When you adopt an adult animal, socialization becomes more complicated. The ideal is to start with a walk . Watch how the dog reacts from afar to each situation. As with the dog, you should reward him when he behaves well . When he reacts badly, simply push him away by remaining calm.

You can introduce him to one dog at a time. Take a walk with a friend who also has a dog, for example. You should not force your dog to interact with other animals.

If he's nervous, push him away and stay calm. You can approach little by little for the dog to gain confidence with the situation. The training will not be as fast and effective as with the puppy . However, it is possible to teach an adult dog to tolerate stimuli.

Feline socialization

learn to be cat

The socialization period in cats is shorter and less defined than in dogs. Occurs between the 2nd and 7th to 9th weeks of age . Through interaction with the siblings and the mother, they learn social behaviors, hunting and communication .

Amazingly, kittens can learn by watching their mother perform a task. This may be why a human-friendly mother cat encourages kittens to interact with people.

In cats there are sometimes training sessions . These allow the kitten to be exposed to new people and other kittens, and to interact with toys. The experience is positive and can have long-term benefits such as getting the cat used to car trips, as it associates them with something positive.

socialize the cat

It is necessary to spend a few minutes a day with the kittens in the first 5 weeks of age. This interaction allows them to mature into more sociable adults.

To socialize a fearful cat follow these tips:

  • Pet the cat and speak to it in a low, calm voice. If the cat gets nervous, leave him alone.

  • Provide treats whenever the cat behaves well.

  • Bring your friends home and let the cat get to know them. Don't force the interaction.

  • Introduce him to other cats of your friends, especially if your kitten is young.

Author: admin

Date: Jul 08 2023

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What vegetables and greens can the dog eat?

We know that enriching our diet with vegetables is essential for a healthier life! But does this logic apply to our dogs? 

Find out in the article which veggies are safe for dogs to eat and which ones they should avoid.

First of all: 2 important alerts! 

You should always see a veterinarian to determine which diet is appropriate for your dog depending on its health history when tutors start altering its food.

Many foods that may be excellent for some animals may pose risks to others. So, before introducing new foods into your best friend's day-to-day, talk to your trusted professional.

The second alert is related to the amount of greens, vegetables and snacks that should be offered to your pet. For this, veterinarians indicate a general practical rule for tutors: “treats” should never constitute more than 10% of the total calories that the dog ingests per day. 90% of their diet should consist of the feed recommended by their veterinarian. So always keep the 10/90 rule in mind when considering giving your dog some of the foods listed in this article.

With that in mind, let's go to the complete guide to vegetables that dogs can eat!

Greens and vegetables that the dog CAN eat.

Can the dog eat a chayote?

Yes, the dog can eat chayote. The food can be consumed raw or cooked, being a rich source of B vitamins, vitamin A, fiber, phosphorus, calcium and iron.

Can the dog eat pumpkin?

Yes, the dog can eat pumpkins. The legume, offered without peel and without seeds, offers benefits to the dog through antioxidants such as vitamin C, A, and E that act on the immune system and soluble fibers that help in the functioning of the digestive system.

Can the dog eat zucchini?

Yes, the dog can eat zucchini. The vegetable is very healthy and safe for pets and can be offered raw or cooked and is a great source of vitamin A, E, and minerals.

Can the dog eat potatoes?

Yes, the dog can eat potatoes, as long as they are cooked. When raw, the potato contains a substance called solamine, which is harmful to the dog, but if offered correctly it can be an interesting source of vitamins and minerals.

Can dogs eat sweet potatoes?

Yes, the dog can eat sweet potatoes, as long as they are cooked. Just like the traditional potato, this tuber can cause poisoning in dogs if eaten raw. However, if eaten cooked, sweet potatoes are an important source of vitamin A, calcium, potassium and fiber.

Can the dog eat broccoli?

Yes, the dog can eat broccoli. The vegetable is one of the favorites of dogs, in addition to being healthy, as it is rich in calcium, iron, potassium and vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C. Remember, however, to always offer the broccoli cooked and without spices for your dog to enjoy.

Can the dog eat beans?

Yes, the dog can eat green beans. The vegetable is rich in a number of important nutrients for the pet’s organism, such as vitamins B, A, K, magnesium and potassium. However, excessive consumption can increase the concentration of uric acid in the dog's metabolism, and should be avoided if he suffers from kidney problems.

Can the dog eat carrots?

Yes, the dog can eat carrots. When offered cooked, the dog takes much more advantage of the nutrients and vitamins in the food, but it can also be offered raw in small pieces for recreation and teeth cleaning.

Can the dog eat cauliflower?

Yes, the dog can eat cauliflower. The vegetable is rich in vitamin A which helps in the dog's vision, in addition to vitamin K which is good for blood clotting. It is important to offer it in moderate amounts because it has a high amount of fiber and can cause discomfort in the pet's intestine.

Can the dog eat jiló?

Yes, the dog can eat eggplant. However, prefer cooked eggplant, as the bitter taste of the raw vegetable may not be attractive to dogs. The eggplant is full of nutrients such as vitamin A, B, calcium, and fiber that are very beneficial for us and dogs.

Can the dog eat peppers?

Yes, the dog can eat peppers. You can offer it raw, but prefer the cooked vegetable for better digestion. Although all the “colors” of bell pepper are allowed, the best for dogs is red because it has a lower level of acidity.

Can the dog eat lettuce?

Yes, the dog can eat lettuce. Among the various nutrients present in lettuce are: vitamin A, B, K, calcium, potassium and iron!

Can the dog eat cassava?

Yes, the dog can eat cassava. It should be served cooked to the dog in small amounts, but never offer elaborate or greasy recipes, with frying, seasonings or any other preparation that is not natural.

Can the dog eat cassava?

Yes, the dog can eat cassava. The legume has several benefits such as B vitamins, vitamin A, E and D, as well as minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. She, like other tubers, should be served boiled and in small quantities.

Can the dog eat cucumber?

Yes, the dog can eat cucumber. He is an excellent option for overweight dogs, as he is light, contains little fat and carbohydrate, and is rich in vitamins K, C and B1, in addition to potassium, copper, magnesium and biotin.

Can the dog eat eggplant?

Yes, the dog can eat eggplant. It can be served in small portions, roasted, boiled or braised, but always without seasoning. Eggplant is a great snack for dogs because it is low in calories and helps with fat metabolism.

Can dogs eat spinach?

Yes, the dog can eat spinach. This vegetable is super rich in vitamins (A, complex B, C, K) and minerals (iron, potassium, magnesium, and sodium), in addition to bringing antioxidant benefits and aiding in digestion. However, if consumed in excess, it can bring intestinal discomfort to the dog, so always offer it in small amounts.

Can the dog eat tomatoes?

Yes, the dog can eat tomatoes. Just as we love this vegetable, dogs can too. However, it should be consumed in small quantities, raw, very ripe and only the pulp, avoiding the skin and seeds. Excessive intake of tomatoes can cause problems with the dog's heart and nervous system, so always be very careful.

Greens and vegetables that the dog CANNOT or SHOULD NOT eat.

Can dogs eat green tomatoes?

No, the dog cannot eat green tomatoes. This prohibition is due to the fact that it has a chemical compound called “glycoalkaloid” that is toxic to dogs. The symptoms that dogs can show if they have accidentally ingested green tomatoes are: gas, vomiting, and diarrhea. If this happens to your dog, you need to observe his behavior and take him to the vet.

Can the dog eat pepper?

No, the dog cannot eat pepper. It can be just as harmful to dogs as it is to us humans, causing extreme gastrointestinal discomfort and symptoms of intoxication. So no offering your furry pepper!

Can dogs eat onions?

No, the dog cannot eat onions. That's because it contains a substance called iosulfate that affects the dog's hemoglobin, responsible for transporting oxygen through the body. So this food is 100% OUT of the picture.

Can the dog eat garlic?

No, the dog cannot eat garlic. As in the case of onions, garlic contains “thiosulfate” which attacks the cells responsible for transporting oxygen in the body. Depending on the amount of garlic or onion ingested by the dog, he may even have a serious case of anemia.

Can the dog eat corn?

The dog must not eat corn. Although cooked corn is not toxic to dogs, raw or undercooked corn can cause indigestion and diarrhea. In addition, it can contain fungi that are highly dangerous to the dog's health and can lead to death. With regard to cooked corn, it is not harmful for dogs, but it should be prepared only in water and never offered with the cob, as it can cause intestinal obstruction.

Can the dog eat arugula?

The dog must not eat arugula. Although not toxic to dogs, it does not bring benefits to your health and presents risks of causing gastrointestinal discomfort if ingested in excess.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 07 2023

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The Border Collie: A Remarkable Canine Breed

The Border Collie is a dog breed that has caught the attention of many people since its inception. Your intelligence and your affection are great differentials. We'll talk a little about all their features in this article and show you everything you need to know about them.

Collie breed

The Border Collie is a canine breed of the Collie type, shepherd dog, which was considered the most intelligent dog that exists in the book “The Intelligence of Dogs”, by Stanley Coren.

It is known that they can learn to recognize more than a thousand words. In addition, they are also dogs that like to be commanded.

This all facilitates the work and relationship between the tutor and the dog. However, nowadays many people really want to have a dog at home, as it is a very docile breed.

Origin of the Border Collie

Even though the name is not officially registered, the appearance of these dogs dates back to the 16th century, in which they worked with herding and were better than many other breeds.

Border Collie (Border Collie) has this meaning due to the Anglo-Scottish border, which is in Great Britain. By the way, at that time they were already used for grazing. It is worth remembering that Collie in Celtic means useful.


This breed can have many colors, less predominantly white. This is even excluded from the standard by the International Federation of Cynology, as it is considered a color more conducive to attracting diseases due to genetics.

But there are several different colors like Black, Blue, Red Merle, Blue Merle, Brindle, Lilac, Sable Merle, Chocolate, Red, and Gold.

Size and height of the Border Collie

It is a medium-sized breed, not very suitable for living in small environments or apartments, as it is a very active dog and needs space to expend its energy.

The height of a Border Collie varies with the male being 48-56cm and the female 46-53cm.

Life expectancy

For the most part, life expectancy is between 10 and 17 years. However, this will depend a lot on how the Border Collie is cared for and on its genetics.

All whites may have more health problems, which can interfere with their lifespan. In addition, there are other forms of care that can affect the dog's health, but we'll get to that later.

The Border Collie breed belongs to group 1, designated to Shepherd Dogs and Cattle Dogs (Except Swiss Cattle Dogs).

The personality of a Border Collie

Personality is built little by little. This since his birth and living with his brothers. Socialization is an important step in defining a dog's behavior.

That's why it's essential to release the puppies only after 60 days at least, which is the time when the puppy will start to socialize.

They are not aggressive dogs

On the contrary, they are very calm, some can even be more shy depending on the creation. It is a process that greatly influences socialization as we said before.

When living with younger children, it is always good to be aware and avoid accidents such as a bite during play, as they really like to play that way.

Active dog

The Border Collie is an active dog and has a lot of energy to burn. That's why knowing this is fundamental because they need to spend that energy somehow. It's a great choice for anyone who likes to take their dog for a run.

It's a real companion

If you want to get a dog of this breed, it will probably change your lifestyle. And you'll need all the affection you can give. The connection between owner and dog must be deep and you will always have to leave time for him.

Breed history

The Collie's ancestors were in Scotland and its name refers to the Border valleys on the border with England.

They were raised and commanded by the shepherds and used to herd the sheep. But at the time most dogs made a lot of noise.

Until in a contest. A dog managed to intimidate the sheep with a simple look, without making any noise. In 1915 the name Border Collie was registered, before that they were known as sheepdogs (sheep shepherds).

After all this, the breed still became very competitive in obedience tournaments. Besides being one of the smartest races in the world.

Border Collie: Curiosities

  • They are more sensitive than other dogs, precisely because they are on alert all the time;

  • They are at all times with their hardworking and obedient instinct;

  • The coat helps to deal with the different temperatures;

  • It's a dog that doesn't need to take many baths, usually, 1 a month is enough;

  • A dog's behavior is built from an early age.

Health care

When they are sick, they don't show much pain. So, it's important to observe your behavior in life. Despite this, you will hardly have problems with the health of your Border Collie. However, it is essential to spend his energy, running or playing. The lack of this energy expenditure can lead to problems such as anxiety, depression, or even behavioral problems. The same can happen due to the lack of interaction and affection. So remember that you need to repay all your fellowship!

And as I said before, removing the puppy before living with the siblings can also affect its behavior. As well as a lack of training, which has the same effect. It's basic care, but it makes a huge difference in their lives.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 07 2023

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9 unusual facts about dogs

Dogs are animals that never cease to amaze us. The list of characteristics and skills they have ranged from unique fingerprints to the ability to detect very serious diseases in humans using only their sense of smell. Discover today 9 curiosities about our greatest companions that you probably didn't know yet.


  1. Dogs are able to differentiate languages

A recent Hungarian study found that dogs are able to recognize different languages ​​and words they don't understand. In the research, the furry ones were placed to listen to the book “The Little Prince” in two different languages ​​and showed that different parts of their brains lit up when exposed to familiar and unfamiliar languages.

  1. Dogs can understand, on average, 89 words.

A study carried out in Canada with dogs of different breeds revealed that, on average, our furry companions can understand 89 words that their tutors speak.

So, when we try to speak with our dogs, they actually understand commands like eat, walk, and sit.

The researchers were even able to map which are the 10 words most understood by dogs, namely: 

– The name of the dog; 

- Sit down

- Come

– Good girl/Good boy 

- Get down

- Stay

- Hang on

- No

- OK

- Leave it. 

  1. The breed of a dog has no bearing on its personality.

A study published in 2022 in the journal Science points out that dog breeds are not good indicators of their behavior, explaining only 9% of the differences in habits from dog to dog. 

The study conducted by researchers at the University of Washington and Arizona State University, in the United States, pointed out that other factors, such as the environment in which the dog is raised and the treatment received, may have a greater impact on the dog's personality than your race. Thus, the results of the study suggest that rather than using breed as an indicator of a dog's personality, it may be more useful to assess each dog individually to determine its behavioral traits and specific needs.

  1. Dogs can detect diseases, such as cancer, through their sense of smell. 

Dogs are able to identify many serious illnesses, including cancer, through their sense of smell. This is due to the fact that cancer cells produce different odors than healthy cells, and dogs' keen sense of smell allows them to detect these differences. In 2019, the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology presented impressive results from an experiment that identified positive samples for lung cancer with 97% accuracy, for example. This discovery could revolutionize the way cancer is diagnosed, making tests more effective, faster, and less invasive. In addition, dogs can also help in the prevention and early detection of other diseases, such as diabetes and epilepsy, for example, through their keen sense of smell.

  1. Dogs can donate blood. 

Blood donation is a fundamental practice not only for humans but also for the pet community. Just like humans, they have specific characteristics in their organism that distinguish them from each other, from their coat, breed and behavior to their blood type. The requirements for a dog to be a blood donor are:

– Be between 1 and 8 years old; 

– With docile temperament;

– Up-to-date vaccinations and deworming;

– Control of fleas and ticks;

– No disease or previous transfusion;

– Be around 28 kg. 

  1. Dogs age 40 years in the first 2 years of age.

Scientists at the University of California found that puppies age rapidly in the first few years of life, but then their aging slows down in later years. The researchers tracked the biological age of 104 Labs and found that, at two years old, they were equivalent to a human in their early 40s. Thus, 2-year-old dogs are closer to 40 human years than to 14, as was believed for many years. 

  1. Dogs know how to differentiate shades of gray with mastery - but they see other colors too. 

It's a big myth that dogs see the world in black and white. This has long been believed because while humans have three color receptors, dogs only have two. This means, in effect, that they detect tones in a different and more limited way than we do. 

But even so, dogs are able to capture yellow-gray and bluish tones, in addition to perfectly distinguishing different shades of gray, a capacity that we humans do not have.

  1. An adult dog's heart beats twice as fast as a human's. 

Heart rate is an important indicator of an animal's health, and the differences between human and canine heart rates are significant. While the normal heart rate of an adult human ranges between 68 and 86 beats per minute, the normal heart rate of a healthy adult dog can range from 70 to 160 beats per minute. This means that a dog's heart rate can be nearly twice that of a human. 

It's worth remembering that a dog's pulse rate varies depending on size, breed, age, activity level, and body temperature. Smaller dogs like Chihuahuas tend to have a higher heart rate, while larger dogs like Great Danes tend to have a lower heart rate.

  1. A dog's nose is its fingerprint. 

Just like us, animals also have unique patterns on their bodies that help with their identification. However, they are not at the tip of their paws, as you might imagine. The most widely used method of identifying dogs is the nose print. This region has creases, reliefs, and lines that form a unique design for each pet! In practice, this means that no dog or cat will have a face like the other. 

Author: admin

Date: Jun 05 2023

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What fruits can dogs eat? See the complete list!

Dog tutors are always concerned about how they can enrich the diet of their furry ones and, therefore, resort to special diets that may even include fruit!

However, many are in doubt about which of them would actually be released for consumption by their dogs. With that in mind, we have gathered in this article the fruits that dogs can eat and those that they should stay away from.

First of all: 2 important alerts!

You should always see a veterinarian to determine which diet is appropriate for your dog depending on its health history when tutors start altering its food.

Many items, especially fruit, can be risky for some animals even while they may be great for others. Therefore, consult with your preferred specialist before adding some of these delectable tiny fruits into the routine of your closest companion.

The second alert is related to the number of fruits and snacks that should be offered to your pet. For this, veterinarians indicate a general practical rule for tutors: treats should never constitute more than 10% of the total calories that the dog ingests per day. 90% of their diet should consist of the feed recommended by their veterinarian. So always keep the 10/90 rule in mind when considering giving your dog some berries.

With that in mind, let's go to the complete guide to fruits that dogs can eat!

Fruits that dogs can eat.

Can dogs eat strawberries?

Yes, dogs can eat strawberries. The fruit has a low caloric content, is a source of vitamin A, and B vitamins, fiber, minerals, and antioxidants. Strawberries should always be offered seedless, without stems, and in low quantities.

Can dogs eat raspberries?

Yes, dogs can eat raspberries, as the fruit does not pose a risk to dogs when administered in low amounts.

Can dogs eat blueberries?

Yes, dogs can eat blackberries. It has vitamin C, fibers, antioxidants and minerals that benefit the immune system, slow down aging, and is a great ally of the brain, heart, and other organs of the animal.

Can dogs eat peaches?

Yes, dogs can eat peaches. The typical summer fruit has several nutrients, such as vitamins A and C, and antioxidants, and has a high fiber and sugar content, and should be given in moderation, especially for dogs with a predisposition to diabetes and overweight. Remember to always remove the pit and peels before offering it to your sweetie.

Can dogs eat mangoes?

Yes, dogs can eat mangoes. The fruit pleases the palate of dogs, in addition to having vitamins that will make you strong and healthy. It can be offered without the shell and without the core to prevent the dog from choking, in addition to small amounts.

Can dogs eat apples?

Yes, dogs can eat apples. She is a great snack for dogs, as she is rich in vitamin A and C. In addition, the apple is a food with a firmer texture, low in fat, and excellent for obese and elderly pets. Always offer the fruit without the stem and seeds.

Can dogs eat bananas?

Yes, dogs can eat bananas. Although they don't benefit in the same way as we do from this amazing fruit, dogs extract a lot of fiber, vitamin A and C, helping to boost their immune system!

Can dogs eat cashews?

Yes, dogs can eat cashews. The fruit contains many benefits for dogs such as vitamins A, B, and C, minerals, and fiber. It must be offered without sweeteners, ripe, cut into pieces and in small amounts for them.

Can dogs eat papaya?

Yes, dogs can eat papaya. Great source of vitamins A and C, fibers, and important minerals, such as potassium and calcium, the fruit contains the papain enzyme, which works by facilitating digestion. Thus, you need to be careful with the amount administered, as it may end up loosening your dog's intestines too much.

Can dogs eat melon?

Yes, dogs can eat melon. Fruit is an excellent option for dogs that have a habit of ingesting little water, in addition to having vitamin A, B and potassium.

Can dogs eat watermelon?

Yes, dogs can eat watermelon. Composed of 92% water, watermelon is another excellent option to keep your pet hydrated, with vitamins A and B6. Remember to always offer seedless and peeled fruit.

Can dogs eat pears?

Yes, dogs can eat pears. Just like the apple, the texture of the pear makes the fruit a great snack option for our furry ones. Source of vitamins A and K, potassium, calcium and phosphorus, it can be served in small amounts for the dog.

Can dogs eat gossip?

Yes, dogs can eat gossip. If you deceive anyone who thinks that just because it's citrus, the fruit would be off that list. It must always be given to your dog without the shell, without the seeds and in amounts that do not exceed 10% of the daily calories consumed by him. If offered correctly, tangerine is an excellent source of vitamin A and C, potassium and fiber.

Can dogs eat guava?

Yes, dogs can eat guava. Considered by some veterinarians as one of the most interesting fruits for dogs, guava has interesting amounts of folic acid, potassium, vitamin A and C and fiber, which can benefit the animal's intestinal health.

Can dogs eat coconut?

Yes, dogs can eat coconut. With benefits similar to those they bring to us humans, the fruit has a high amount of “good fat” that can be consumed by the dog, of course, always in low amounts.

Can dogs eat prunes?

Yes, dogs can eat plums. But NEVER with the lump. In addition to offering great risks of choking for dogs - especially for puppies -, the lump has cyanide in its composition, a toxic substance for the organism of many animals, including dogs. Thus, properly offered, plum pulp is a good source of vitamin A, B complex and fiber.

Can dogs eat figs ?

Yes, dogs can eat figs. The fruit is not considered toxic for dogs, in addition to ensuring vitamins A, B and E, fibers and being an interesting source of calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium that contribute to the healthy functioning of the animal's organism. It is important to always clean the fruit and remove the skins and seeds before giving it to the dog.

Can dogs eat jabuticaba?

Yes, dogs can eat jabuticaba. The fruit is rich in antioxidants, essentially in its skin, and therefore it can be a good snack option for dogs. Despite this, it has a lot of fructose and calories, so it should not be offered in large amounts, always following the 10% rule.

Can dogs eat passion fruit?

Yes, dogs can eat passion fruit. However, always without the lumps and in small quantities. It is worth remembering that the main vitamin in the fruit is ascorbic acid (or vitamin C), which is already naturally synthesized by the body of healthy dogs, so the fruit will not bring as many benefits to the dog.

Fruits that dogs CANNOT eat.

Can dogs eat grapes?

No, dogs cannot eat grapes. It is not exactly known the reason for intoxication in dogs due to the fruit, but the grape is dangerous for them in any quantity.

Some animals may have more severe reactions than others, but the most common symptoms of grape poisoning are: reduced appetite, lethargy or weakness.

Vomiting, diarrhea, flabbiness of the abdomen, dehydration, increased thirst, decreased urine output, and may even lead to cases of kidney failure.

Thus, if your dog has ingested grapes, it is essential to take him to a veterinary clinic to receive the necessary assistance from a professional.

Can dogs eat raisins?

No, dogs cannot eat raisins. Like traditional grapes, the raisin is a fruit that the dog should stay away from, as it causes different reactions that can lead to kidney failure and death of the animal. In case of ingestion, seek veterinary advice as soon as possible.

Can dogs eat cherry?

No, dogs cannot eat cherries. Due to the concentration of cyanide in the peel and seed of the cherry – a substance that causes intoxication and disrupts cellular transport – experts do not recommend that tutors offer the fruit to their dogs as a snack.

If your dog has ingested cherries, be aware of signs of intoxication, such as vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, and tremors, and look for a veterinarian at the slightest sign of change in the animal's behavior.

Can dogs eat avocado?

No, dogs cannot eat avocados. The fruit contains persin, a toxic substance for dogs that can cause mild or severe gastrointestinal complications. In addition, it is a very fatty fruit and contains a core that can cause suffocation in dogs. Thus, avocados should never be included in the diet of dogs.

If your dog has ingested an avocado, keep an eye on his behavior. At the sign of any change or abnormal behavior, such as abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and apathy, look for a veterinary emergency room.

Can dogs eat carambola?

No, dogs cannot eat carambola. The star-shaped fruit has soluble calcium oxalate salts that can lead to kidney failure in dogs with weak or even healthy kidneys! In addition, the fruit contains a substance called caramboxin, which further impairs kidney health and can lead to neurological changes in the animal.

So, in case of ingestion of carambola, take your dog for medical assistance from a veterinarian.

Can dogs eat pineapple?

No, dogs cannot eat pineapple. In general, the fruit is not toxic to dogs; however, because it is very acidic, it can cause gastritis or other complications in your friend's stomach. Thus, pineapple is not a good treat for dogs.

Author: admin

Date: May 30 2023

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How to shave a dog at home

Do you spend more than you should on your dog's hygiene between bathing, grooming, nails and everything else? Or let the pet become a fur ball due to lack of money? Does your friend suffer from fear and stress every time he has to face the pet shop? So how about learning how to take care of your puppy alone? Combine the right products and equipment with a good dose of affection and patience, and learn with us how to shave a dog at home!

Step by step on how to shave a dog at home

1 – Gather all the materials you will need

You don't want to be looking for tools and products when you're already hands-on. If it's already complicated having to drop a wet dog in the bathtub or shower and go get the shampoo, imagine getting the puppy ready for the grooming and having to go look for where you left the clipper!

 From the time of the bath, have shampoo and conditioner (if necessary) within reach of your free hand – the one you won't be used to hold and soothe your friend. Also, keep towels handy and some snacks in case you need them.

The grooming tools, such as a comb, clipper, and scissors, should be close at hand so that you don't have to move your dog from one side to the other once dry, but they should be sheltered from water.

And don't forget to put a non-slip pad on the bottom of the bathtub or on the floor of the shower, so your friend doesn't slip during the bath. He could get hurt or scared and make the whole process impossible.

2 – Comb the dog first

By the way, know that the ideal is to brush your friend every day. This process maintains healthier fur and skin, even reducing the frequency of necessary baths.

But, returning to how to shave your dog, combing is important to undo knots and tangles that may be in the coat. Here, just brushing is not enough, because there are times when the brush simply goes over the knots and does not undo the tangle.

The comb will undo them, allowing you to handle all the hair during clipping. And when you find a tangle, use the comb or brush to gently detangle. Remember to comb the tail inclusive.

3 – Cut the knots that were not undone

Some knots can be very difficult to undo. Insisting can cause pain, skin irritation and even make your dog stressed or aggressive. In that case, cut all the hair that is part of the mat.

Always try to cut in the direction of hair growth, so as not to spoil the design of the coat. And be extremely careful if you're going to do this with scissors - by the way, choose scissors with a round trip, to avoid hurting your friend.

4 – Start with the bath

The whole process starts in the water. First, choose the right place for the bath. In some cases, depending on the size of the dog and the climate, it is easier to wash your friend in the backyard, for example. Especially for those dogs trying to escape the bathtub.

For smaller, calmer dogs, or when the weather outside doesn't allow it, you can use the laundry tub or a basin, and a bathtub or shower for large dogs. The most important thing here is to make sure that the water is warm, so as not to harm the animal's health.

5 – Start washing from the back

And come forward, leaving the head last. She always waters her dog very carefully. Running a shower or hose over the animal can startle it. Rinse it thoroughly before applying shampoo. And never get wet inside the ears, which can cause ear infection.

For shampoo, read the manufacturer's guidelines. In general, rather than applying the product directly to the coat, place a small amount on your hand and rub it in to dilute it before applying it to the dog.

Start at the neck (don't shampoo the head and ears - clean them with a wet cloth at the end) and spread towards the paws and tail. Rinse thoroughly until you are sure there is no shampoo left on the skin and hair.

Long-haired dogs may need conditioner. Repeat the same shampoo process and do not leave any product left after rinsing.

6 – Dry your dog

First, wring out excess water with your hands, pushing the wet coat in the direction of hair growth. Then, use a terry towel to dry it off. Also, allow him to shake his body to remove the water.

Avoid the use of dryers, prefer the hair to dry naturally. However, if use is unavoidable, use it at a comfortable temperature and distance, and do not point it at your head. If the coat is long, you can brush it while it dries.

7 – Wipe your eyes

This step can be simpler or more complicated depending on your dog's breed and color. In general, cleaning the eyes boils down to removing scum from the corners with a damp handkerchief. However, some long-coated dogs, and especially light-colored ones, can have tear stains. For this, there are specific products in specialized stores.


As for shaving around the eyes, only do it if you are completely sure you know what you are doing and have the right tools for the operation. In case of doubt, even if minimal, choose to transfer responsibility to a specialist. Any mistake can blind your pet!

8 – Clean the ears

Another step on how to shave a dog at home includes cleaning your friend's ears. The best way to do it is to apply a solution for cleaning the ears of animals (which you can buy in specialized stores) or saline solution, with the help of a cotton ball.

You don't need to stick the cotton inside your ears, only as far as you can see. Just remove wax and dirt, without scrubbing too hard. Dry the ears with a dry cotton swab, also without rubbing.

If the ears are irritated, red or blackened, swollen, oozing, or smelling, see a veterinarian as soon as possible.

9 – Only clip when your friend is completely dry

The process of how to shave a dog at home begins to require more care now.

First of all, have the right tools for grooming. Ordinary scissors, razors, and devices for cutting human hair do not work the same way for animals.

Choose to buy a clipper from specialized stores to ensure an aesthetically successful and safe clipper. And the blades need to be sharp, so you don't pull the fur.

10 – Choose your friend’s look before starting

Some breeds even have characteristic clipping designs that can be followed to improve aesthetics. Only cut when you are sure of the cut you want to make.

11- Methodically cough

You can place the blade against the dog's body as long as you don't press it hard into the skin. ALWAYS pass the machine in the direction of hair growth. Move the cutter slowly across the body – moving too fast can leave jagged lines.

Start at the neck, then move down to the shoulders, below the ears, and towards the chin and chest. NEVER use large blades, size 7 or larger, around the throat, tendons, armpits, genitals, tail, and anus. These angled areas can get caught inside the machine's blades, which is extremely dangerous.

Then shave the back and sides – always in the direction of the hair. And finally, the paws.

12 – Be very careful with the neck and anus

NEVER cut straight across the neck so that you are able to see the direction you are moving the machine. Also, use caution when removing hair from around the anus.

The anus can come out during clipping and be accidentally cut. NEVER pass the machine over the anus, only around and under the tail.

Shaving paws, tail, and face can also bother your friend. So pay close attention to sudden movements in order not to hurt him.

Tips on how to shave a dog at home

Give your friend some time

Standing bathed and groomed can be tiring for a dog. If you notice him becoming restless or upset, take a short break so he can rest and recover. During the break, give them snacks and cuddle them.

Use proper equipment

Find out about clippers, blades, scissors, combs, brushes, and hygiene products when deciding to shave your dog at home. There are different tools for different types of dogs. Do your research, talk to experts, and purchase your materials in specialized and trusted stores.

Take your time

Don't pull your friend's fur with the brush or comb. Also, be sure to keep the blades on your clipper very sharp so the clipper doesn't pull or pull the dog's hair either.

Do not move the cutter too quickly or press too hard against the animal's skin. And even control the temperature of the clipper, as well as the water and dryer during and after the bath.

Go in the right direction

Note that your dog's hair changes the direction of growth according to the area of ​​the body. Grooming should always follow this direction, respecting the differences in each part of the animal.

Restrain your dog

The process of shaving your dog at home can be quite exhausting for him. Therefore, secure him with a collar so that he does not move or run away during all procedures, which could be dangerous for him.

Finally, in addition to understanding how to shave your dog at home, you can also learn how to cut your friend's nails and brush their teeth, for complete hygiene, without needing a pet shop.

The sooner you start with the whole process, the sooner your friend will get used to it. And the more relaxed and adapted he is, the faster and easier it will be for you.

Author: admin

Date: May 30 2023

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Does a dog have night vision?

Many myths circulate around about the vision of dogs, after all, are dogs able to see in the dark or not? First, it is important to understand how animal vision works. Despite having this sense similar to ours, dogs do not have very good vision. They don't see very well from afar, for example, and they are able to see colors, despite what many people think. But what about seeing in the dark? Let's unravel this mystery.

For this, we need to minimally understand how vision is formed, and from there, we begin to understand how dogs see. Dogs' eyes have different ways of capturing colors and light than ours. This makes them look inferior to ours in some respects. Felines, for example, see less than humans during the day, but at night their vision captures light in a way that leaves our vision far behind. That's because cats' eyes are better at capturing light, while ours are better at color. In dogs, something similar happens. Seeing less clearly during the day is not a problem for four-legged friends. On the contrary, they have a much more acute sense of smell and hearing than humans, so they easily compensate for this difficulty in vision.

Do dogs see in black and white?

This is yet another myth that runs around. After all, are dogs able to see and discern colors? The answer is a yes, they see colors, but with some caveats. Our human eye has three color receptors, this means that we can distinguish the three primary colors and their combinations. Therefore, the color chart that our eyes can differ from is immense. 

The same is not true of dogs. They only have two receivers and that makes them not see some specific shades. In this way, their brain automatically replaces unrecognized variations with shades of gray. So this story that dogs only see in black and white is a legend. Even though they can't see like we do, they are able to see and distinguish colors, even with limitations. Speaking of limitation, there is yet another detail about canine vision: they don't see well from afar. Does this mean my dog ​​is nearsighted? That's about it… The way images are formed on your retinas is different from the way we see the world. 

A person can see just fine from meters away, provided they don't have any visual impairments or wear corrective glasses. But a dog sees well only at a very short distance. And no, they don't need to wear glasses to see farther objects better. This is something natural for them and this difference is compensated by other more acute senses, such as smell and hearing. Does this mean my dog ​​is nearsighted? That's about it… The way images are formed on your retinas is different from the way we see the world. 

A person can see just fine from meters away, provided they don't have any visual impairments or wear corrective glasses. But a dog sees well only at a very short distance. And no, they don't need to wear glasses to see farther objects better. This is something natural for them and this difference is compensated by other more acute senses, such as smell and hearing. Does this mean my dog ​​is nearsighted? That's about it… The way images are formed on your retinas is different from the way we see the world. 

A person can see just fine from meters away, provided they don't have any visual impairments or wear corrective glasses. But a dog sees well only at a very short distance. And no, they don't need to wear glasses to see farther objects better. This is something natural for them and this difference is compensated by other more acute senses, such as smell and hearing.

How does dog night vision work?

Dogs see colors and don't see distant objects as clearly. However, they possess a skill that would be enviable for humans. It's like night vision. This is due to the fact that the animal has more light receptors, so its vision captures more information in less well-lit environments, such as dim light, for example. It doesn't mean they can see everything in complete darkness. Even if they have more luminosity receptors, it still needs some minimal luminosity for him to capture and see something. 

This way he sees better in half-light contexts and low-light environments, but he is not able to see anything in completely dark environments, just like us. What differentiates, in this case, are the more refined senses of orientation, location, and scent, as well as excellent hearing for picking up noise from wind, people, and other animals. This makes dogs move better in the dark, and better able to discern directions and follow clues.

Make sure your dog sees well for life

Our dear four-legged friends unfortunately have a shorter life span than ours. While the average life expectancy of a person can reach 80 or 90 years, among dogs and cats the age range can reach a maximum of 16 or 17 years, with some exceptions, of course. 

This makes dogs reach adulthood much earlier and consequently, their old age is also early. Vision and eye health problems among elderly animals are very common, so it's important to pay attention to some signs that dogs show when they have impaired or sick vision. Some problems can be avoided or reduced. Therefore, even if old age is something inevitable and certain, it is worth taking care of it. so that our friends reach their full age with the highest quality of life possible. So pay attention to the main signs of eye diseases that affect the vision of dogs and cats:

  • Difficulty dodging objects: If your dog bumps into things that he could get around before, this could be an indication that his eyes aren't working so well. It's worth a trip to the vet so that he can refer you to an ophthalmologist for dogs or other alternatives.

  • Change in eye color: You've probably seen an elderly dog ​​with white eyes or altered natural color. This also indicates problems with the pet's vision.

  • Intense secretion in the eyes: Dogs can also be affected by conjunctivitis and other eye irritations. Therefore, if your animal produces a lot of dreams and secretion in the eyes, be aware and look for an expert.

Vision problems directly influence the quality of life of animals, so it is important to seek medical care when noticing something different from the ordinary. With all this valuable information you can take much better care of those who take care of you and bring joy and lightness to your life: your dog. And now you understand more about how his vision works and you can even better understand his behavior in some situations. 

Author: admin

Date: May 30 2023

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The Ultimate Guide to Traveling with Dogs: Tips for a Safe and Enjoyable Adventure

The vacation trip is a moment awaited by the whole family. It's time to relax, get to know new landscapes and create great memories. In the midst of so many good things, your four-legged friend doesn't need to be left behind; as it is possible to travel with a dog and ensure that he also enjoys it.

However, before setting foot on the road, it is important to plan, as there are specific precautions to avoid problems and maintain the well-being of the pet. Sound complicated? Don't worry! Below you will see 9 tips for a successful trip. Check out!

1. Consult the veterinarian

Everything should start with a trip to the vet, as you need to know if the pet is able to make the trip. Very young dogs that have not been vaccinated, for example, are not eligible to embark on this adventure. Older or sick people may also not be indicated.

There are also some breeds that are sensitive to certain conditions, such as too low or too high a temperature. To top it all off, dogs that are anxious or that have already shown dissatisfaction on this type of walk require special attention. It is the veterinarian who can authorize the trip and indicate the best care. If applicable, he can still administer components that make the pet calm at the time of displacement.

2. Pay attention to the means of transport

Then you need to make a good assessment of the means of transport. Each one requires special care, so it's best to know how to proceed in each situation.


In the case of transport by car, leave aside that idea of ​​having the dog free, with its head out the window while the wind blows, as it can cause ear problems and accidents with other vehicles. In addition, if the dog is loose, it can disturb your direction or get hurt in abrupt braking.

As unsafe transport of pets is considered a traffic violation, invest in protection. The easiest way is to use a carrier, but there are special harnesses and “chairs” for dogs.


For those who intend to travel with a dog on the bus, it is necessary to know the rules of each vehicle. There are companies that require an exclusive ticket for the pet while others do not. There may also be some limitations on the number of animals inside the bus.

All transport is conditioned to the use of the appropriate box so that it travels safely. Before the trip confirm with the company responsible for the line to avoid boarding problems.


In the case of airplanes, the procedure depends on the size of the animal. Small dogs must be in transport boxes between 7 and 10 kilos and go in the cabin itself. The medium and large ones need to be kept in boxes made of reinforced and safe material. They are carried in the cargo hold throughout the journey.

Each airline has its rules and they should be known beforehand. If it is the case for an international trip, be sure to see what the destination country says about it.

3. Find out what documents are required

Another important point of traveling with a dog is the required documentation. For health reasons, it is common to have to present some documents. By car or bus, just show a certificate from the veterinarian that indicates the health conditions. The professional must be registered with the Regional Council of Veterinary Medicine (CRMV) for the document to be valid.

As for air travel, and especially international ones, the list is longer. You must give the anti-rabies vaccine at least 30 days in advance. After this period, it will be tested and a report will be issued.

It is also necessary to carry out microchipping, which allows the identification of the dog in any country. On international tours, quarantine may be required to ensure the effectiveness of the vaccination. Countries have varying periods, so you need to plan for the pet to be released at the right time.

Last but not least, there is the International Veterinary Certificate (CVI). It is withdrawn at the Ministry of Agriculture and serves as a kind of passport for the animal. In order not to take risks, check if the country of destination has any specific requirements regarding health or preparations.

4. Take care to prevent fleas and ticks

No one deserves to take their dog on a trip and end up scratching themselves because of fleas,  ticks, and other parasites, right? Therefore, the ideal is to give a professional bath in order to prepare the companion for the adventure. To prevent problems while traveling, consider giving an ongoing action asset.

During the tour, do not go to places with a lot of vegetation or with several other animals so that it is not affected. On the way back, it's time for a new complete bath. This will help contain infestations and prevent your canine friend from suffering from such problems.

5. Make sure the destination is pet-friendly

After resolving the initial bureaucracies, start thinking about the characteristics of the destination. See, for example, if the city you intend to stay in is suitable for animals. There are places that are not completely pet-friendly and then the experience is not so nice. To be sure, find out what other visitors say. If you know someone who has traveled there, don't be afraid to ask.

Did you give the city the green light? So you need to think about hosting. More and more establishments know that dogs are great companions for travelers and allow the entry of animals. To avoid problems, check if the hotel or inn accepts pets. Otherwise, it's best to look for a place with that permission.

6. Separate pet items

The next step to traveling with a dog the right way is to gather all the products that must be taken on the trip. Starting with the fundamentals, save the medications that the animal takes daily or with some frequency. Take extra doses to avoid the risk of not finding the product.

Also, remember the collar and the toilet mat. These items are essential for everyday life and ensure more comfort. You can't forget about favorite toys and objects either. Take his favorite ball or even the blanket he can't be without. If you're driving, the bed fits in the trunk and brings that feeling of home wherever you are.

7. Be careful with food

To avoid accidents, care must be taken with food. The movement of the car, the bus, and even the plane can make your partner nauseous. If he has eaten before, he runs the risk of suffering from nausea and being unwell.

The best way to avoid this is to not feed your partner until 3 hours before departure. Just make sure you drink enough water to prevent dehydration.

If he eats some kind of special food, don't forget to pack it in your luggage. Unless you are sure that you can buy at the destination, it is better to be safe. After the journey, it's time to feed him: let him get used to the new environment and serve him the desired pot of food.

8. Use the collar and identification tag

With just one oversight your dog has the opportunity to run away. If this scenario is already bad at home, in a different city it is even worse. So be extra careful so that problems like this don't happen.

Even if the place seems calm or the dog is calm, just walk with the leash on. This prevents him from running away or running away before you can stop him. In the end, the walks will be much more peaceful. It is also important to use the identification tag at all times. In addition to giving a very special charm, it is a differential for your pet and prevents it from being lost, in case something goes out of schedule.

The best part is that a product of this type is also useful when you return home. So, don't give up leaving it identified with style!

9. Be careful with temperatures

It is common to travel in seasons with higher temperatures; however, an environment like this can be harmful to your dog. Excess heat leads to dehydration and fatigue and, in more fragile animals, generates health complications.

In addition, the very hot ground burns the pet's paws and harms the entire travel experience. Before taking him out for a walk, make sure the location is suitable enough. In order not to make mistakes, take him for a walk at the beginning of the day or at the end of the afternoon. If the place is colder than normal, wearing clothes to protect the pet is essential if he is not used to this wide variation.

Author: admin

Date: May 29 2023

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What to do when I have a dangerous dog?

There are many pets that, even created with love, end up becoming dangerous dogs. And this is not only for people outside but also for their owners and everyone who lives in the house. Whether attacking or biting, he ends up becoming a problem, even if everyone is fond of him.

To deal with a dangerous dog, training is the best option, as a professional in this area will know how to make him develop habits of respect, and obedience and will carry out all the commands taught, thus having a more sociable life. However, there are cases where the degree is not so intense, so there are solutions that help to alleviate this situation.

What are the causes that make a dog dangerous?

As has already been said, the animal has its temperament and personality, even if each breed has a profile. As in every rule, there are exceptions, it may be that a furry is born angrier by nature, compared to others of the lineage and, then, it is up to find out what is causing him to have this type of behavior.

A common cause that turns the friend into a dangerous dog is the power of leadership, which can be his with other pets or even with their own owners. The instinct to dominate the environment means that he has to take a leadership position, so aggressiveness is his way out of this purpose. This attitude can also happen when you see prey in the other pet. And when he feels threatened by his owners or thinks they are in danger, he attacks whoever it is, regardless of whether the situation is real or a joke.

How to tame a dangerous dog

It's not a quick or easy task, but with affection and the right way, the furry can become less hostile. However, the first step is to take him to the vet, especially if he has changed his temperament from one hour to another or if he has really been accumulating days in this situation, as one of the causes could be some kind of pain. And, therefore, only he will know how to assess what is happening and will initiate the specific treatment.

Another reason for the pet to become a dangerous dog lies in its instinctive behavior, which requires the help of a specialist to train it for another behavior, in addition to the fact that in many cases there is a need to complement it with particular remedies for this problem, such as antidepressants. or serotonin. But remember that this medication can only be taken when indicated by a professional in the field and never on its own or in doses higher than those prescribed.

The owner should also keep in mind that aggression is never met with violence, so the dog needs to be treated with love. And the person should avoid situations that show provocation or even stress the animal, such as being next to him while drinking water, eating or doing his business, waking him up (especially in a sudden way), getting close to him while he is with the bone or a toy and under no circumstances let children get close to it.

A dangerous dog can also be a little tame after neutering, which ends up solving many cases. Once again, it is worth consulting with the veterinarian to decide on this procedure, and especially if it is a male, recovery is quick. If it's a dog, the surgery is a little more invasive, similar to a c-section, but if it's for her sake, why not?

Speaking of females, many are aggressive when they give birth and, by nature, want to protect their young. Try as much as possible to avoid unnecessary proximity (such as watching the little ones and stressing her out for nothing) and let only the person she trusts most have the daily contacts to put food and water in the pots, in addition to doing everything possible dressings.

One more tip: never take a dangerous dog for a walk without a muzzle. In addition to preventing accidents, you are respecting others and also the integrity of your pet.

What if I find a dangerous dog?

When we walk down the street, parks, squares, or anywhere else, we are subject to encountering such an animal. Therefore, avoiding some attitudes is essential, such as facing them. If you do this, he will perceive it as a threat or challenge and may attack you. Keep in mind that he has an impulse to defend his territory, so if you are in it and still try to persuade him with eye to eye, he will find himself in a cornered position and will not hesitate to protect himself.

So, when crossing a supposedly dangerous dog, walk straight by and don't even look back. Stay calm, don't show fear, and never underestimate one breed or be afraid of another, as a Pit Bull can be more docile than a Pinscher, depending on how he is educated.

I want to turn my dangerous dog into a tame one!

To have a more docile dog, observe its characteristics from when it is a puppy. If you realize that he has invasive behaviors and the discipline applied at home is not enough, already seek training, the sooner it starts and in the younger stages of his life, the better the result and the agility in the return of the new molds.

Another way to make your dangerous dog calmer is to get him out of stressful or nervous situations. Having a calm home, without fights or disagreements between his owners, who are “his parents”, makes him more confident in where he is, having a greater chance of balancing his behavior.

Treatment with flower remedies, acupuncture, massage therapy, and physical activity, mainly running and swimming, are great alternatives for him to oppose his instinct to a new rhythm of life, going through moments in which he is emotionally and physically treated, reaching an even greater level of balance.

Acupuncture, for example, takes 15 to 20 minutes and can be started with weekly sessions. The number of sessions will depend on the breed and the degree of the dangerous dog's behavioral imbalance, but usually, 6 to 8 already show excellent results.

If the person opts for massage therapy, their furry will undergo a technique that stimulates relaxation and decreases anxiety, working on the same points as the procedure above. And it is worth mentioning that both are also indicated therapeutically for diseases, such as pain due to fractures, and inflammation, among many others.

Pampering is also another point to be diverted. If you feel that your friend's transformation into a dangerous dog was the fact that he was spoiled, reverse this situation. Try to see him as a child who makes a fuss when he doesn't get what he wants, but play, spend time with him, treat him well, always take him to the vet when necessary, take care of his food and water in a balanced way, but do not confuse care with exaggeration, because if something in the routine of the house changes, his will also change and he may become depressed or aggressive.

Quick tips for your dangerous dog to be more docile

As everyone knows, what a furry needs most is attention and this also applies to the bravest, as these are often this way due to feelings of rejection, abandonment, or loneliness. And so that you have some solutions in your day-to-day with your friend, here are some suggestions to be with him and at the same time get him out of this aggressive climate:

  • He was adopted to be “part of the family”, correct? So, don't leave him alone for a long time and, if necessary, he should stay in a wide place, so that he can run and be in a more comfortable condition. Stock up on his food and water bowls, as well as leaving toys, bones and anything specific to animals that will entertain him, so that he doesn't become a dangerous dog because of the feeling of isolation;

  • When you get home, play with it. One of the best games and one that will also spend a lot of energy (physical and mental) is to hide snacks and encourage him to find them. In addition to having contact with the owner, the person he loves the most, this activity will also produce serotonin during this moment of joy;

  • Always take him for a walk (with a muzzle) so that he releases tension, gets used to other animals and people, in addition to getting tired. All this will make him remain more serene;

Finally, if you feel that nothing has worked, don't hesitate to look for a training service. In many cases, a month or two is enough to transform it from a dangerous dog to a sociable and happy pet.

Author: admin

Date: Sep 02 2023

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Dog Walker - The Dog Walking Companion

Ever heard of a dog walker? It's the perfect combination of dogs + cool profession + health. A dog walker is a kind of walking companion for your dog. If you live in an apartment and work all day, or for any other reason, and you don't have time to go out to take your dog for a walk, a dog walker is a great help.

Your dog needs to exercise, both for health and for the expenditure of accumulated energy, especially for dogs that live in apartments and do not have space to run and play. If your dog is one of these cases, know that it is essential that he has this walking routine and that is where the work of the dog walker comes in, otherwise, the pet can become stressed in an environment in which he is trapped and this will affect not only his behavior but also health.

How to be a dog walker?

It is a profession that does not need initial investment, but it does need training. It's not just ' walking the dogs '. Today, in Pak, there are courses that help to practice the profession of dog walker.

But there are also qualified professionals both in animal behavior or even with trained training who practice the profession. It is indicated that when looking for a dog walker, always look for indications, after all, our puppies cannot be given into the hands of just anyone.

Never forget, animals, especially when they live in a restricted environment, need to sunbathe and, above all, exercise, so if you are not always available to walk your puppy, look for a dog walker, daycare for dogs or day care for dogs, to your pet to have a healthier life.

These days, more and more professionals from different areas have abandoned the stability of a steady job for the opportunity to live alongside animals - and earn money for it. However, a series of specific care and training needs to be part of the life of anyone who wants to become a dog walker; since animals have different needs and care, according to their breeds, and dog walkers must have complete information.

With that in mind, a large number of pet shops, veterinary clinics, and training schools have invested in offering and publicizing special courses for those who want to become a dog walker – where basic concepts and care for animals are taught, in addition to techniques more elaborate from different aspects; chosen according to the ambitions of each walker.

How the courses to be a dog walker work

Lasting an average of three to four months, these courses often offer certificates and diplomas, ensuring that, in addition to knowing how to care for animals, the dog walker will also be able to transmit security, confidence, and respect in contact with your pet.

Although venturing into this type of business involves many risks, demand is not lacking; and there are dog walkers who already have over 70 canine clients under their belts. Contrary to what many may think, being a dog walker can bring benefits that go far beyond the satisfaction of working with the world of animals – and the income of someone who is already known in this profession can be very attractive.

While a series of discounts and “promotions” can be negotiated between the dog owner and his walker, there are dog walkers who already receive around BRL 700 per month for walking an hour a day (Monday to Friday) with a client. Multiply that by the number of dogs that a professional can treat per day, and you can see how profitable this type of job can be these days.

The value of this type of hire can vary a lot and depends mainly on the route and the number of dogs the walker leaves with at a time – and if you want your pet to have the exclusive attention of the dog walker, the game can be more expensive.

In most cases, dog walkers serve specific regions – such as a set of the closest neighborhoods – and it is even possible to hire professionals who, in addition to walking, can also teach training techniques and tricks to the dogs (for an additional fee). additional cash).

However, even walkers who are not able to teach tricks or commands to pets already guarantee a series of benefits for the animal during these daily walks, including the improvement of the dog's physical conditioning to the increase of self-esteem and reducing levels of stress and anxiety. Improved posture, increased socialization, and decreased hyperactivity are also part of the benefits package for animals that have a walker.

Therefore, if you fit into a huge group of pet owners without time to walk with them, hiring a dog walker may be the perfect option to keep your pet happy and healthy.

The Dog Walker's Job

In addition to helping people without time to keep their pets healthy – through physical activity and attention – dog walkers must also meet a series of special requirements to be able to perform their function in the safest way. Check out, below, a list of duties that a walker should follow and what kind of situation he should know how to solve:

  • The walker must know all the breeds he walks with so that he can know how to act in emergency cases – avoiding dog fights in the street or inappropriate behavior on the part of the pet.

  • The dog walker must carefully follow the instructions given by the owners of each dog he assists, avoiding any type of action indicated by his contractor (such as eating street food, contact with other animals, or contact with many people).

  • Walkers must pick up the dog's needs if he does so during the planned journey.

  • The dog walker should never use any kind of violence to try to control a dog - and training courses can be good to help you have a better command and more respect for pets.

Author: admin

Date: Aug 31 2023

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How to calm the dog and cat afraid of rockets and thunder?

Rockets and fireworks are great ways to celebrate the New Year, wedding or summer parties, but not so great for cats and dogs. All animals have evolved to have an instinctive fear of loud sounds, be it rockets or thunder. It's a natural response to running away from an unidentified threat. But this response can be altered or reduced through training and habituation.

Rockets and thunder have common characteristics: they are loud, sudden and launch a shock wave in the air and on the ground. It is to be expected that our dogs and cats will be in a state of terror. In fact, 49% of caregivers in Great Britain say that their dog is afraid of rockets, followed by thunder.

Therefore, we are going to offer you some solutions that you can implement to calm your dog and cat afraid of rockets and thunder.

Early training prevents phobias

Socialization is the period of the dog's or cat's life when they are most receptive to learning what will be normal in their life . Poor socialization leads to behavioral problems such as aggression towards people or animals and phobias. In dogs, socialization takes place in the first 12 weeks, and in cats during the first 7 weeks of life.

This period is also essential to expose the animal to less pleasant situations, showing its harmlessness. This is the case with rockets and thunderstorms. By exposing the animal during this period and associating it with a positive and tranquilizing stimulus, we can prevent the development of phobias . However, if you haven't managed to do this during the first weeks of the animal's life, there is still hope.

hiding place inside the house

Dogs and cats feel more comfortable if they have a space to hide inside the house. Therefore, making a refuge den can help the animal to deal with the fear of rockets or thunder. Many animals already seek hiding places in these situations. For example, cats hide under the bed or sofa.

But the caregiver can also help with the search for a hiding place. You can buy tent beds, where the animal can hide. Or you can even make a den by placing a blanket over chairs or tables.

It is important that the dog or cat is inside the house before the fireworks or thunderstorms start . If they are outside, they can get lost in panic and even get hurt. If you can, stay home with the animal to give it comfort and safety.

desensitization training

Desensitization training allows you to format the animal's behavior to a certain stimulus. It is done through exposure to similar low-intensity stimuli. The animal is taught to tolerate the stimulus , learning that it is not a threat.

That is, in the case of rockets and thunderstorms, the animal should be exposed to a loud noise and taught that it is not dangerous. However, this training is complicated due to the difficulty in replicating the stimulus (rocket, thunder) and in overcoming the instinctive fear of loud and short noises. You can always improve the animal's reaction to noise , but it should always be done with the help of a professional.

Medication to calm the dog or cat

In severe cases, you can ask your veterinarian to write you a prescription for medication. Medication is especially recommended for animals that are very agitated , and may even injure themselves when trying to escape with fear. For these animals, the medication allows them to be more relaxed or sedated during the most critical period . You should never take medication without medical advice, as it could poison the animal.

Create a relaxing and distracting environment

If you can stay at home with your four-legged companion, we recommend that you create a relaxing environment. Games and walks allow to expend energy and keep the animal calmer during the critical period. Create hiding places and close the house so they can't run away in fear.

During, try to distract the animal  by playing with it, offering treats if it is calm and keeping it company. If the animal begins to express fear, do not offer more treats and affection as they reinforce the behavior. Let him find a safe place and be quiet. Watch from time to time if everything is ok, without disturbing him.

Author: admin

Date: Aug 08 2023

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The 20 dogs with the strongest bite in the world. Full list!

Every dog ​​has natural nibbling behaviors and biting objects, games, and even other dogs playfully. However, some dogs have more power in their bite than others due to their size and physical condition.

Meet today 20 breeds of dogs with higher PSI, capable of destroying the most resistant objects or even facing wild animals bigger than them!

What is PSI?

The term PSI is the abbreviation in English for the terms “Pounds per Square Inch”, whose translation would be “Pounds per Square Inch”. These terms refer to the measurement scheme used to determine a dog's bite force based on the amount of pressure exerted by its jaw on a given object.

How is bite force measured in dogs?

The method of evaluating the PSI of dogs can vary, as pointed out by the authors of the study “ Bite Forces and Their Measurement in Dogs and Cats ” (2018), with in vivo approaches (with the animal awake or under anesthesia), in vitro (with based on calculations and mechanism of the skull of the deceased animal) or in silico (simulation based on information already known about the species).

Still, according to the researchers, there are factors that directly affect the performance of the bite of dogs, such as:

– Size of the skull;

– Skull shape (dolichocephalic – elongated muzzle dogs – or brachycephalic – flat muzzle dogs);

– Pain associated with oral diseases (such as periodontal disease or TMJ disorders);

– Other diseases that affect the muscles responsible for biting (such as masticatory muscular myositis – MMM).

Top 20 domestic dogs with the strongest bite in the world

Now that you're already on top of what PSI is and how it's measured in dogs, get to know the breeds that have shown the greatest force in their bites.

However, first, it is important that you have as a reference that the human PSI is, on average, 162. The following ranking will feature breeds ranging from 195 to 743 PSI!

  1. Belgian Shepherd Malinois (195 PSI)

Recently awarded the title of the smartest dog in the world, the Belgian Shepherd Malinois is also recognized for its strength and athletic ability. The breed is commonly used for activities that require a high level of training, agility, and intelligence, such as police missions. That is, it is no wonder that the furry dog ​​ranks 20th in the ranking of dogs with the strongest bite in the world.

  1. English Bulldog (210 PSI)

The English bulldog is a very popular family dog ​​as it is spirited, fun and playful. However, make no mistake! Despite its quiet personality, the dog has great strength in its bite and thus ranks 19th in our ranking.

  1. Chow Chow (220 PSI)

The history of Chow Chows takes us back to ancient China, where they emerged to act as guards and war dogs. In this way, its physical structure was essential throughout its history to fulfill such functions. To this day, the dog carries a protective personality and is somewhat distrustful of strangers, being very loyal partners to their families.

  1. Dutch Shepherd (224 PSI)

A close cousin of the Belgian Shepherd Malinois, the Dutch Shepherd is now a rare dog to find, given that the breed almost became extinct after World War II. Like the other member of its family present in the ranking, the dog of Dutch origin is often used by the police and is capable of carrying out powerful bites.

  1. Alano Espanol (227 PSI)

The Spanish Alano, also known as the Spanish Bulldog, is a breed of dog originally from Spain that emerged as a hunting dog. As it is relatively rare in Pak, it is possible to say that we do not need to worry so much about the risks of knowing the strength of this giant's bite.

  1. Doberman Pinscher (228 psi)

An imposing dog that loves family life, the Doberman Pinscher ranks 15th in the ranking of dogs with the strongest bite in the world. The breed is usually very loving, patient and calm with its family members, but it is not possible to guarantee the same with strangers, given its strong instinct for protection.

  1. Boxer (230 psi)

Being large and very athletic dogs, boxers are not surprisingly doing so well when it comes to their biting ability! Despite its performance scaring some, the breed is also known to be very playful and fun, making it a great partner for the whole family!

  1. Pitbull (235 psi)

Pit bulls are unfortunately misclassified as aggressive and ferocious animals, making many people fearful of interacting with the breed. However, studies have already proven that breed does not determine the personality of any dog ​​and its behavior is essentially linked to the way the animal was socialized and trained.

Thus, despite occupying the 13th place in the ranking of the strongest bites in the world, it is essential that this information is not used in a way that perpetuates such prejudice about the breed, but rather understands that the pitbull is just an athletic dog with strong muscles and energy. physical, like the other dogs on this list.

  1. German Shepherd (238 psi)

As the other shepherds present in the ranking, the German Shepherd is a darling of the military and police forces, making the breed integrate these groups that need skilled, obedient and agile dogs for their activities. Because it has a very powerful bite, the dog is also a defensive agent in these missions. In addition, the German Shepherd is also known to be an excellent company for families, being a very partner and extremely loyal dog.

  1. American Bulldog (305 psi)

Another bulldog integrating the ranking, this time with the American Bulldog . The breed was originally bred to fight bulls until the mid-19th century. After this period, the dogs became part of families all over the world, showing themselves to be very affectionate with their tutors.

  1. Rottweiler (328 psi)

One of the most popular dogs in Pak, the Rottweiler opens the top 10 of domestic dogs with the strongest bite in the world. With proper training and socialization, dogs of these breeds become excellent protectors and inseparable friends of their owners.

  1. Leonberger (399 PSI)

Known as the gentle giant, the Leonberger would have emerged in Germany and throughout its existence caught the attention of artists across Europe, who portrayed the dog in several works. Very protective and attached to its family, the giant has great physical strength which is also reflected in its ability to bite at almost 400 PSI.

  1. Argentine Dogo (500psi)

The Argentine dogo is commonly confused with pitbulls or American bulldogs because of their physical characteristics. However, the breed shoots ahead of its “twins” when it comes to PSI, occupying eighth place in the ranking. The Argentine dogo emerged at the beginning of the 20th century to act as a hunting and guard dog, but today it enters several homes around the world as a furry member of the family.

  1. Dogue Canario (540 psi)

Coming in with everything in the category of giant dogs, the Dogue Canario – as its name already reveals – emerged in the Canary Islands, Spain. The giant has thick skin, intense eyes and very strong and developed musculature, which even gives the dog a bite that would leave anyone with their mouth open.

  1. Tibetan Mastiff (550 PSI)

Best known for being the most expensive dog in the world, the Tibetan Mastiff also makes its mark as the sixth strongest bite of all domestic dog breeds! The giant is believed to have prehistoric origins as a guard dog in Tibet around 1100 BC, where it had the first record of its existence.

  1. English Mastiff (552 PSI)

The origin of the second Mastiff on the list goes back to England, where it would have appeared thousands of years ago. For centuries, it is believed that these dogs were used to fight other wild animals until, finally, such competitions were extinct and the breed became incorporated into other functions among humans, as a great life partner!

  1. Dogue de Bordeaux (556 PSI)

The dog of French origin stands out for its large size and muscular body. For centuries, the breed was used for various types of service, from hunting large animals to even protection. Despite not being well known to Pak, the Dogue de Bordeaux today is part of families all over the world with its generally calm and friendly behavior.

  1. Tosa Inu (556 PSI)

Tied in third place with the Dogue de Bordeaux, we have the Tosa Inu – or Japanese Mastiff -, a dog of Japanese origin that lives up to the physical capacity of the other mastiffs that make up our ranking. With a tendency to be more reserved and vigilant, dogs of this breed can be very protective and need to undergo socialization training - just like any other dog -, after all, nobody wants to know the strength that makes the furry one occupy such a high position in the world. strongest bite ranking in the world.

  1. Cane Corso (700 PSI)

Perhaps you are no longer surprised to learn that second place in our ranking belongs to yet another Mastiff, this time the Cane Corso – or Italian Mastiff. As muscular, imposing and agile as its “cousins” on the list, the breed also has an incredibly strong jaw musculature capable of crushing objects at 700 PSI.

  1. Kangal (743 PSI)

And finally, we present the dog with the strongest bite in the world: the Kangal. The dog appeared in the city of Kangal in Turkey, which explains the origin of its name. The breed is very traditional in Turkish families, being considered a national symbol.

Due to the physical capacity of its bite, it is believed that the breed can fight against lions, wolves, bears and jackals, since its super strong jaws would not be at a disadvantage. In addition, the whole body of the Kangal dog is considered to be strong, making it an excellent guard or herding dog.

Author: admin

Date: Jul 08 2023

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Socialization of dogs and cats

If you have a dog or cat, you should be seriously concerned with socialization. Without it your pet may grow up with phobias and fear, which can be the cause of aggression.

That's why it's important that you make a positive conditioning of the animal to new situations. Training consists of introducing the animal to a wide range of experiences and providing treats and treats so that it associates them with something positive.

What is socialization?

Socialization is the period in which the owner must teach his dog or cat to behave in the world. That's why it's important to be introduced to people, dogs, cats and other animals.

Socialization is a period of rapid change in the animal's behavior . There is maturation of the central nervous system and complete control of perception and response to stimuli

During this period , social behaviors, relationships and bonds with a figure are developed . In the same period , habituation to environmental stimuli should also occur . Good socialization allows the animal to incorporate its species and the human into the social structure.

How to socialize the dog and cat?

When the animal is exposed to the world for the first time it can be frightening. He needs to learn which situations are dangerous and which are not. If normal situations provoke fear in the animal and this is not corrected, it may have a phobia for the rest of its life.

To do so, you need to learn to live with all kinds of people and animals. So you should create a routine to introduce your animal to other animals and people . It's not enough to expose just one. It must be exposed to a high number of people and animals, so that it learns to tolerate the full spectrum of the population.

How important is socialization?

Socialization allows the animal to develop into a healthy adult. Lack of socialization can result in severe phobias and fear aggression . The animal that has not learned to deal with other animals may chase other species.

Fear of strangers can lead to aggressive behavior , which becomes a serious problem and can put the dog's life at risk. That's why it's important that trust is developed in humans and not just in the owner.

This makes it easier during visits to the vet, the groomer or if one day it gets lost and depends on the help of strangers to return home. In the case of dogs, they look for the owner to assess the situation and must trust him to make decisions.

Therefore, it is important that the owner actively participates in the socialization of the dog. He should teach you how to respond correctly to stimuli . Uncorrected fear or over-enthusiasm can persist for life. Therefore, if you want to have a reliable, educated and happy animal, it must insist on its socialization.

When does socialization begin?

Since socialization starts early, it is important that breeders introduce their offspring to positive experiences . The owner should continue training throughout life. This will bring benefits for the entire life of the animal.

Socialization should be an enjoyable activity for both the owner and the animal . As it uses conditioning, it is good that the animal associates the new socialization experiences with something positive . This makes him remain calm in strange situations for the rest of his life.

Active and passive socialization

Socialization should be active . Passive socialization occurs when the animal is exposed to stimuli without the owner's participation. The owner does not make a positive association through treats and treats.

On the contrary, in active socialization, the owner tries to make the animal like the new stimulus . He offers you treats and treats so that you start to associate the situation with something positive. Thus the dog develops in a healthy way.

Tips for socializing dogs and cats:

  • The owner must remain calm and patient, he must never punish the animal;

  • Always and only when the animal remains calm in the face of the stimulus, the owner must reward it with treats and treats;

  • If the animal is nervous or excited, move it away until it relaxes;

  • Choose calm people and animals to introduce your dog or cat;

  • Never force interaction, let the animal try to get to know the stranger;

  • Socialization should be fun for both the owner and the animal.

canine socialization

learn to be a dog

At 3 weeks the puppies become active and curious . Their interest in the unknown makes them more courageous than apprehensive. This exploration feature gradually decreases and is maintained up to 8 weeks.

While playing with littermates, they learn important lessons. They learn how to communicate, how to bite gently, and how dominant-submissive relationships work.

For example, when one dog bites another hard, its companion will yelp and run away or bite back. Both cases are negative for the first dog: if he bites hard, the game ends or he gets a bite back.

The mother also educates the dogs. When the puppy is rough at play or becomes naughty, the bitch disciplines him. It does this by growling or using dominant postures or physical reprimands.

Between 8 and 10 weeks, puppies become sensitive to new experiences and contexts . The degree of nervousness and fear varies with the individual, but the period (8 to 10 weeks) is consistent in all dogs. Therefore, owners must be especially careful not to expose the dog to stimuli that may frighten them.

How to socialize dogs?

The socialization period for dogs mainly occurs between 3 and 12 weeks . Puppies should only be adopted after 8 weeks . During this period, socialization will mainly consist of interaction with the mother and littermates.

It is important for him to learn social rules and how to control biting . The dog learns what the dog's natural behaviors are. The breeder should complement this education by introducing the dog to people and animals to start socialization.

When you receive the puppy, it is the owner's responsibility to socialize it correctly so that it develops into a healthy adult. Continuous socialization is positive and allows maintaining social relationships. In dogs, it is thought to be beneficial to maintain throughout the juvenile period.

With dogs, the ideal is to walk them, take them by car and make them meet a wide range of people and animals . In these, it is ideal to enroll in a training school from a young age. In this period obedience training is easier as the puppy learns faster. And it allows exposing the dog to other animals and strengthening the bond with the owner.

Playing with calm and controlled dogs

With regard to socialization between dogs, the ideal is that the puppy is exposed to calm dogs so that they are not afraid and live together peacefully. He can look for these dogs among his friends or by observing the behavior of dogs in the park.

Ideally, the dog should not scare your dog. He must be in a quiet place. Dogs should play under your supervision until they get tired. If your puppy is overly excited, you should calmly pull him away from his playmate.

Whenever he misbehaves in play, take him away from the other dog. Don't raise your voice or get upset. Simply pull it away and repeat as many times as necessary. So the dog will learn that when he is rough, the game is over. As he likes to play, he will start to control his strength and excitement. Repeat the conviviality 2 to 3 times a week .

build positive associations

The ideal is to provide treats during the walk when the dog is exposed to a new situation. He should stop away from the stimulus, make him focus on the owner and give him the treat . You should only give the treat if the dog remains calm .

As for people, you can ask for their help in training. Approach a person and ask him to pet the dog and offer him a treat. This ritual should be followed 2 to 3 times a week.

If the dog gets scared or barks, push him away and break his attention. The owner should always remain calm and treats should only be offered as a reward for good behavior.

You will have to train the dog by introducing it to a variety of situations such as:

  • Vehicles:

    • motorcycles and bicycles;

    • scooters and skateboards;

    • Garbage trucks;

    • Buses;

    • Trucks.

  • People:

    • Women and men;

    • Various ethnicities;

    • Various accessories: hats, walking sticks, sunglasses, prams, etc;

    • Uniforms;

    • Children, adults and seniors;

    • Crowds.

  • Animals

    • Large and small dogs;

    • Males and females;

    • Cats;

    • Other pets: rabbits, hamsters, turtles, iguanas, etc;

    • Farm or wild animals: doves, chickens, ducks, etc.

socializing adult dogs

When you adopt an adult animal, socialization becomes more complicated. The ideal is to start with a walk . Watch how the dog reacts from afar to each situation. As with the dog, you should reward him when he behaves well . When he reacts badly, simply push him away by remaining calm.

You can introduce him to one dog at a time. Take a walk with a friend who also has a dog, for example. You should not force your dog to interact with other animals.

If he's nervous, push him away and stay calm. You can approach little by little for the dog to gain confidence with the situation. The training will not be as fast and effective as with the puppy . However, it is possible to teach an adult dog to tolerate stimuli.

Feline socialization

learn to be cat

The socialization period in cats is shorter and less defined than in dogs. Occurs between the 2nd and 7th to 9th weeks of age . Through interaction with the siblings and the mother, they learn social behaviors, hunting and communication .

Amazingly, kittens can learn by watching their mother perform a task. This may be why a human-friendly mother cat encourages kittens to interact with people.

In cats there are sometimes training sessions . These allow the kitten to be exposed to new people and other kittens, and to interact with toys. The experience is positive and can have long-term benefits such as getting the cat used to car trips, as it associates them with something positive.

socialize the cat

It is necessary to spend a few minutes a day with the kittens in the first 5 weeks of age. This interaction allows them to mature into more sociable adults.

To socialize a fearful cat follow these tips:

  • Pet the cat and speak to it in a low, calm voice. If the cat gets nervous, leave him alone.

  • Provide treats whenever the cat behaves well.

  • Bring your friends home and let the cat get to know them. Don't force the interaction.

  • Introduce him to other cats of your friends, especially if your kitten is young.

Author: admin

Date: Jul 08 2023

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What vegetables and greens can the dog eat?

We know that enriching our diet with vegetables is essential for a healthier life! But does this logic apply to our dogs? 

Find out in the article which veggies are safe for dogs to eat and which ones they should avoid.

First of all: 2 important alerts! 

You should always see a veterinarian to determine which diet is appropriate for your dog depending on its health history when tutors start altering its food.

Many foods that may be excellent for some animals may pose risks to others. So, before introducing new foods into your best friend's day-to-day, talk to your trusted professional.

The second alert is related to the amount of greens, vegetables and snacks that should be offered to your pet. For this, veterinarians indicate a general practical rule for tutors: “treats” should never constitute more than 10% of the total calories that the dog ingests per day. 90% of their diet should consist of the feed recommended by their veterinarian. So always keep the 10/90 rule in mind when considering giving your dog some of the foods listed in this article.

With that in mind, let's go to the complete guide to vegetables that dogs can eat!

Greens and vegetables that the dog CAN eat.

Can the dog eat a chayote?

Yes, the dog can eat chayote. The food can be consumed raw or cooked, being a rich source of B vitamins, vitamin A, fiber, phosphorus, calcium and iron.

Can the dog eat pumpkin?

Yes, the dog can eat pumpkins. The legume, offered without peel and without seeds, offers benefits to the dog through antioxidants such as vitamin C, A, and E that act on the immune system and soluble fibers that help in the functioning of the digestive system.

Can the dog eat zucchini?

Yes, the dog can eat zucchini. The vegetable is very healthy and safe for pets and can be offered raw or cooked and is a great source of vitamin A, E, and minerals.

Can the dog eat potatoes?

Yes, the dog can eat potatoes, as long as they are cooked. When raw, the potato contains a substance called solamine, which is harmful to the dog, but if offered correctly it can be an interesting source of vitamins and minerals.

Can dogs eat sweet potatoes?

Yes, the dog can eat sweet potatoes, as long as they are cooked. Just like the traditional potato, this tuber can cause poisoning in dogs if eaten raw. However, if eaten cooked, sweet potatoes are an important source of vitamin A, calcium, potassium and fiber.

Can the dog eat broccoli?

Yes, the dog can eat broccoli. The vegetable is one of the favorites of dogs, in addition to being healthy, as it is rich in calcium, iron, potassium and vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C. Remember, however, to always offer the broccoli cooked and without spices for your dog to enjoy.

Can the dog eat beans?

Yes, the dog can eat green beans. The vegetable is rich in a number of important nutrients for the pet’s organism, such as vitamins B, A, K, magnesium and potassium. However, excessive consumption can increase the concentration of uric acid in the dog's metabolism, and should be avoided if he suffers from kidney problems.

Can the dog eat carrots?

Yes, the dog can eat carrots. When offered cooked, the dog takes much more advantage of the nutrients and vitamins in the food, but it can also be offered raw in small pieces for recreation and teeth cleaning.

Can the dog eat cauliflower?

Yes, the dog can eat cauliflower. The vegetable is rich in vitamin A which helps in the dog's vision, in addition to vitamin K which is good for blood clotting. It is important to offer it in moderate amounts because it has a high amount of fiber and can cause discomfort in the pet's intestine.

Can the dog eat jiló?

Yes, the dog can eat eggplant. However, prefer cooked eggplant, as the bitter taste of the raw vegetable may not be attractive to dogs. The eggplant is full of nutrients such as vitamin A, B, calcium, and fiber that are very beneficial for us and dogs.

Can the dog eat peppers?

Yes, the dog can eat peppers. You can offer it raw, but prefer the cooked vegetable for better digestion. Although all the “colors” of bell pepper are allowed, the best for dogs is red because it has a lower level of acidity.

Can the dog eat lettuce?

Yes, the dog can eat lettuce. Among the various nutrients present in lettuce are: vitamin A, B, K, calcium, potassium and iron!

Can the dog eat cassava?

Yes, the dog can eat cassava. It should be served cooked to the dog in small amounts, but never offer elaborate or greasy recipes, with frying, seasonings or any other preparation that is not natural.

Can the dog eat cassava?

Yes, the dog can eat cassava. The legume has several benefits such as B vitamins, vitamin A, E and D, as well as minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. She, like other tubers, should be served boiled and in small quantities.

Can the dog eat cucumber?

Yes, the dog can eat cucumber. He is an excellent option for overweight dogs, as he is light, contains little fat and carbohydrate, and is rich in vitamins K, C and B1, in addition to potassium, copper, magnesium and biotin.

Can the dog eat eggplant?

Yes, the dog can eat eggplant. It can be served in small portions, roasted, boiled or braised, but always without seasoning. Eggplant is a great snack for dogs because it is low in calories and helps with fat metabolism.

Can dogs eat spinach?

Yes, the dog can eat spinach. This vegetable is super rich in vitamins (A, complex B, C, K) and minerals (iron, potassium, magnesium, and sodium), in addition to bringing antioxidant benefits and aiding in digestion. However, if consumed in excess, it can bring intestinal discomfort to the dog, so always offer it in small amounts.

Can the dog eat tomatoes?

Yes, the dog can eat tomatoes. Just as we love this vegetable, dogs can too. However, it should be consumed in small quantities, raw, very ripe and only the pulp, avoiding the skin and seeds. Excessive intake of tomatoes can cause problems with the dog's heart and nervous system, so always be very careful.

Greens and vegetables that the dog CANNOT or SHOULD NOT eat.

Can dogs eat green tomatoes?

No, the dog cannot eat green tomatoes. This prohibition is due to the fact that it has a chemical compound called “glycoalkaloid” that is toxic to dogs. The symptoms that dogs can show if they have accidentally ingested green tomatoes are: gas, vomiting, and diarrhea. If this happens to your dog, you need to observe his behavior and take him to the vet.

Can the dog eat pepper?

No, the dog cannot eat pepper. It can be just as harmful to dogs as it is to us humans, causing extreme gastrointestinal discomfort and symptoms of intoxication. So no offering your furry pepper!

Can dogs eat onions?

No, the dog cannot eat onions. That's because it contains a substance called iosulfate that affects the dog's hemoglobin, responsible for transporting oxygen through the body. So this food is 100% OUT of the picture.

Can the dog eat garlic?

No, the dog cannot eat garlic. As in the case of onions, garlic contains “thiosulfate” which attacks the cells responsible for transporting oxygen in the body. Depending on the amount of garlic or onion ingested by the dog, he may even have a serious case of anemia.

Can the dog eat corn?

The dog must not eat corn. Although cooked corn is not toxic to dogs, raw or undercooked corn can cause indigestion and diarrhea. In addition, it can contain fungi that are highly dangerous to the dog's health and can lead to death. With regard to cooked corn, it is not harmful for dogs, but it should be prepared only in water and never offered with the cob, as it can cause intestinal obstruction.

Can the dog eat arugula?

The dog must not eat arugula. Although not toxic to dogs, it does not bring benefits to your health and presents risks of causing gastrointestinal discomfort if ingested in excess.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 07 2023

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The Border Collie: A Remarkable Canine Breed

The Border Collie is a dog breed that has caught the attention of many people since its inception. Your intelligence and your affection are great differentials. We'll talk a little about all their features in this article and show you everything you need to know about them.

Collie breed

The Border Collie is a canine breed of the Collie type, shepherd dog, which was considered the most intelligent dog that exists in the book “The Intelligence of Dogs”, by Stanley Coren.

It is known that they can learn to recognize more than a thousand words. In addition, they are also dogs that like to be commanded.

This all facilitates the work and relationship between the tutor and the dog. However, nowadays many people really want to have a dog at home, as it is a very docile breed.

Origin of the Border Collie

Even though the name is not officially registered, the appearance of these dogs dates back to the 16th century, in which they worked with herding and were better than many other breeds.

Border Collie (Border Collie) has this meaning due to the Anglo-Scottish border, which is in Great Britain. By the way, at that time they were already used for grazing. It is worth remembering that Collie in Celtic means useful.


This breed can have many colors, less predominantly white. This is even excluded from the standard by the International Federation of Cynology, as it is considered a color more conducive to attracting diseases due to genetics.

But there are several different colors like Black, Blue, Red Merle, Blue Merle, Brindle, Lilac, Sable Merle, Chocolate, Red, and Gold.

Size and height of the Border Collie

It is a medium-sized breed, not very suitable for living in small environments or apartments, as it is a very active dog and needs space to expend its energy.

The height of a Border Collie varies with the male being 48-56cm and the female 46-53cm.

Life expectancy

For the most part, life expectancy is between 10 and 17 years. However, this will depend a lot on how the Border Collie is cared for and on its genetics.

All whites may have more health problems, which can interfere with their lifespan. In addition, there are other forms of care that can affect the dog's health, but we'll get to that later.

The Border Collie breed belongs to group 1, designated to Shepherd Dogs and Cattle Dogs (Except Swiss Cattle Dogs).

The personality of a Border Collie

Personality is built little by little. This since his birth and living with his brothers. Socialization is an important step in defining a dog's behavior.

That's why it's essential to release the puppies only after 60 days at least, which is the time when the puppy will start to socialize.

They are not aggressive dogs

On the contrary, they are very calm, some can even be more shy depending on the creation. It is a process that greatly influences socialization as we said before.

When living with younger children, it is always good to be aware and avoid accidents such as a bite during play, as they really like to play that way.

Active dog

The Border Collie is an active dog and has a lot of energy to burn. That's why knowing this is fundamental because they need to spend that energy somehow. It's a great choice for anyone who likes to take their dog for a run.

It's a real companion

If you want to get a dog of this breed, it will probably change your lifestyle. And you'll need all the affection you can give. The connection between owner and dog must be deep and you will always have to leave time for him.

Breed history

The Collie's ancestors were in Scotland and its name refers to the Border valleys on the border with England.

They were raised and commanded by the shepherds and used to herd the sheep. But at the time most dogs made a lot of noise.

Until in a contest. A dog managed to intimidate the sheep with a simple look, without making any noise. In 1915 the name Border Collie was registered, before that they were known as sheepdogs (sheep shepherds).

After all this, the breed still became very competitive in obedience tournaments. Besides being one of the smartest races in the world.

Border Collie: Curiosities

  • They are more sensitive than other dogs, precisely because they are on alert all the time;

  • They are at all times with their hardworking and obedient instinct;

  • The coat helps to deal with the different temperatures;

  • It's a dog that doesn't need to take many baths, usually, 1 a month is enough;

  • A dog's behavior is built from an early age.

Health care

When they are sick, they don't show much pain. So, it's important to observe your behavior in life. Despite this, you will hardly have problems with the health of your Border Collie. However, it is essential to spend his energy, running or playing. The lack of this energy expenditure can lead to problems such as anxiety, depression, or even behavioral problems. The same can happen due to the lack of interaction and affection. So remember that you need to repay all your fellowship!

And as I said before, removing the puppy before living with the siblings can also affect its behavior. As well as a lack of training, which has the same effect. It's basic care, but it makes a huge difference in their lives.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 07 2023

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9 unusual facts about dogs

Dogs are animals that never cease to amaze us. The list of characteristics and skills they have ranged from unique fingerprints to the ability to detect very serious diseases in humans using only their sense of smell. Discover today 9 curiosities about our greatest companions that you probably didn't know yet.


  1. Dogs are able to differentiate languages

A recent Hungarian study found that dogs are able to recognize different languages ​​and words they don't understand. In the research, the furry ones were placed to listen to the book “The Little Prince” in two different languages ​​and showed that different parts of their brains lit up when exposed to familiar and unfamiliar languages.

  1. Dogs can understand, on average, 89 words.

A study carried out in Canada with dogs of different breeds revealed that, on average, our furry companions can understand 89 words that their tutors speak.

So, when we try to speak with our dogs, they actually understand commands like eat, walk, and sit.

The researchers were even able to map which are the 10 words most understood by dogs, namely: 

– The name of the dog; 

- Sit down

- Come

– Good girl/Good boy 

- Get down

- Stay

- Hang on

- No

- OK

- Leave it. 

  1. The breed of a dog has no bearing on its personality.

A study published in 2022 in the journal Science points out that dog breeds are not good indicators of their behavior, explaining only 9% of the differences in habits from dog to dog. 

The study conducted by researchers at the University of Washington and Arizona State University, in the United States, pointed out that other factors, such as the environment in which the dog is raised and the treatment received, may have a greater impact on the dog's personality than your race. Thus, the results of the study suggest that rather than using breed as an indicator of a dog's personality, it may be more useful to assess each dog individually to determine its behavioral traits and specific needs.

  1. Dogs can detect diseases, such as cancer, through their sense of smell. 

Dogs are able to identify many serious illnesses, including cancer, through their sense of smell. This is due to the fact that cancer cells produce different odors than healthy cells, and dogs' keen sense of smell allows them to detect these differences. In 2019, the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology presented impressive results from an experiment that identified positive samples for lung cancer with 97% accuracy, for example. This discovery could revolutionize the way cancer is diagnosed, making tests more effective, faster, and less invasive. In addition, dogs can also help in the prevention and early detection of other diseases, such as diabetes and epilepsy, for example, through their keen sense of smell.

  1. Dogs can donate blood. 

Blood donation is a fundamental practice not only for humans but also for the pet community. Just like humans, they have specific characteristics in their organism that distinguish them from each other, from their coat, breed and behavior to their blood type. The requirements for a dog to be a blood donor are:

– Be between 1 and 8 years old; 

– With docile temperament;

– Up-to-date vaccinations and deworming;

– Control of fleas and ticks;

– No disease or previous transfusion;

– Be around 28 kg. 

  1. Dogs age 40 years in the first 2 years of age.

Scientists at the University of California found that puppies age rapidly in the first few years of life, but then their aging slows down in later years. The researchers tracked the biological age of 104 Labs and found that, at two years old, they were equivalent to a human in their early 40s. Thus, 2-year-old dogs are closer to 40 human years than to 14, as was believed for many years. 

  1. Dogs know how to differentiate shades of gray with mastery - but they see other colors too. 

It's a big myth that dogs see the world in black and white. This has long been believed because while humans have three color receptors, dogs only have two. This means, in effect, that they detect tones in a different and more limited way than we do. 

But even so, dogs are able to capture yellow-gray and bluish tones, in addition to perfectly distinguishing different shades of gray, a capacity that we humans do not have.

  1. An adult dog's heart beats twice as fast as a human's. 

Heart rate is an important indicator of an animal's health, and the differences between human and canine heart rates are significant. While the normal heart rate of an adult human ranges between 68 and 86 beats per minute, the normal heart rate of a healthy adult dog can range from 70 to 160 beats per minute. This means that a dog's heart rate can be nearly twice that of a human. 

It's worth remembering that a dog's pulse rate varies depending on size, breed, age, activity level, and body temperature. Smaller dogs like Chihuahuas tend to have a higher heart rate, while larger dogs like Great Danes tend to have a lower heart rate.

  1. A dog's nose is its fingerprint. 

Just like us, animals also have unique patterns on their bodies that help with their identification. However, they are not at the tip of their paws, as you might imagine. The most widely used method of identifying dogs is the nose print. This region has creases, reliefs, and lines that form a unique design for each pet! In practice, this means that no dog or cat will have a face like the other. 

Author: admin

Date: Jun 05 2023

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What fruits can dogs eat? See the complete list!

Dog tutors are always concerned about how they can enrich the diet of their furry ones and, therefore, resort to special diets that may even include fruit!

However, many are in doubt about which of them would actually be released for consumption by their dogs. With that in mind, we have gathered in this article the fruits that dogs can eat and those that they should stay away from.

First of all: 2 important alerts!

You should always see a veterinarian to determine which diet is appropriate for your dog depending on its health history when tutors start altering its food.

Many items, especially fruit, can be risky for some animals even while they may be great for others. Therefore, consult with your preferred specialist before adding some of these delectable tiny fruits into the routine of your closest companion.

The second alert is related to the number of fruits and snacks that should be offered to your pet. For this, veterinarians indicate a general practical rule for tutors: treats should never constitute more than 10% of the total calories that the dog ingests per day. 90% of their diet should consist of the feed recommended by their veterinarian. So always keep the 10/90 rule in mind when considering giving your dog some berries.

With that in mind, let's go to the complete guide to fruits that dogs can eat!

Fruits that dogs can eat.

Can dogs eat strawberries?

Yes, dogs can eat strawberries. The fruit has a low caloric content, is a source of vitamin A, and B vitamins, fiber, minerals, and antioxidants. Strawberries should always be offered seedless, without stems, and in low quantities.

Can dogs eat raspberries?

Yes, dogs can eat raspberries, as the fruit does not pose a risk to dogs when administered in low amounts.

Can dogs eat blueberries?

Yes, dogs can eat blackberries. It has vitamin C, fibers, antioxidants and minerals that benefit the immune system, slow down aging, and is a great ally of the brain, heart, and other organs of the animal.

Can dogs eat peaches?

Yes, dogs can eat peaches. The typical summer fruit has several nutrients, such as vitamins A and C, and antioxidants, and has a high fiber and sugar content, and should be given in moderation, especially for dogs with a predisposition to diabetes and overweight. Remember to always remove the pit and peels before offering it to your sweetie.

Can dogs eat mangoes?

Yes, dogs can eat mangoes. The fruit pleases the palate of dogs, in addition to having vitamins that will make you strong and healthy. It can be offered without the shell and without the core to prevent the dog from choking, in addition to small amounts.

Can dogs eat apples?

Yes, dogs can eat apples. She is a great snack for dogs, as she is rich in vitamin A and C. In addition, the apple is a food with a firmer texture, low in fat, and excellent for obese and elderly pets. Always offer the fruit without the stem and seeds.

Can dogs eat bananas?

Yes, dogs can eat bananas. Although they don't benefit in the same way as we do from this amazing fruit, dogs extract a lot of fiber, vitamin A and C, helping to boost their immune system!

Can dogs eat cashews?

Yes, dogs can eat cashews. The fruit contains many benefits for dogs such as vitamins A, B, and C, minerals, and fiber. It must be offered without sweeteners, ripe, cut into pieces and in small amounts for them.

Can dogs eat papaya?

Yes, dogs can eat papaya. Great source of vitamins A and C, fibers, and important minerals, such as potassium and calcium, the fruit contains the papain enzyme, which works by facilitating digestion. Thus, you need to be careful with the amount administered, as it may end up loosening your dog's intestines too much.

Can dogs eat melon?

Yes, dogs can eat melon. Fruit is an excellent option for dogs that have a habit of ingesting little water, in addition to having vitamin A, B and potassium.

Can dogs eat watermelon?

Yes, dogs can eat watermelon. Composed of 92% water, watermelon is another excellent option to keep your pet hydrated, with vitamins A and B6. Remember to always offer seedless and peeled fruit.

Can dogs eat pears?

Yes, dogs can eat pears. Just like the apple, the texture of the pear makes the fruit a great snack option for our furry ones. Source of vitamins A and K, potassium, calcium and phosphorus, it can be served in small amounts for the dog.

Can dogs eat gossip?

Yes, dogs can eat gossip. If you deceive anyone who thinks that just because it's citrus, the fruit would be off that list. It must always be given to your dog without the shell, without the seeds and in amounts that do not exceed 10% of the daily calories consumed by him. If offered correctly, tangerine is an excellent source of vitamin A and C, potassium and fiber.

Can dogs eat guava?

Yes, dogs can eat guava. Considered by some veterinarians as one of the most interesting fruits for dogs, guava has interesting amounts of folic acid, potassium, vitamin A and C and fiber, which can benefit the animal's intestinal health.

Can dogs eat coconut?

Yes, dogs can eat coconut. With benefits similar to those they bring to us humans, the fruit has a high amount of “good fat” that can be consumed by the dog, of course, always in low amounts.

Can dogs eat prunes?

Yes, dogs can eat plums. But NEVER with the lump. In addition to offering great risks of choking for dogs - especially for puppies -, the lump has cyanide in its composition, a toxic substance for the organism of many animals, including dogs. Thus, properly offered, plum pulp is a good source of vitamin A, B complex and fiber.

Can dogs eat figs ?

Yes, dogs can eat figs. The fruit is not considered toxic for dogs, in addition to ensuring vitamins A, B and E, fibers and being an interesting source of calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium that contribute to the healthy functioning of the animal's organism. It is important to always clean the fruit and remove the skins and seeds before giving it to the dog.

Can dogs eat jabuticaba?

Yes, dogs can eat jabuticaba. The fruit is rich in antioxidants, essentially in its skin, and therefore it can be a good snack option for dogs. Despite this, it has a lot of fructose and calories, so it should not be offered in large amounts, always following the 10% rule.

Can dogs eat passion fruit?

Yes, dogs can eat passion fruit. However, always without the lumps and in small quantities. It is worth remembering that the main vitamin in the fruit is ascorbic acid (or vitamin C), which is already naturally synthesized by the body of healthy dogs, so the fruit will not bring as many benefits to the dog.

Fruits that dogs CANNOT eat.

Can dogs eat grapes?

No, dogs cannot eat grapes. It is not exactly known the reason for intoxication in dogs due to the fruit, but the grape is dangerous for them in any quantity.

Some animals may have more severe reactions than others, but the most common symptoms of grape poisoning are: reduced appetite, lethargy or weakness.

Vomiting, diarrhea, flabbiness of the abdomen, dehydration, increased thirst, decreased urine output, and may even lead to cases of kidney failure.

Thus, if your dog has ingested grapes, it is essential to take him to a veterinary clinic to receive the necessary assistance from a professional.

Can dogs eat raisins?

No, dogs cannot eat raisins. Like traditional grapes, the raisin is a fruit that the dog should stay away from, as it causes different reactions that can lead to kidney failure and death of the animal. In case of ingestion, seek veterinary advice as soon as possible.

Can dogs eat cherry?

No, dogs cannot eat cherries. Due to the concentration of cyanide in the peel and seed of the cherry – a substance that causes intoxication and disrupts cellular transport – experts do not recommend that tutors offer the fruit to their dogs as a snack.

If your dog has ingested cherries, be aware of signs of intoxication, such as vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, and tremors, and look for a veterinarian at the slightest sign of change in the animal's behavior.

Can dogs eat avocado?

No, dogs cannot eat avocados. The fruit contains persin, a toxic substance for dogs that can cause mild or severe gastrointestinal complications. In addition, it is a very fatty fruit and contains a core that can cause suffocation in dogs. Thus, avocados should never be included in the diet of dogs.

If your dog has ingested an avocado, keep an eye on his behavior. At the sign of any change or abnormal behavior, such as abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and apathy, look for a veterinary emergency room.

Can dogs eat carambola?

No, dogs cannot eat carambola. The star-shaped fruit has soluble calcium oxalate salts that can lead to kidney failure in dogs with weak or even healthy kidneys! In addition, the fruit contains a substance called caramboxin, which further impairs kidney health and can lead to neurological changes in the animal.

So, in case of ingestion of carambola, take your dog for medical assistance from a veterinarian.

Can dogs eat pineapple?

No, dogs cannot eat pineapple. In general, the fruit is not toxic to dogs; however, because it is very acidic, it can cause gastritis or other complications in your friend's stomach. Thus, pineapple is not a good treat for dogs.

Author: admin

Date: May 30 2023

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How to shave a dog at home

Do you spend more than you should on your dog's hygiene between bathing, grooming, nails and everything else? Or let the pet become a fur ball due to lack of money? Does your friend suffer from fear and stress every time he has to face the pet shop? So how about learning how to take care of your puppy alone? Combine the right products and equipment with a good dose of affection and patience, and learn with us how to shave a dog at home!

Step by step on how to shave a dog at home

1 – Gather all the materials you will need

You don't want to be looking for tools and products when you're already hands-on. If it's already complicated having to drop a wet dog in the bathtub or shower and go get the shampoo, imagine getting the puppy ready for the grooming and having to go look for where you left the clipper!

 From the time of the bath, have shampoo and conditioner (if necessary) within reach of your free hand – the one you won't be used to hold and soothe your friend. Also, keep towels handy and some snacks in case you need them.

The grooming tools, such as a comb, clipper, and scissors, should be close at hand so that you don't have to move your dog from one side to the other once dry, but they should be sheltered from water.

And don't forget to put a non-slip pad on the bottom of the bathtub or on the floor of the shower, so your friend doesn't slip during the bath. He could get hurt or scared and make the whole process impossible.

2 – Comb the dog first

By the way, know that the ideal is to brush your friend every day. This process maintains healthier fur and skin, even reducing the frequency of necessary baths.

But, returning to how to shave your dog, combing is important to undo knots and tangles that may be in the coat. Here, just brushing is not enough, because there are times when the brush simply goes over the knots and does not undo the tangle.

The comb will undo them, allowing you to handle all the hair during clipping. And when you find a tangle, use the comb or brush to gently detangle. Remember to comb the tail inclusive.

3 – Cut the knots that were not undone

Some knots can be very difficult to undo. Insisting can cause pain, skin irritation and even make your dog stressed or aggressive. In that case, cut all the hair that is part of the mat.

Always try to cut in the direction of hair growth, so as not to spoil the design of the coat. And be extremely careful if you're going to do this with scissors - by the way, choose scissors with a round trip, to avoid hurting your friend.

4 – Start with the bath

The whole process starts in the water. First, choose the right place for the bath. In some cases, depending on the size of the dog and the climate, it is easier to wash your friend in the backyard, for example. Especially for those dogs trying to escape the bathtub.

For smaller, calmer dogs, or when the weather outside doesn't allow it, you can use the laundry tub or a basin, and a bathtub or shower for large dogs. The most important thing here is to make sure that the water is warm, so as not to harm the animal's health.

5 – Start washing from the back

And come forward, leaving the head last. She always waters her dog very carefully. Running a shower or hose over the animal can startle it. Rinse it thoroughly before applying shampoo. And never get wet inside the ears, which can cause ear infection.

For shampoo, read the manufacturer's guidelines. In general, rather than applying the product directly to the coat, place a small amount on your hand and rub it in to dilute it before applying it to the dog.

Start at the neck (don't shampoo the head and ears - clean them with a wet cloth at the end) and spread towards the paws and tail. Rinse thoroughly until you are sure there is no shampoo left on the skin and hair.

Long-haired dogs may need conditioner. Repeat the same shampoo process and do not leave any product left after rinsing.

6 – Dry your dog

First, wring out excess water with your hands, pushing the wet coat in the direction of hair growth. Then, use a terry towel to dry it off. Also, allow him to shake his body to remove the water.

Avoid the use of dryers, prefer the hair to dry naturally. However, if use is unavoidable, use it at a comfortable temperature and distance, and do not point it at your head. If the coat is long, you can brush it while it dries.

7 – Wipe your eyes

This step can be simpler or more complicated depending on your dog's breed and color. In general, cleaning the eyes boils down to removing scum from the corners with a damp handkerchief. However, some long-coated dogs, and especially light-colored ones, can have tear stains. For this, there are specific products in specialized stores.


As for shaving around the eyes, only do it if you are completely sure you know what you are doing and have the right tools for the operation. In case of doubt, even if minimal, choose to transfer responsibility to a specialist. Any mistake can blind your pet!

8 – Clean the ears

Another step on how to shave a dog at home includes cleaning your friend's ears. The best way to do it is to apply a solution for cleaning the ears of animals (which you can buy in specialized stores) or saline solution, with the help of a cotton ball.

You don't need to stick the cotton inside your ears, only as far as you can see. Just remove wax and dirt, without scrubbing too hard. Dry the ears with a dry cotton swab, also without rubbing.

If the ears are irritated, red or blackened, swollen, oozing, or smelling, see a veterinarian as soon as possible.

9 – Only clip when your friend is completely dry

The process of how to shave a dog at home begins to require more care now.

First of all, have the right tools for grooming. Ordinary scissors, razors, and devices for cutting human hair do not work the same way for animals.

Choose to buy a clipper from specialized stores to ensure an aesthetically successful and safe clipper. And the blades need to be sharp, so you don't pull the fur.

10 – Choose your friend’s look before starting

Some breeds even have characteristic clipping designs that can be followed to improve aesthetics. Only cut when you are sure of the cut you want to make.

11- Methodically cough

You can place the blade against the dog's body as long as you don't press it hard into the skin. ALWAYS pass the machine in the direction of hair growth. Move the cutter slowly across the body – moving too fast can leave jagged lines.

Start at the neck, then move down to the shoulders, below the ears, and towards the chin and chest. NEVER use large blades, size 7 or larger, around the throat, tendons, armpits, genitals, tail, and anus. These angled areas can get caught inside the machine's blades, which is extremely dangerous.

Then shave the back and sides – always in the direction of the hair. And finally, the paws.

12 – Be very careful with the neck and anus

NEVER cut straight across the neck so that you are able to see the direction you are moving the machine. Also, use caution when removing hair from around the anus.

The anus can come out during clipping and be accidentally cut. NEVER pass the machine over the anus, only around and under the tail.

Shaving paws, tail, and face can also bother your friend. So pay close attention to sudden movements in order not to hurt him.

Tips on how to shave a dog at home

Give your friend some time

Standing bathed and groomed can be tiring for a dog. If you notice him becoming restless or upset, take a short break so he can rest and recover. During the break, give them snacks and cuddle them.

Use proper equipment

Find out about clippers, blades, scissors, combs, brushes, and hygiene products when deciding to shave your dog at home. There are different tools for different types of dogs. Do your research, talk to experts, and purchase your materials in specialized and trusted stores.

Take your time

Don't pull your friend's fur with the brush or comb. Also, be sure to keep the blades on your clipper very sharp so the clipper doesn't pull or pull the dog's hair either.

Do not move the cutter too quickly or press too hard against the animal's skin. And even control the temperature of the clipper, as well as the water and dryer during and after the bath.

Go in the right direction

Note that your dog's hair changes the direction of growth according to the area of ​​the body. Grooming should always follow this direction, respecting the differences in each part of the animal.

Restrain your dog

The process of shaving your dog at home can be quite exhausting for him. Therefore, secure him with a collar so that he does not move or run away during all procedures, which could be dangerous for him.

Finally, in addition to understanding how to shave your dog at home, you can also learn how to cut your friend's nails and brush their teeth, for complete hygiene, without needing a pet shop.

The sooner you start with the whole process, the sooner your friend will get used to it. And the more relaxed and adapted he is, the faster and easier it will be for you.

Author: admin

Date: May 30 2023

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Does a dog have night vision?

Many myths circulate around about the vision of dogs, after all, are dogs able to see in the dark or not? First, it is important to understand how animal vision works. Despite having this sense similar to ours, dogs do not have very good vision. They don't see very well from afar, for example, and they are able to see colors, despite what many people think. But what about seeing in the dark? Let's unravel this mystery.

For this, we need to minimally understand how vision is formed, and from there, we begin to understand how dogs see. Dogs' eyes have different ways of capturing colors and light than ours. This makes them look inferior to ours in some respects. Felines, for example, see less than humans during the day, but at night their vision captures light in a way that leaves our vision far behind. That's because cats' eyes are better at capturing light, while ours are better at color. In dogs, something similar happens. Seeing less clearly during the day is not a problem for four-legged friends. On the contrary, they have a much more acute sense of smell and hearing than humans, so they easily compensate for this difficulty in vision.

Do dogs see in black and white?

This is yet another myth that runs around. After all, are dogs able to see and discern colors? The answer is a yes, they see colors, but with some caveats. Our human eye has three color receptors, this means that we can distinguish the three primary colors and their combinations. Therefore, the color chart that our eyes can differ from is immense. 

The same is not true of dogs. They only have two receivers and that makes them not see some specific shades. In this way, their brain automatically replaces unrecognized variations with shades of gray. So this story that dogs only see in black and white is a legend. Even though they can't see like we do, they are able to see and distinguish colors, even with limitations. Speaking of limitation, there is yet another detail about canine vision: they don't see well from afar. Does this mean my dog ​​is nearsighted? That's about it… The way images are formed on your retinas is different from the way we see the world. 

A person can see just fine from meters away, provided they don't have any visual impairments or wear corrective glasses. But a dog sees well only at a very short distance. And no, they don't need to wear glasses to see farther objects better. This is something natural for them and this difference is compensated by other more acute senses, such as smell and hearing. Does this mean my dog ​​is nearsighted? That's about it… The way images are formed on your retinas is different from the way we see the world. 

A person can see just fine from meters away, provided they don't have any visual impairments or wear corrective glasses. But a dog sees well only at a very short distance. And no, they don't need to wear glasses to see farther objects better. This is something natural for them and this difference is compensated by other more acute senses, such as smell and hearing. Does this mean my dog ​​is nearsighted? That's about it… The way images are formed on your retinas is different from the way we see the world. 

A person can see just fine from meters away, provided they don't have any visual impairments or wear corrective glasses. But a dog sees well only at a very short distance. And no, they don't need to wear glasses to see farther objects better. This is something natural for them and this difference is compensated by other more acute senses, such as smell and hearing.

How does dog night vision work?

Dogs see colors and don't see distant objects as clearly. However, they possess a skill that would be enviable for humans. It's like night vision. This is due to the fact that the animal has more light receptors, so its vision captures more information in less well-lit environments, such as dim light, for example. It doesn't mean they can see everything in complete darkness. Even if they have more luminosity receptors, it still needs some minimal luminosity for him to capture and see something. 

This way he sees better in half-light contexts and low-light environments, but he is not able to see anything in completely dark environments, just like us. What differentiates, in this case, are the more refined senses of orientation, location, and scent, as well as excellent hearing for picking up noise from wind, people, and other animals. This makes dogs move better in the dark, and better able to discern directions and follow clues.

Make sure your dog sees well for life

Our dear four-legged friends unfortunately have a shorter life span than ours. While the average life expectancy of a person can reach 80 or 90 years, among dogs and cats the age range can reach a maximum of 16 or 17 years, with some exceptions, of course. 

This makes dogs reach adulthood much earlier and consequently, their old age is also early. Vision and eye health problems among elderly animals are very common, so it's important to pay attention to some signs that dogs show when they have impaired or sick vision. Some problems can be avoided or reduced. Therefore, even if old age is something inevitable and certain, it is worth taking care of it. so that our friends reach their full age with the highest quality of life possible. So pay attention to the main signs of eye diseases that affect the vision of dogs and cats:

  • Difficulty dodging objects: If your dog bumps into things that he could get around before, this could be an indication that his eyes aren't working so well. It's worth a trip to the vet so that he can refer you to an ophthalmologist for dogs or other alternatives.

  • Change in eye color: You've probably seen an elderly dog ​​with white eyes or altered natural color. This also indicates problems with the pet's vision.

  • Intense secretion in the eyes: Dogs can also be affected by conjunctivitis and other eye irritations. Therefore, if your animal produces a lot of dreams and secretion in the eyes, be aware and look for an expert.

Vision problems directly influence the quality of life of animals, so it is important to seek medical care when noticing something different from the ordinary. With all this valuable information you can take much better care of those who take care of you and bring joy and lightness to your life: your dog. And now you understand more about how his vision works and you can even better understand his behavior in some situations. 

Author: admin

Date: May 30 2023

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The Ultimate Guide to Traveling with Dogs: Tips for a Safe and Enjoyable Adventure

The vacation trip is a moment awaited by the whole family. It's time to relax, get to know new landscapes and create great memories. In the midst of so many good things, your four-legged friend doesn't need to be left behind; as it is possible to travel with a dog and ensure that he also enjoys it.

However, before setting foot on the road, it is important to plan, as there are specific precautions to avoid problems and maintain the well-being of the pet. Sound complicated? Don't worry! Below you will see 9 tips for a successful trip. Check out!

1. Consult the veterinarian

Everything should start with a trip to the vet, as you need to know if the pet is able to make the trip. Very young dogs that have not been vaccinated, for example, are not eligible to embark on this adventure. Older or sick people may also not be indicated.

There are also some breeds that are sensitive to certain conditions, such as too low or too high a temperature. To top it all off, dogs that are anxious or that have already shown dissatisfaction on this type of walk require special attention. It is the veterinarian who can authorize the trip and indicate the best care. If applicable, he can still administer components that make the pet calm at the time of displacement.

2. Pay attention to the means of transport

Then you need to make a good assessment of the means of transport. Each one requires special care, so it's best to know how to proceed in each situation.


In the case of transport by car, leave aside that idea of ​​having the dog free, with its head out the window while the wind blows, as it can cause ear problems and accidents with other vehicles. In addition, if the dog is loose, it can disturb your direction or get hurt in abrupt braking.

As unsafe transport of pets is considered a traffic violation, invest in protection. The easiest way is to use a carrier, but there are special harnesses and “chairs” for dogs.


For those who intend to travel with a dog on the bus, it is necessary to know the rules of each vehicle. There are companies that require an exclusive ticket for the pet while others do not. There may also be some limitations on the number of animals inside the bus.

All transport is conditioned to the use of the appropriate box so that it travels safely. Before the trip confirm with the company responsible for the line to avoid boarding problems.


In the case of airplanes, the procedure depends on the size of the animal. Small dogs must be in transport boxes between 7 and 10 kilos and go in the cabin itself. The medium and large ones need to be kept in boxes made of reinforced and safe material. They are carried in the cargo hold throughout the journey.

Each airline has its rules and they should be known beforehand. If it is the case for an international trip, be sure to see what the destination country says about it.

3. Find out what documents are required

Another important point of traveling with a dog is the required documentation. For health reasons, it is common to have to present some documents. By car or bus, just show a certificate from the veterinarian that indicates the health conditions. The professional must be registered with the Regional Council of Veterinary Medicine (CRMV) for the document to be valid.

As for air travel, and especially international ones, the list is longer. You must give the anti-rabies vaccine at least 30 days in advance. After this period, it will be tested and a report will be issued.

It is also necessary to carry out microchipping, which allows the identification of the dog in any country. On international tours, quarantine may be required to ensure the effectiveness of the vaccination. Countries have varying periods, so you need to plan for the pet to be released at the right time.

Last but not least, there is the International Veterinary Certificate (CVI). It is withdrawn at the Ministry of Agriculture and serves as a kind of passport for the animal. In order not to take risks, check if the country of destination has any specific requirements regarding health or preparations.

4. Take care to prevent fleas and ticks

No one deserves to take their dog on a trip and end up scratching themselves because of fleas,  ticks, and other parasites, right? Therefore, the ideal is to give a professional bath in order to prepare the companion for the adventure. To prevent problems while traveling, consider giving an ongoing action asset.

During the tour, do not go to places with a lot of vegetation or with several other animals so that it is not affected. On the way back, it's time for a new complete bath. This will help contain infestations and prevent your canine friend from suffering from such problems.

5. Make sure the destination is pet-friendly

After resolving the initial bureaucracies, start thinking about the characteristics of the destination. See, for example, if the city you intend to stay in is suitable for animals. There are places that are not completely pet-friendly and then the experience is not so nice. To be sure, find out what other visitors say. If you know someone who has traveled there, don't be afraid to ask.

Did you give the city the green light? So you need to think about hosting. More and more establishments know that dogs are great companions for travelers and allow the entry of animals. To avoid problems, check if the hotel or inn accepts pets. Otherwise, it's best to look for a place with that permission.

6. Separate pet items

The next step to traveling with a dog the right way is to gather all the products that must be taken on the trip. Starting with the fundamentals, save the medications that the animal takes daily or with some frequency. Take extra doses to avoid the risk of not finding the product.

Also, remember the collar and the toilet mat. These items are essential for everyday life and ensure more comfort. You can't forget about favorite toys and objects either. Take his favorite ball or even the blanket he can't be without. If you're driving, the bed fits in the trunk and brings that feeling of home wherever you are.

7. Be careful with food

To avoid accidents, care must be taken with food. The movement of the car, the bus, and even the plane can make your partner nauseous. If he has eaten before, he runs the risk of suffering from nausea and being unwell.

The best way to avoid this is to not feed your partner until 3 hours before departure. Just make sure you drink enough water to prevent dehydration.

If he eats some kind of special food, don't forget to pack it in your luggage. Unless you are sure that you can buy at the destination, it is better to be safe. After the journey, it's time to feed him: let him get used to the new environment and serve him the desired pot of food.

8. Use the collar and identification tag

With just one oversight your dog has the opportunity to run away. If this scenario is already bad at home, in a different city it is even worse. So be extra careful so that problems like this don't happen.

Even if the place seems calm or the dog is calm, just walk with the leash on. This prevents him from running away or running away before you can stop him. In the end, the walks will be much more peaceful. It is also important to use the identification tag at all times. In addition to giving a very special charm, it is a differential for your pet and prevents it from being lost, in case something goes out of schedule.

The best part is that a product of this type is also useful when you return home. So, don't give up leaving it identified with style!

9. Be careful with temperatures

It is common to travel in seasons with higher temperatures; however, an environment like this can be harmful to your dog. Excess heat leads to dehydration and fatigue and, in more fragile animals, generates health complications.

In addition, the very hot ground burns the pet's paws and harms the entire travel experience. Before taking him out for a walk, make sure the location is suitable enough. In order not to make mistakes, take him for a walk at the beginning of the day or at the end of the afternoon. If the place is colder than normal, wearing clothes to protect the pet is essential if he is not used to this wide variation.

Author: admin

Date: May 29 2023

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