Training and Behavior

Jealous Dog - Discover the source of your dog's jealousy.

admin • 31 Aug 2023


The human being when he is jealous is already difficult to deal with, now, what to do when we are faced with a jealous dog ? How does the dog get like this and what can we do to reverse this case?

At first, a certain amount of jealousy is desirable for the dog, especially if it is a guard dog. After all, a dog that loves and doesn't want strangers to come near its territory is a better guard dog than one that trusts everyone.

However, if the dog does not go through correct and continuous training, the feeling of possession can become so great that it becomes an obstacle even within the family, when the dog decides that he does not want to be approached by a certain member of the family, for example, typical behavior of a jealous dog.

How does the dog get jealous?

Jealousy and possessiveness in a dog are not like a disease, something he develops from one moment to the next. Because they are animals used to living in packs - they consider the family as their pack -, just like their wolf ancestors, dogs always need a person of authority inside the house - who must be all the adults in the house and not just the owner, for when its owner is not around.

That way, they know they must always obey that person and subject themselves to the rules that the owner stipulates. The problem starts when the dog loses this figure of authority or when the owner gives the impression that his authority is questionable, giving the dog space to become dominant in that place and therefore behave like a jealous dog, which controls and stipulates the rules of the house.

How to prevent my dog ​​from becoming jealous?

It is important that, from the first moment inside the new home, the dog understands who is in charge there, learning to respect its owner and the orders it receives. Some actions such as having a place of its own for the dog to stay when there is no one else at home help to prevent the dog from becoming very jealous – if the dog is loose inside the house while he is alone, the image of that this is his territory and that he is in charge of everything, which triggers jealous behavior in the dog.

Another way to prevent the dog from becoming too jealous is to pay attention to your pet's behavior, to be able to identify the first signs of jealousy and possession, and start training the dog from the first moment, so he will realize that the pack leadership post is not free and that he must remain obeying his owners.

My dog ​​is very jealous, what do I do?

The first step is for the owner and all residents of the house to understand that exaggerated jealousy is not a positive trait and that a jealous dog does not feel all that jealousy because he loves his family and his home – of course, this is also one of the reasons, but it is not exclusively the only one –, the jealous dog thinks he is the leader and is acting as such and this behavior is harmful to all family members.

For cases in which the dog has already established its role as leader of the house, it is important that the owner use training techniques to re-establish order inside the house, which will consequently make your pet stop being a jealous dog.

Another important technique is not to do what the dog wants at the exact moment he demands it – is your dog wanting affection while you are talking to someone, jumping on your legs, and barking to get your attention? It is very important in these cases that whatever the dog wants is denied, because if it is answered immediately, the jealous dog will understand that his behavior is acceptable and that he will always be rewarded if he acts in that way, entering a very harmful vicious circle.

Encouraging good behavior in dogs is the best technique – even being used during training with professionals – so every time the dog obeys after being scolded, it is important that he receives some caress or treat suitable for dogs, so he will realize that this attitude is favorable and will obey more easily.

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