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Cat snacks: what are the best snacks and their benefits?

Who doesn't enjoy treating their cat to make them happy? They adore it, you can be sure of that. There are currently many options to offer your four-legged friends and make them very happy. One of them is cat snacks. But many first-time pet parents may be apprehensive and have some doubts about this type of food.

After all, what are cat snacks? Can they be offered quietly? What benefits do they provide? And the options we have on the market, which are the best? Some of the most common questions are listed below.

With that in mind, in today's post, we're going to clarify the main doubts about cat snacks. Check out!

What are cat treats?

Snacks for cats are wet or dry foods, offered non-continuously to animals, serving as complements to regular food in everyday life. Some can be given as a treatment, while others have therapeutic functions, indicated in some health conditions.

Are cat snacks bad for you?

This is a very common question, mainly due to concern about possible long-term health damage. But when they are offered in a balanced way, they can bring a lot of gains to the health of animals. An example of this is the sachet, a great way to increase water intake, serving as a stimulus for cats that have some difficulty in this regard.

What are the benefits of cat snacks?

Many snacks have therapeutic functions, such as helping with kidney health, preventing dental problems, minimizing bad breath, and helping to prevent hairballs from forming, among others. Other benefits are:

  • greater proximity to the animal;

  • reward in obedience training or in special situations (when they manage to eliminate in the litter box );

  • assists in recovery from surgical procedures;

  • helps to better deal with cases of depression, stress, and adaptation to new environments;

  • complements the treatment of some conditions (gastrointestinal and renal);

  • provides more comfort to elderly animals that have difficulty eating dry feed.

What are the best cat snacks?

There are several snacks available in the market. The best are those that meet the needs of the animal, made with quality. Below are the main types and their benefits:

  • pates — moist foods that aid in water intake and can replace a meal (check for this indication on the packaging);

  • fruits - they are healthy and a way to contribute to a greater intake of fibers, vitamins, and nutrients, but it is important to talk to the veterinarian to find out which ones can be offered;

  • sachets — wet foods that help supplement nutrition without causing harm to health;

  • snacks — in addition to complementing the diet, some are functional and can be focused on reducing hairballs, and oral hygiene, among others.

When to offer cat treats?

Snacks can be offered in different situations, as we comment below:

  • show your affection for the pet;

  • teach behaviors and encourage obedience to commands;

  • assist in the reduction of hairballs (with specific snacks for this);

  • ensure a balanced diet ;

  • serve as complementary food after surgical procedures;

  • provide greater comfort, becoming food for the elderly cat that has lost some teeth;

How to offer cat snacks?

To ensure the benefits of snacks, it is important to observe some essential precautions when offering them, such as:

  • put the snack inside a ball that releases it, to stimulate and reward;

  • check the recommended amounts to avoid excess;

  • place in a sanitized container ;

  • discard the treat if the cat does not eat (mainly sachets and pâtés) to prevent the food from turning sour, which can cause nausea, vomiting, and intoxication, in addition to being exposed to the action of insects;

  • reinforce the reward by also offering affection and adopting an affectionate language.

As you can see in this post, the best cat treats are those that meet your pet's needs and do their job. They can be a way to supplement food, create a bond between you, a strategy to calm him down or help with obedience training. The important thing is that you choose the best quality ones to protect your pet's health.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 16 2023

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Learn now how to brush your cat's teeth correctly

Do you know how to brush the cat's teeth? Do you do this regularly? Believe me, they need that care too! The oral hygiene of felines is fundamental, mainly, to avoid the appearance of tartar and cavities. When these problems happen, they can experience a lot of pain and even present more serious problems. 

Therefore, it is important that you periodically take care of your kitty's oral hygiene. But where to start? If you've never done this, don't worry! We've selected some essential tips to help with this process. So take some time and come learn with us about how to take care of your kitty's teeth!

In this article, we will explain the importance of this care, the best tips for doing this and what to use for this dental hygiene. In the end, we'll show you what can cause bad breath in cats. Good reading!

Important of brushing a cat's teeth

We don't usually make this kind of association, but cats feed just like humans, so their teeth can accumulate waste too. Knowing how to brush your cat's teeth the right way is important to eliminate these remains, which don't come off by themselves.

Food residues in the cat's teeth can cause oral problems such as caries and tartar, as mentioned above. But the bacteria that proliferate there still favor inflammation and infections. When these problems are not treated, they can develop into more serious illnesses, for example, cardiovascular disease.

Not to mention that food scraps decompose and cause bad breath. If this happens to your kitty, maybe he needs good oral hygiene. She is important for senior cats as well as younger ones.

What are the tips for how to brush your cat's teeth?

It's not hard to learn how to brush your cat's teeth the right way. You just need to prepare a good environment, invest in the right products and be patient with your pet. See the tips below.

Choose a peaceful and calm environment

Like every cat tutor, you may have noticed that this type of animal gets stressed easily, right? So, considering that the action of brushing your teeth already causes stress, it is essential that the environment is favorable.

Try to take the cat to a quiet place, without other people and, mainly, without other animals. This will be key to putting you at ease.

Start by handling the cat's mouth

The region just below the cat's mouth is usually a place where he likes to receive affection, helping to make him more relaxed. So that he doesn't find the manipulation strange, start caressing that point.

When you see that the cat is calm, start handling the inside of the mouth so that it gets used to this contact. Then, start the process by wrapping a piece of gauze around your index finger (keep it very firm so it doesn't come loose) and massage your teeth gently for a while, so that it gradually adapts.

Be patient and wait for the cat to adjust

You may not be able to get a good result right away, but that doesn't mean you don't know how to brush your cat's teeth. In fact, it is an adaptation process that you will go through together, and it requires patience.

Take your time. Try to respect the animal's time, making it gain confidence and realize that brushing won't do any harm. Don't force the situation at first, but don't give up either. Keep trying until the cat gets used to the manipulation. Try to observe his reactions to understand what the kitty accepts best.

Create a comfortable environment

In addition to ensuring privacy for the cat when brushing its teeth, it is important that the environment is comfortable for it. Many cats feel calm wrapped in a towel, a technique that is also used when cutting nails. You can leave just the head out and keep the animal on your lap.

Avoid placing the cat on a hard or cold surface, such as over the sink or countertop. Always think about what will be most pleasant for him, so that the moment is associated with positive things.

Use a cat-specific toothbrush and toothpaste

When he gets used to this manipulation, it's time to come in with the toothbrush and toothpaste. Here, it is important to note that human items should not be used, okay?

The cat brush is usually smaller and often comes in the form of a thimble, precisely for you to be more precise when manipulating. With this, you can brush your teeth and gums more quietly for both of you.

Usually, the paste has a pleasant taste for the animals, making the process even more comfortable and causing it to reject less. Brushing should be carried out with circular movements, from the gum to the tips of the teeth. This helps to remove dirt and stuck plaques.

Make the cat feel welcome

As we said, cats are very sensitive to stress. If he feels insecure about the whole process, it could make brushing very difficult. Therefore, before, during and after, it is important that he feels welcomed.

Pet him, hug him and make the place favorable, as we teach. As uncomfortable as he may be, if he is secure, he may be more receptive to the process.

Be careful when brushing

Remember that cats' mouths are very sensitive. In addition, he may feel the urge to struggle, try to get away or meow a lot. If you make very firm movements or are not careful, you can hurt the cat's mouth, leading to possible inflammation in the region. Not good, is it? Therefore, be careful throughout the process.

Give a reward after brushing

Finished brushing? Now it's time to reward your feline friend for helping with the whole process. This makes the cat realize that even if it is an uncomfortable moment, if he helps, everything will be fine and he will receive something good in return.

What to use to brush the cat's teeth?

It's not enough to know how to brush your cat's teeth the right way, you also need to invest in specific products for this. Just as we choose other hygiene items made for cats, such as sand, we must invest in items designed for these animals in order to achieve good results. Remembering that products for humans should not be used.

The toothpaste assists in the removal of residues, but, in fact, it is the movements performed that do the heaviest work. So, it is essential to invest in a good brush, either in the traditional or thimble format.

Gauze is also valid, but be very careful when wrapping it around your finger so as not to end up getting loose and disturbing hygiene. It is worth emphasizing that it is not necessary to rinse the cat's mouth, since the specific toothpaste for it does not hurt. So, nothing else is needed.

What can cause bad breath in cats?

 If you don't know how to brush your cat's teeth the right way, or if you don't have the habit of taking care of your feline's oral hygiene, the result can be bad breath. After all, the accumulation of waste is the main cause of halitosis in kittens.

However, this is not the only reason. If you brush your cat's teeth and he still has bad breath, it's very important to see a veterinarian. This is because diseases that affect the kidneys, liver, and gastric system can also lead to this problem, in addition to diabetes.

Until you learn how to brush your cat's teeth and get them used to it, it can be a laborious process. But by adopting the essential care we suggest, over time, everything will become easier and more peaceful. Most importantly, these actions will effectively help protect your feline's health.

Author: admin

Date: Jul 21 2023

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Cat's Nails - How to take care of the cat's claws

That felines are natural scratchers, everyone knows, and cat's claw is a fundamental piece for the development of a healthy kitty. Although the excitement of cats is so great that, in some cases, it can transform a room in the house into a veritable patchwork factory, the felines' claws must be well cared for so that they can lead a happy and active life.

In the same way that cats usually lick themselves in the famous cat baths - to remove the dirt accumulated in their fur - the act of scratching also has very specific functions for cats and, contrary to what many may think, it is not an attitude that necessarily presents some aggressiveness. Over time, the cat's claw begins to have aged layers, and scratching is one of the measures that the cat takes to get rid of this old layer.

In addition to these aged layers, a cat's claw can irritate the animal a lot when it becomes too big, triggering endless sessions of scratching on all sides. Kitty nails also serve as a form of protection and defense against threats and attacks, as well as being a great way for them to calm down and lower stress levels.

Anyone who has a feline friend as part of the family knows that constant attention must be paid to the pet's mood and claws , as almost any item within reach can become the perfect spot for many scratches, including furniture, walls and curtains. , between others.

Discover, in this article, good tips to reduce the amount of scratches your feline pet and how to take care of its nails in the best way, contributing to the cat having a healthy life and free of annoyances due to nails.

How to take care of cat nails

As explained above, the cat's claw has many functions in a feline's life and, therefore, must always be well cared for and trimmed. Just like people's nails, those of cats never stop growing and, in view of the irritation that this can cause to the pet, it is important that owners stay alert to identify the time to trim them, as this type of procedure it must be done very carefully so as not to injure the animal.

Because they are very delicate, feline nails when cut the wrong way can cause a lot of pain, in addition to a kind of mutilation in the region. Unlike people's nails, kittens' claws are completely exposed on their paw and, highlighting a close proximity to the bones, are full of nerves and vessels - which when injured can cause a lot of discomfort in the pet.

The keratin layer that covers the cat's nail should be the only part to be cut or trimmed, and it is necessary to be very careful when performing this task, as the dermis is positioned very close to the surface of the nail , and can be affected in procedures performed by inexperienced people.

In kittens that have white nails, identifying the portion to be trimmed is quite easy, as it is possible to see the red color of the blood vessels that pass through it and must be preserved. However, other colors prevent this limit line from being easily identified and, when in doubt, the best thing to do is to take your pet to a pet shop so that the nails are cut - avoiding the risks of ending up hurting your animal, without wanting to.

If the preference is to trim the cat's nails indoors, a visit to the veterinarian may be a good option, as he can explain how to carry out the process in the best way and with all the necessary safety. For those who choose to cut their claws at home, it is essential that they purchase specific accessories for this type of work, such as scissors and clippers suitable for cat nails, which can be found in pet stores.

As feline claws are etractable, there may be difficulty in carrying out the process on the part of the less skilled. However, when applying slight pressure to the animal's paw, its nails become more prominent and visible, making it easier to cut – which must always be done carefully to avoid hurting the internal part.

So that your kitty's nails can be trimmed whenever necessary, it's important to get your pet used to the process from a young age, and show him that touching his paws or other more delicate and sensitive regions does not pose a threat. As in the case of bathing and cleaning their ears, cats tend to be much calmer during the action when they have known it since they were puppies, and carrying out all the main care for their health from the first months of life is the guarantee of a feline calm and not at all aggressive in procedures like these.

Even used to the situation, cats remain active animals and feel uncomfortable with having to spend a lot of time still. Therefore, it is indicated that the process of trimming his nails is done in parts, cutting one or two at a time and letting him play a little before resuming the process.

 False nails for cats

A method widely used these days to avoid the constant scratching of felines is the adoption of false nails for cats . Although the idea may seem a little wrong at first, coating the claws can bring very good results for those who suffer from a cat that scratches too much.

Made from materials such as rubber, gel and silicone, false nails for cats can be easily found in the most modern pet stores and, in addition to protecting their claws, they also protect the furniture in the house. The greatest care with regard to this type of accessory must be applied when applying it, which must be done calmly and carefully to prevent the adhesive product from coming into contact with areas other than the nail itself.

Regardless of the type of false claw you decide to apply to your animal, the feline's nails will continue to grow every day and, when they are too long, they tend to cause the same discomfort that the cat feels without this type of covering; which reinforces the need to trim the nails from time to time in the same way.

The variety of colors is already large in the feline false nails market, and it's not difficult to leave your kitty with a top-notch “manicure”. Although it proves to be efficient, this accessory is not always very well accepted by the animals and, therefore, it cannot always be seen as the ideal solution.


Regarded as an indispensable accessory for most pet owners, scratching posts are a great option to help your pet relax and trim its nails naturally. As with other products, cats do not always adapt well to the item and, in these cases, it is up to the feline owner to investigate other types of objects that he can destroy while “sanding” his claws.

In addition to serving as a relaxation tool for kittens, scratching posts are valid when teaching specific rules for the pet. In the same way that cats learn which are the correct places to eliminate, they can also learn which is the right item to scratch if the owner has a little patience.

Rubbing a little catnip (catnip) on the scratching post can be a good idea to attract it to the right place, and with that in mind, it is essential that the item has a designated place to stay inside the house, showing that it is allowed to play and scratch only in this location.

Because they are used a lot by most kittens who have a copy available, scratching posts wear out with a certain ease, accumulating dirt and smells. With this, cats end up losing interest in the accessory and, to prevent them from attacking the furniture in the house again, it must be changed every time the feline starts to ignore it, guaranteeing the relief of its stress and the fulfillment of its tasks. natural claw care activities.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 09 2023

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British Shorthair cat: breed features and care

The British Shorthair cat, also known as the British cat, is an ancient breed that draws attention to being extremely intelligent and beautiful. This feline is present in all countries of Europe and America.

Cats are companion animals and very attached to their owner and the environment where they live. In addition to being quiet, they need little care and are very independent. A great pet option for those who don't have the time and space to own a puppy.

 The cat from “Alice in Wonderland” and Puss in Boots from “Shrek” have one thing in common: they belong to the British Shorthair breed. This kitten, very popular in Europe, is also winning the hearts of Pakis.

In this article, we'll tell you everything about the British Shorthair cat breed, including the main characteristics, temperament, and tips for caring for the animal. Follow!

Origin of the British Shorthair cat

The British Shorthair stands as one of the oldest cat breeds in the world. The origin is uncertain, however, the most accepted theory is that specimens of this breed were brought from Egypt by the Romans. Thus, when they arrived in England, they crossed with wild cats and gradually acquired the characteristics they currently have.

During the world wars, which affected the European continent during the 20th century, British Shorthair cats almost disappeared. However, luckily, some specimens were saved and with the passage of time recovered the popularity of these felines in the world.

Physical Characteristics of the British Shorthair Cat

The coat of the British Shorthair cat is short and soft, and the most common color is gray (blue), but there are cats of this breed in various colors, the most popular currently is white. They adapt to regions of different climates and have very strong health, they hardly get sick. Their average lifespan is 15 years.

The English cat has a medium size, short limbs, a small and rounded head, and the weight can vary between 8 kg and 10 kg. The big eyes and the slightly flattened muzzle are also some of the characteristics of the breed, he always seems to be smiling.

The most striking feature of the pet's appearance is the round head, which forms a kind of cheek - reminiscent of the classic laughing cat.

Another unique aspect of the breed is its late maturity. The British Shorthair cat only becomes a full adult when it reaches 4 years of age.

There are basically two types of British Shorthair: the shorthair and the longhair.

British Shorthair Breed Behavior

The British Shorthair is very affectionate and gets along with other pets without any problems. They like to play, but sometimes they are a little lazy and do not react to stimuli, preferring to stay on their owner's lap or follow in their footsteps.

It is an independent cat and despite its robust appearance, when challenged or in situations where it needs to get out of its comfort zone, it is very brave, fast, and smart.

The breed is one of the most suitable for those who live in an apartment, as it does not need a lot of space and is silent, the British Shorthair only meows when it is very hungry or feels uncomfortable about something.

Quiet and observant, British Shorthair kittens learn everything easily. They don't usually jump and climb high places, as is typical of other felines. It is a perfect breed for anyone who has never owned a cat before.

Tips and care for this breed

Like any other cat, the British Shorthair is independent and needs little care. Visits to the veterinarian should occur only once a year to ensure the health of the animal and prevent diseases. Approximately 5% of male cats of this breed have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy later in life.

Male cats of this breed, after the age of four, also tend to be obese. Females, on the other hand, do not usually suffer from this problem, since they are more active.

To ensure that the coat is always beautiful and shiny and the cat's health is in perfect condition, you must commit to feeding the animal at least twice a day with medium portions of quality food. Sporadically he can also be fed snacks.

It is recommended to leave the dry food at ease for the cat so that it can follow its own rhythm of feeding throughout the day. And, to make the animal's coat more beautiful, it is also recommended to feed it with wet food.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 04 2023

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Maine Coon Cat: Temperament and More!

Know that this feline arouses the fascination of many people thanks to its above-average size.

This kitty looks a lot like a wild lynx, only it has a super friendly temperament. It is therefore a perfect animal to have at home and live with the family.

In this article, we are going to talk about the Maine Coon, considered the biggest cat in the world. Learn more about the characteristics and temperament of the breed. Also, find out how much it costs to acquire a puppy.

Origin of the Maine Coon

Not much is known about the origin of the Maine Coon. The most likely hypothesis is that the breed was born from the crossing of long-haired European cats (as is the case with the Norwegian Forest and the Angora ) with cats native to the United States with short hair.

There is also a theory that this breed of giant cat came about because of the crossing between Canadian lynxes and domestic cats. However, this is just a regional belief.

There are many legends about the Maine Coon cat breed. One is that giant cats are descended from the longhaired cats of French Queen Marie Antoinette. It is believed that they were placed on a ship and shipped to the United States. Thus, the first specimens of the breed originated.


Legends aside, the most accepted theory is that these felines result from the crossing of Maine forest cats (American state) with cats brought by the Vikings in the period of colonization of the Americas.

The term Coon became part of the cat's name because it means raccoon in English. The word refers to the similarity that exists in relation to the tail of the two animals.


The Maine Coon breed has over 200 years of history and has conquered the world with its beauty. In Pak, however, there are records of this cat only in the last two decades.

Were you curious to know a little more about the kitty? Then check out the topics below.

Physical characteristics

The Maine Coon is considered one of the largest domestic cat breeds in the world. Their height ranges from 25 to 41 cm, their length can reach 110 cm and they can weigh up to 13 kilos. It is worth remembering that females are usually smaller than males.

The life expectancy of this cat is 12 years. Despite its large size, the feline lives well in apartments and does not require a special space.

Many people confuse the Maine Coon with other large cat breeds such as the Angora and Norwegian Forest Cat. The main difference is in the Maine Coon's square muzzle, something very characteristic of the breed. In addition, the tips of the ears have a tuft of hair.

The breed has some very striking physical characteristics, such as the long, semi-smooth, soft, and voluminous coat, which requires daily brushing. The eyes, large and expressive, usually match the color of the fur (white, black, or yellow).

The most popular coat colors are:

  • BlackSilver;

  • Blue;

  • Black;

  • Cream;

  • Red;

  • White.

The physical characteristics make the Maine Coon a champion of records. Examples of the breed have the titles of longest cat in the world and cat with the longest tail in the world.


In general, the Maine Coon has a strong, sturdy, and muscular body. However, he has a tendency to develop some health problems. The list includes:

  • Polycystic Kidney Disease;

  • Hip Dysplasia;

  • Spinal Muscular Atrophy;

  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

To keep the Maine Coon Cat always healthy, the owner must worry about the pet's diet, as well as the practice of physical exercises and weight control. From a puppy, it is recommended to take the kitty to the vet for a check-up, vaccination and take care of deworming.


It is essential to bathe cats at least once every three weeks, otherwise, the excess natural oiliness of the hair contributes to the formation of wounds on the skin. It is possible to bathe at home, but in case of difficulties, it is worth hiring the services of a bather.


The Maine Coon is considered one of the smartest cats in the world. He has great adaptability and can be trained easily. His temperament is described as sociable, companionable, gentle, and affectionate.

Playful, the biggest cats in the world love to have fun with a ball of paper and easily adapt to living with other animals, such as dogs and cockatiels, for example.

The Maine Coon cat is very attached to its family and gets along well with children. Your contact with strangers, however, is a little more elusive. Another strong point in the breed's temperament is independence.

The breed is very fond of playing, including when it involves water.

Author: admin

Date: May 30 2023

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Exotic cats: 8 breeds you need to know

Check out 8 exotic cat breeds you need to know about! These felines have different colors, and sizes and can differ greatly in terms of behavior. All this variety is the result of the mixture of races and the different conditions of survival in each region of the planet, some stand out due to unusual characteristics, but this still pleases many.

The main characteristics of cat breeds are defined by the region where each one lives, in cold countries, for example, native breeds have long hair, while in warmer countries they have a shorter coat. But with the popularity of this kitty, several of them were created in the laboratory, by crossing different breeds or even cats with other types of felines.

Exotic cats are much sought after by those who are fans of the companionship and affection of these little animals and appreciate the different appearance, which is still a charm. In addition to drawing attention wherever they go, they are more difficult to find, some can only be purchased by order.

8 exotic cat breeds

Meet 8 main breeds of exotic cats :


The Toyger breed was recognized in 2007, these cats are the result of the mixture of many breeds, the sole objective of the breeder was to make it possible for a domestic cat to have the appearance of a wild feline, the tiger. He is a medium-sized cat and has short, yellowish hair with black stripes.

They are very active, and for this reason, they hardly exceed 5kg, they are healthy, resistant, and live a long time, approximately 15 years. It can be easily found and purchased for a price that varies between 5 and 7 thousand.

Scottish fold

The breed is immediately recognizable by its folded ears and slightly drooping eyes. They are a great option for an exotic cat for anyone who likes to have an animal that is really a companion, and likes to be with the cat all the time in his lap or playing games.

The Scottish Fold has medium-length hair that is plentiful and very soft, and therefore requires constant brushing. They are medium-sized cats that can weigh up to 7 kg and live for approximately 20 years. Very easy to find, it is sold for an average of 3 thousand.



They are extremely exotic cats because they don't have hair and have very wrinkled skin. These characteristics are also responsible for the greatest weaknesses of the breed, excessive exposure to the sun, cold, and humidity can cause serious dermatological problems in this type of cat.

Despite their frightening appearance for many, the sphynx are very affectionate, love to be with other cats, and love to play, even as adults. Their skin has a pink background and is covered with spots, most of the time they live for more than 10 years, however, disease prevention and periodic visits to the veterinarian are essential to ensure a long life for the breed. They are sold for 2 thousand.


Also known as the wolf cat, the Lykoi looks like a feline, but even in behavior, it resembles a dog. The hair is always of dark tones, medium length and very thin, especially in the region of the head, eyes, and mouth.


It is a new breed, which is not the result of a mixture, but a mutation of the American Shorthair breed. Very attached to the owner, they do not accept spending hours alone and enjoy socializing with visitors to where they live. It is still very difficult to find in Pak.


Savannah cats are the result of crossing between domestic cats and serval. They are part of one of the most exotic species in the world due to their distinctive appearance, they have a small head, large ears and long bodies and limbs, and they can weigh up to 15 kg. The coat is short, smooth, and painted, like a jaguar.


Despite the appearance of wild cats, they are extremely docile and love to play, whether with cats or even dogs. Those who wish to have a Savannah cat must be willing to wait, as most are sterile they are only bred on demand in some regions, in addition, it is necessary to spend at least 10 thousand to buy the feline.

Cornish rex

This exotic breed is characterized by long, lean legs, a small head, large eyes, an elongated muzzle, and a very fine coat of short hair. They are large, lean cats, full of energy, and prefer the company of humans to other animals.

The Cornish Rex is a hardy breed, but it should be raised indoors in a pleasant, dirt-free environment. They are faithful companions, live an average of 18 years, and prefer to stay in a cozy corner than on your lap. The price can vary between 3 and 6 thousand.


Somali cats have a unique appearance, with long orange hair and darker colors on the ends of the body, their beauty is compared to that of a fox. In addition, they always have green or almond-shaped eyes and are found on all continents of the world.

The behavior of this breed is ideal for those who already have other pets or children in the family because they adapt easily to other beings and are very active, they hardly refuse to participate in a game. Due to their very long hair, they need bathing and brushing once a month. 

Japanese bobtail

The main feature of this cat is the tail, they do not have a long tail like other felines of the species, the Bobtail only has a tuft of hair on the back of the body, which is very similar to a rabbit's tail. In addition to being very cute, easterners believe that it attracts luck.

Author: admin

Date: May 30 2023

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Discover 6 Giant Cat Breeds with Unique Characteristics and Endearing Personalities

In addition to size, giant cats have different characteristics from ordinary cats. Life expectancy, for example, is much higher, which makes these pets even more attractive for pets. Read the article that knows the breeds of the “big” cats.

The relationship of affection and care between owners and pets stimulates the production of hormones that improve mood; therefore, having a giant cat at home directly influences the quality of life.

Despite the independent profile of these little animals, they are very affectionate with their caregivers, and even with a high weight, many have plenty of energy to play.

6 giant cat breeds you need to Know

Maine Coon

The breed emerged in the USA, in the state of Maine and its main characteristic is the tail similar to that of a raccoon. The weight of this giant cat varies from 5 to 7 kg (females) and 7 to 10 kg (males), its coloration is diverse, with brown being the most common. The fur is long, which requires essential care, such as brushing and a lot of hygiene to keep them free of fleas.

The Maine Coon is very calm and patient, coexists peacefully with other animals, and has no problems adapting to new environments. Its life expectancy is 15 to 20 years and the average price is 2000.


Also of American origin, the giants of the Ragdoll breed are extremely docile and needy, they need attention all the time and they love to stay in the lap of the owner. They are homemade, sociable, and gluttonous, for this reason, it is necessary to control their diet so that they do not exceed the average weight (10 kg).


The eyes are always blue, the fur coloration has chocolate and brown tones on the paws, ears, tail, and muzzle, and the rest of the body is grayish in color. Due to the large amount of fur, they need to be bathed twice a month. The average price of a Ragdoll is 2500 and they can live up to 25 years.  


The giant Ashera cat is known for its resemblance to leopards because the breed is the result of mixing the DNA of the domestic cat, the wild cat, and the Asian leopard. It is the most expensive cat in the world, it can cost from 40 to 300 thousand, depending on its characteristics. Furthermore, it is sterile and can only be reproduced in the laboratory.

The Ashera can reach one and a half meters in length and weigh up to 15 kg, despite its aggressive appearance, as it resembles wild cats, it is docile and a companion. Ashera cats live an average of 15 years.


Savannah-breed cats are busy, super smart, and love to play. They can be trained easily, they are ideal companions for walks in the park and short walks. The breed is the result of crossing a domestic cat and a Serval.

Even though they are very active, the average weight of these cats is 12 kg, the coat is short with a golden and silver background covered with spots in darker tones, such as brown or black. It is difficult to find these cats for sale, as most are sterile. They cost an average of R$10,000.


Siberians are of Russian origin, due to the country's cold climate they have developed the ability to withstand subzero temperatures, the coat is not so long and has shades of gray and brown. The big eyes of the giant Siberian cat give the impression that they are always alert and curious about everything that happens around them.

The Siberian likes to play and feels better in a group, it is perfect company for other kittens. The weight can reach 10 kg and their life expectancy is 20 years, the average price is 8 thousand.

Forest Norwegian

As the name implies, this breed originated in the forests of Norway. They like to exercise climbing trees and are not very sociable, they usually only trust and approach the owner, with whom they are very affectionate.

The Norwegian cat has a coat mixed with different colors, the hair is thick and difficult to tangle. The average weight is 8 kg and life expectancy is one of the lowest among giant cats, they live only 12 years.

Author: admin

Date: May 29 2023

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A Gentle Guide: How to Safely Trim Your Cat's Nails at Home

Do you know how to cut a cat's nails? Anyone who has a feline at home knows how rebellious this pet is in some hygiene procedures. They do not like these moments, as they feel a lot of discomfort, however, the tutor must overcome this barrier to prevent them from unintentionally hurting the people around them and even themselves when scratching.

The first skill that must be developed is the issue of interaction between the tutor and the cat, this will help a lot to solve this problem very quickly and with the least possible discomfort to the cat.

Below, learn a simple procedure on how to cut a cat's nail quickly and without hurting the feline!

Step by Step on how to cut a complete cat's nail!

The only material you will need is a “cat nail clipper”. Buy them at pet stores, they look like pliers and have an appropriate design to make the job easier. Never use common scissors, you could hurt the kitty.

1 – Choose a comfortable and well-lit corner of the house

Set aside time to do this, without rushing, as patience is required. Enjoy and interact with your kitten, create a moment of joy and relaxation, that way, he will be less tense.

 Evaluate which are the moments that the kitten most seeks you for affection, this is a good time to cut its nails. But, don't keep the cutter in your hands, be discreet to attract it.

It is very important to always maintain this habit, so your cat grows up knowing it, that is, this procedure will not be a surprise.

2 – Find a comfortable position

Most tutors prefer to hold the kitten in their lap to carry out this process. But, you can also take him in the tank, if you prefer and he doesn't get rebellious.

Take tests and evaluate which position is best for your pet and for you.

3 – Hold the paws firmly

At this point, the cat should be comfortable, meanwhile, you hold its paws very tight.


Press the center of the paw so that the nails are clearly visible. The pink part is where the blood vessels are located, so be careful not to hurt yourself, the part that should be trimmed is the one that is right at the tip.

To better understand the cutting limit, it is ideal that the first time the cat's nails are cut by a veterinarian, in this way, you can observe exactly how he did it and you will already have a more appropriate basis for not making mistakes.

4 – Bet on intervals of relaxation and caresses

Between one nail and another, make the caresses that your kitty likes the most. Let him feel very comfortable and happy at that moment, with that, he will always assimilate this time as happy and never as a lot of tension.

So, next time, cutting your cat's nails will be a less stressful task. Practice will make you understand this moment, but it is important that you act with care and affection, never shout at this time.

You can also offer some rewards between one nail and another, for example, a treat that he likes a lot. Make them very visible while you're doing this, he'll understand that it's a positive thing to cut his nails.

5 – Always have silver nitrate close by

This substance is able to stop the bleeding caused by the cut if that happens.

Of course, nobody wants to hurt their pet, but accidents can happen, to avoid something worse, take precautions to reduce the cat's suffering.

How often do you need to cut your cat's nails?

There is no fixed rule for this, each cat has its own different period of courtship because it will depend a lot on what the cat usually does in its day to day.

This assessment is made by your tutor, if he usually scratches people around, damaging furniture, the frequency will certainly be less. Because it is known that cats scrape their nails on furniture, walls, and floors to sharpen them.


Generally, front paws nails need cutting 1 time a month, while back paws, only when it's extremely necessary. There is no rule time, observe your kitten's needs. And remember that claws are important for cats, don't always keep them too short.

An excellent way to know the right time to cut your nails is to pay attention to the noise they make when walking. If the sound is very evident, it's because the nails are already too long.

Some people prefer to use scratching posts so they don't damage furniture indoors. They promote a nail wear process, so they can postpone or make cutting them unnecessary.

Understanding how to cut a cat's nail will only help your pet, as they don't scratch out of malice, it's their instinct.

As the feline is born with a certain independence, he sharpens his nails himself, this act serves to maintain the state of the nails and also to release his stress, through this, he can also delimit his territory.

It does not resolve to scold the cat for these actions, as it may even get sick. But, you can teach him to use a spider, that way, his instincts are not shaken and even the furniture in the house is not destroyed.

Generally, the cats most in need of a nail trim are the older ones. That's because these kittens are no longer as active, they play little, they don't explore the place where they live and consequently, their nails don't wear out naturally like before.

Now that you know how to cut a cat's nail, take care of your feline. This procedure is especially necessary for those who live indoors all the time, those who play a lot in backyards and outside, wear their nails more and sometimes they don't even need a cut.

Author: admin

Date: May 29 2023

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Cat snacks: what are the best snacks and their benefits?

Who doesn't enjoy treating their cat to make them happy? They adore it, you can be sure of that. There are currently many options to offer your four-legged friends and make them very happy. One of them is cat snacks. But many first-time pet parents may be apprehensive and have some doubts about this type of food.

After all, what are cat snacks? Can they be offered quietly? What benefits do they provide? And the options we have on the market, which are the best? Some of the most common questions are listed below.

With that in mind, in today's post, we're going to clarify the main doubts about cat snacks. Check out!

What are cat treats?

Snacks for cats are wet or dry foods, offered non-continuously to animals, serving as complements to regular food in everyday life. Some can be given as a treatment, while others have therapeutic functions, indicated in some health conditions.

Are cat snacks bad for you?

This is a very common question, mainly due to concern about possible long-term health damage. But when they are offered in a balanced way, they can bring a lot of gains to the health of animals. An example of this is the sachet, a great way to increase water intake, serving as a stimulus for cats that have some difficulty in this regard.

What are the benefits of cat snacks?

Many snacks have therapeutic functions, such as helping with kidney health, preventing dental problems, minimizing bad breath, and helping to prevent hairballs from forming, among others. Other benefits are:

  • greater proximity to the animal;

  • reward in obedience training or in special situations (when they manage to eliminate in the litter box );

  • assists in recovery from surgical procedures;

  • helps to better deal with cases of depression, stress, and adaptation to new environments;

  • complements the treatment of some conditions (gastrointestinal and renal);

  • provides more comfort to elderly animals that have difficulty eating dry feed.

What are the best cat snacks?

There are several snacks available in the market. The best are those that meet the needs of the animal, made with quality. Below are the main types and their benefits:

  • pates — moist foods that aid in water intake and can replace a meal (check for this indication on the packaging);

  • fruits - they are healthy and a way to contribute to a greater intake of fibers, vitamins, and nutrients, but it is important to talk to the veterinarian to find out which ones can be offered;

  • sachets — wet foods that help supplement nutrition without causing harm to health;

  • snacks — in addition to complementing the diet, some are functional and can be focused on reducing hairballs, and oral hygiene, among others.

When to offer cat treats?

Snacks can be offered in different situations, as we comment below:

  • show your affection for the pet;

  • teach behaviors and encourage obedience to commands;

  • assist in the reduction of hairballs (with specific snacks for this);

  • ensure a balanced diet ;

  • serve as complementary food after surgical procedures;

  • provide greater comfort, becoming food for the elderly cat that has lost some teeth;

How to offer cat snacks?

To ensure the benefits of snacks, it is important to observe some essential precautions when offering them, such as:

  • put the snack inside a ball that releases it, to stimulate and reward;

  • check the recommended amounts to avoid excess;

  • place in a sanitized container ;

  • discard the treat if the cat does not eat (mainly sachets and pâtés) to prevent the food from turning sour, which can cause nausea, vomiting, and intoxication, in addition to being exposed to the action of insects;

  • reinforce the reward by also offering affection and adopting an affectionate language.

As you can see in this post, the best cat treats are those that meet your pet's needs and do their job. They can be a way to supplement food, create a bond between you, a strategy to calm him down or help with obedience training. The important thing is that you choose the best quality ones to protect your pet's health.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 16 2023

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Learn now how to brush your cat's teeth correctly

Do you know how to brush the cat's teeth? Do you do this regularly? Believe me, they need that care too! The oral hygiene of felines is fundamental, mainly, to avoid the appearance of tartar and cavities. When these problems happen, they can experience a lot of pain and even present more serious problems. 

Therefore, it is important that you periodically take care of your kitty's oral hygiene. But where to start? If you've never done this, don't worry! We've selected some essential tips to help with this process. So take some time and come learn with us about how to take care of your kitty's teeth!

In this article, we will explain the importance of this care, the best tips for doing this and what to use for this dental hygiene. In the end, we'll show you what can cause bad breath in cats. Good reading!

Important of brushing a cat's teeth

We don't usually make this kind of association, but cats feed just like humans, so their teeth can accumulate waste too. Knowing how to brush your cat's teeth the right way is important to eliminate these remains, which don't come off by themselves.

Food residues in the cat's teeth can cause oral problems such as caries and tartar, as mentioned above. But the bacteria that proliferate there still favor inflammation and infections. When these problems are not treated, they can develop into more serious illnesses, for example, cardiovascular disease.

Not to mention that food scraps decompose and cause bad breath. If this happens to your kitty, maybe he needs good oral hygiene. She is important for senior cats as well as younger ones.

What are the tips for how to brush your cat's teeth?

It's not hard to learn how to brush your cat's teeth the right way. You just need to prepare a good environment, invest in the right products and be patient with your pet. See the tips below.

Choose a peaceful and calm environment

Like every cat tutor, you may have noticed that this type of animal gets stressed easily, right? So, considering that the action of brushing your teeth already causes stress, it is essential that the environment is favorable.

Try to take the cat to a quiet place, without other people and, mainly, without other animals. This will be key to putting you at ease.

Start by handling the cat's mouth

The region just below the cat's mouth is usually a place where he likes to receive affection, helping to make him more relaxed. So that he doesn't find the manipulation strange, start caressing that point.

When you see that the cat is calm, start handling the inside of the mouth so that it gets used to this contact. Then, start the process by wrapping a piece of gauze around your index finger (keep it very firm so it doesn't come loose) and massage your teeth gently for a while, so that it gradually adapts.

Be patient and wait for the cat to adjust

You may not be able to get a good result right away, but that doesn't mean you don't know how to brush your cat's teeth. In fact, it is an adaptation process that you will go through together, and it requires patience.

Take your time. Try to respect the animal's time, making it gain confidence and realize that brushing won't do any harm. Don't force the situation at first, but don't give up either. Keep trying until the cat gets used to the manipulation. Try to observe his reactions to understand what the kitty accepts best.

Create a comfortable environment

In addition to ensuring privacy for the cat when brushing its teeth, it is important that the environment is comfortable for it. Many cats feel calm wrapped in a towel, a technique that is also used when cutting nails. You can leave just the head out and keep the animal on your lap.

Avoid placing the cat on a hard or cold surface, such as over the sink or countertop. Always think about what will be most pleasant for him, so that the moment is associated with positive things.

Use a cat-specific toothbrush and toothpaste

When he gets used to this manipulation, it's time to come in with the toothbrush and toothpaste. Here, it is important to note that human items should not be used, okay?

The cat brush is usually smaller and often comes in the form of a thimble, precisely for you to be more precise when manipulating. With this, you can brush your teeth and gums more quietly for both of you.

Usually, the paste has a pleasant taste for the animals, making the process even more comfortable and causing it to reject less. Brushing should be carried out with circular movements, from the gum to the tips of the teeth. This helps to remove dirt and stuck plaques.

Make the cat feel welcome

As we said, cats are very sensitive to stress. If he feels insecure about the whole process, it could make brushing very difficult. Therefore, before, during and after, it is important that he feels welcomed.

Pet him, hug him and make the place favorable, as we teach. As uncomfortable as he may be, if he is secure, he may be more receptive to the process.

Be careful when brushing

Remember that cats' mouths are very sensitive. In addition, he may feel the urge to struggle, try to get away or meow a lot. If you make very firm movements or are not careful, you can hurt the cat's mouth, leading to possible inflammation in the region. Not good, is it? Therefore, be careful throughout the process.

Give a reward after brushing

Finished brushing? Now it's time to reward your feline friend for helping with the whole process. This makes the cat realize that even if it is an uncomfortable moment, if he helps, everything will be fine and he will receive something good in return.

What to use to brush the cat's teeth?

It's not enough to know how to brush your cat's teeth the right way, you also need to invest in specific products for this. Just as we choose other hygiene items made for cats, such as sand, we must invest in items designed for these animals in order to achieve good results. Remembering that products for humans should not be used.

The toothpaste assists in the removal of residues, but, in fact, it is the movements performed that do the heaviest work. So, it is essential to invest in a good brush, either in the traditional or thimble format.

Gauze is also valid, but be very careful when wrapping it around your finger so as not to end up getting loose and disturbing hygiene. It is worth emphasizing that it is not necessary to rinse the cat's mouth, since the specific toothpaste for it does not hurt. So, nothing else is needed.

What can cause bad breath in cats?

 If you don't know how to brush your cat's teeth the right way, or if you don't have the habit of taking care of your feline's oral hygiene, the result can be bad breath. After all, the accumulation of waste is the main cause of halitosis in kittens.

However, this is not the only reason. If you brush your cat's teeth and he still has bad breath, it's very important to see a veterinarian. This is because diseases that affect the kidneys, liver, and gastric system can also lead to this problem, in addition to diabetes.

Until you learn how to brush your cat's teeth and get them used to it, it can be a laborious process. But by adopting the essential care we suggest, over time, everything will become easier and more peaceful. Most importantly, these actions will effectively help protect your feline's health.

Author: admin

Date: Jul 21 2023

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Cat's Nails - How to take care of the cat's claws

That felines are natural scratchers, everyone knows, and cat's claw is a fundamental piece for the development of a healthy kitty. Although the excitement of cats is so great that, in some cases, it can transform a room in the house into a veritable patchwork factory, the felines' claws must be well cared for so that they can lead a happy and active life.

In the same way that cats usually lick themselves in the famous cat baths - to remove the dirt accumulated in their fur - the act of scratching also has very specific functions for cats and, contrary to what many may think, it is not an attitude that necessarily presents some aggressiveness. Over time, the cat's claw begins to have aged layers, and scratching is one of the measures that the cat takes to get rid of this old layer.

In addition to these aged layers, a cat's claw can irritate the animal a lot when it becomes too big, triggering endless sessions of scratching on all sides. Kitty nails also serve as a form of protection and defense against threats and attacks, as well as being a great way for them to calm down and lower stress levels.

Anyone who has a feline friend as part of the family knows that constant attention must be paid to the pet's mood and claws , as almost any item within reach can become the perfect spot for many scratches, including furniture, walls and curtains. , between others.

Discover, in this article, good tips to reduce the amount of scratches your feline pet and how to take care of its nails in the best way, contributing to the cat having a healthy life and free of annoyances due to nails.

How to take care of cat nails

As explained above, the cat's claw has many functions in a feline's life and, therefore, must always be well cared for and trimmed. Just like people's nails, those of cats never stop growing and, in view of the irritation that this can cause to the pet, it is important that owners stay alert to identify the time to trim them, as this type of procedure it must be done very carefully so as not to injure the animal.

Because they are very delicate, feline nails when cut the wrong way can cause a lot of pain, in addition to a kind of mutilation in the region. Unlike people's nails, kittens' claws are completely exposed on their paw and, highlighting a close proximity to the bones, are full of nerves and vessels - which when injured can cause a lot of discomfort in the pet.

The keratin layer that covers the cat's nail should be the only part to be cut or trimmed, and it is necessary to be very careful when performing this task, as the dermis is positioned very close to the surface of the nail , and can be affected in procedures performed by inexperienced people.

In kittens that have white nails, identifying the portion to be trimmed is quite easy, as it is possible to see the red color of the blood vessels that pass through it and must be preserved. However, other colors prevent this limit line from being easily identified and, when in doubt, the best thing to do is to take your pet to a pet shop so that the nails are cut - avoiding the risks of ending up hurting your animal, without wanting to.

If the preference is to trim the cat's nails indoors, a visit to the veterinarian may be a good option, as he can explain how to carry out the process in the best way and with all the necessary safety. For those who choose to cut their claws at home, it is essential that they purchase specific accessories for this type of work, such as scissors and clippers suitable for cat nails, which can be found in pet stores.

As feline claws are etractable, there may be difficulty in carrying out the process on the part of the less skilled. However, when applying slight pressure to the animal's paw, its nails become more prominent and visible, making it easier to cut – which must always be done carefully to avoid hurting the internal part.

So that your kitty's nails can be trimmed whenever necessary, it's important to get your pet used to the process from a young age, and show him that touching his paws or other more delicate and sensitive regions does not pose a threat. As in the case of bathing and cleaning their ears, cats tend to be much calmer during the action when they have known it since they were puppies, and carrying out all the main care for their health from the first months of life is the guarantee of a feline calm and not at all aggressive in procedures like these.

Even used to the situation, cats remain active animals and feel uncomfortable with having to spend a lot of time still. Therefore, it is indicated that the process of trimming his nails is done in parts, cutting one or two at a time and letting him play a little before resuming the process.

 False nails for cats

A method widely used these days to avoid the constant scratching of felines is the adoption of false nails for cats . Although the idea may seem a little wrong at first, coating the claws can bring very good results for those who suffer from a cat that scratches too much.

Made from materials such as rubber, gel and silicone, false nails for cats can be easily found in the most modern pet stores and, in addition to protecting their claws, they also protect the furniture in the house. The greatest care with regard to this type of accessory must be applied when applying it, which must be done calmly and carefully to prevent the adhesive product from coming into contact with areas other than the nail itself.

Regardless of the type of false claw you decide to apply to your animal, the feline's nails will continue to grow every day and, when they are too long, they tend to cause the same discomfort that the cat feels without this type of covering; which reinforces the need to trim the nails from time to time in the same way.

The variety of colors is already large in the feline false nails market, and it's not difficult to leave your kitty with a top-notch “manicure”. Although it proves to be efficient, this accessory is not always very well accepted by the animals and, therefore, it cannot always be seen as the ideal solution.


Regarded as an indispensable accessory for most pet owners, scratching posts are a great option to help your pet relax and trim its nails naturally. As with other products, cats do not always adapt well to the item and, in these cases, it is up to the feline owner to investigate other types of objects that he can destroy while “sanding” his claws.

In addition to serving as a relaxation tool for kittens, scratching posts are valid when teaching specific rules for the pet. In the same way that cats learn which are the correct places to eliminate, they can also learn which is the right item to scratch if the owner has a little patience.

Rubbing a little catnip (catnip) on the scratching post can be a good idea to attract it to the right place, and with that in mind, it is essential that the item has a designated place to stay inside the house, showing that it is allowed to play and scratch only in this location.

Because they are used a lot by most kittens who have a copy available, scratching posts wear out with a certain ease, accumulating dirt and smells. With this, cats end up losing interest in the accessory and, to prevent them from attacking the furniture in the house again, it must be changed every time the feline starts to ignore it, guaranteeing the relief of its stress and the fulfillment of its tasks. natural claw care activities.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 09 2023

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British Shorthair cat: breed features and care

The British Shorthair cat, also known as the British cat, is an ancient breed that draws attention to being extremely intelligent and beautiful. This feline is present in all countries of Europe and America.

Cats are companion animals and very attached to their owner and the environment where they live. In addition to being quiet, they need little care and are very independent. A great pet option for those who don't have the time and space to own a puppy.

 The cat from “Alice in Wonderland” and Puss in Boots from “Shrek” have one thing in common: they belong to the British Shorthair breed. This kitten, very popular in Europe, is also winning the hearts of Pakis.

In this article, we'll tell you everything about the British Shorthair cat breed, including the main characteristics, temperament, and tips for caring for the animal. Follow!

Origin of the British Shorthair cat

The British Shorthair stands as one of the oldest cat breeds in the world. The origin is uncertain, however, the most accepted theory is that specimens of this breed were brought from Egypt by the Romans. Thus, when they arrived in England, they crossed with wild cats and gradually acquired the characteristics they currently have.

During the world wars, which affected the European continent during the 20th century, British Shorthair cats almost disappeared. However, luckily, some specimens were saved and with the passage of time recovered the popularity of these felines in the world.

Physical Characteristics of the British Shorthair Cat

The coat of the British Shorthair cat is short and soft, and the most common color is gray (blue), but there are cats of this breed in various colors, the most popular currently is white. They adapt to regions of different climates and have very strong health, they hardly get sick. Their average lifespan is 15 years.

The English cat has a medium size, short limbs, a small and rounded head, and the weight can vary between 8 kg and 10 kg. The big eyes and the slightly flattened muzzle are also some of the characteristics of the breed, he always seems to be smiling.

The most striking feature of the pet's appearance is the round head, which forms a kind of cheek - reminiscent of the classic laughing cat.

Another unique aspect of the breed is its late maturity. The British Shorthair cat only becomes a full adult when it reaches 4 years of age.

There are basically two types of British Shorthair: the shorthair and the longhair.

British Shorthair Breed Behavior

The British Shorthair is very affectionate and gets along with other pets without any problems. They like to play, but sometimes they are a little lazy and do not react to stimuli, preferring to stay on their owner's lap or follow in their footsteps.

It is an independent cat and despite its robust appearance, when challenged or in situations where it needs to get out of its comfort zone, it is very brave, fast, and smart.

The breed is one of the most suitable for those who live in an apartment, as it does not need a lot of space and is silent, the British Shorthair only meows when it is very hungry or feels uncomfortable about something.

Quiet and observant, British Shorthair kittens learn everything easily. They don't usually jump and climb high places, as is typical of other felines. It is a perfect breed for anyone who has never owned a cat before.

Tips and care for this breed

Like any other cat, the British Shorthair is independent and needs little care. Visits to the veterinarian should occur only once a year to ensure the health of the animal and prevent diseases. Approximately 5% of male cats of this breed have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy later in life.

Male cats of this breed, after the age of four, also tend to be obese. Females, on the other hand, do not usually suffer from this problem, since they are more active.

To ensure that the coat is always beautiful and shiny and the cat's health is in perfect condition, you must commit to feeding the animal at least twice a day with medium portions of quality food. Sporadically he can also be fed snacks.

It is recommended to leave the dry food at ease for the cat so that it can follow its own rhythm of feeding throughout the day. And, to make the animal's coat more beautiful, it is also recommended to feed it with wet food.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 04 2023

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Maine Coon Cat: Temperament and More!

Know that this feline arouses the fascination of many people thanks to its above-average size.

This kitty looks a lot like a wild lynx, only it has a super friendly temperament. It is therefore a perfect animal to have at home and live with the family.

In this article, we are going to talk about the Maine Coon, considered the biggest cat in the world. Learn more about the characteristics and temperament of the breed. Also, find out how much it costs to acquire a puppy.

Origin of the Maine Coon

Not much is known about the origin of the Maine Coon. The most likely hypothesis is that the breed was born from the crossing of long-haired European cats (as is the case with the Norwegian Forest and the Angora ) with cats native to the United States with short hair.

There is also a theory that this breed of giant cat came about because of the crossing between Canadian lynxes and domestic cats. However, this is just a regional belief.

There are many legends about the Maine Coon cat breed. One is that giant cats are descended from the longhaired cats of French Queen Marie Antoinette. It is believed that they were placed on a ship and shipped to the United States. Thus, the first specimens of the breed originated.


Legends aside, the most accepted theory is that these felines result from the crossing of Maine forest cats (American state) with cats brought by the Vikings in the period of colonization of the Americas.

The term Coon became part of the cat's name because it means raccoon in English. The word refers to the similarity that exists in relation to the tail of the two animals.


The Maine Coon breed has over 200 years of history and has conquered the world with its beauty. In Pak, however, there are records of this cat only in the last two decades.

Were you curious to know a little more about the kitty? Then check out the topics below.

Physical characteristics

The Maine Coon is considered one of the largest domestic cat breeds in the world. Their height ranges from 25 to 41 cm, their length can reach 110 cm and they can weigh up to 13 kilos. It is worth remembering that females are usually smaller than males.

The life expectancy of this cat is 12 years. Despite its large size, the feline lives well in apartments and does not require a special space.

Many people confuse the Maine Coon with other large cat breeds such as the Angora and Norwegian Forest Cat. The main difference is in the Maine Coon's square muzzle, something very characteristic of the breed. In addition, the tips of the ears have a tuft of hair.

The breed has some very striking physical characteristics, such as the long, semi-smooth, soft, and voluminous coat, which requires daily brushing. The eyes, large and expressive, usually match the color of the fur (white, black, or yellow).

The most popular coat colors are:

  • BlackSilver;

  • Blue;

  • Black;

  • Cream;

  • Red;

  • White.

The physical characteristics make the Maine Coon a champion of records. Examples of the breed have the titles of longest cat in the world and cat with the longest tail in the world.


In general, the Maine Coon has a strong, sturdy, and muscular body. However, he has a tendency to develop some health problems. The list includes:

  • Polycystic Kidney Disease;

  • Hip Dysplasia;

  • Spinal Muscular Atrophy;

  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

To keep the Maine Coon Cat always healthy, the owner must worry about the pet's diet, as well as the practice of physical exercises and weight control. From a puppy, it is recommended to take the kitty to the vet for a check-up, vaccination and take care of deworming.


It is essential to bathe cats at least once every three weeks, otherwise, the excess natural oiliness of the hair contributes to the formation of wounds on the skin. It is possible to bathe at home, but in case of difficulties, it is worth hiring the services of a bather.


The Maine Coon is considered one of the smartest cats in the world. He has great adaptability and can be trained easily. His temperament is described as sociable, companionable, gentle, and affectionate.

Playful, the biggest cats in the world love to have fun with a ball of paper and easily adapt to living with other animals, such as dogs and cockatiels, for example.

The Maine Coon cat is very attached to its family and gets along well with children. Your contact with strangers, however, is a little more elusive. Another strong point in the breed's temperament is independence.

The breed is very fond of playing, including when it involves water.

Author: admin

Date: May 30 2023

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Exotic cats: 8 breeds you need to know

Check out 8 exotic cat breeds you need to know about! These felines have different colors, and sizes and can differ greatly in terms of behavior. All this variety is the result of the mixture of races and the different conditions of survival in each region of the planet, some stand out due to unusual characteristics, but this still pleases many.

The main characteristics of cat breeds are defined by the region where each one lives, in cold countries, for example, native breeds have long hair, while in warmer countries they have a shorter coat. But with the popularity of this kitty, several of them were created in the laboratory, by crossing different breeds or even cats with other types of felines.

Exotic cats are much sought after by those who are fans of the companionship and affection of these little animals and appreciate the different appearance, which is still a charm. In addition to drawing attention wherever they go, they are more difficult to find, some can only be purchased by order.

8 exotic cat breeds

Meet 8 main breeds of exotic cats :


The Toyger breed was recognized in 2007, these cats are the result of the mixture of many breeds, the sole objective of the breeder was to make it possible for a domestic cat to have the appearance of a wild feline, the tiger. He is a medium-sized cat and has short, yellowish hair with black stripes.

They are very active, and for this reason, they hardly exceed 5kg, they are healthy, resistant, and live a long time, approximately 15 years. It can be easily found and purchased for a price that varies between 5 and 7 thousand.

Scottish fold

The breed is immediately recognizable by its folded ears and slightly drooping eyes. They are a great option for an exotic cat for anyone who likes to have an animal that is really a companion, and likes to be with the cat all the time in his lap or playing games.

The Scottish Fold has medium-length hair that is plentiful and very soft, and therefore requires constant brushing. They are medium-sized cats that can weigh up to 7 kg and live for approximately 20 years. Very easy to find, it is sold for an average of 3 thousand.



They are extremely exotic cats because they don't have hair and have very wrinkled skin. These characteristics are also responsible for the greatest weaknesses of the breed, excessive exposure to the sun, cold, and humidity can cause serious dermatological problems in this type of cat.

Despite their frightening appearance for many, the sphynx are very affectionate, love to be with other cats, and love to play, even as adults. Their skin has a pink background and is covered with spots, most of the time they live for more than 10 years, however, disease prevention and periodic visits to the veterinarian are essential to ensure a long life for the breed. They are sold for 2 thousand.


Also known as the wolf cat, the Lykoi looks like a feline, but even in behavior, it resembles a dog. The hair is always of dark tones, medium length and very thin, especially in the region of the head, eyes, and mouth.


It is a new breed, which is not the result of a mixture, but a mutation of the American Shorthair breed. Very attached to the owner, they do not accept spending hours alone and enjoy socializing with visitors to where they live. It is still very difficult to find in Pak.


Savannah cats are the result of crossing between domestic cats and serval. They are part of one of the most exotic species in the world due to their distinctive appearance, they have a small head, large ears and long bodies and limbs, and they can weigh up to 15 kg. The coat is short, smooth, and painted, like a jaguar.


Despite the appearance of wild cats, they are extremely docile and love to play, whether with cats or even dogs. Those who wish to have a Savannah cat must be willing to wait, as most are sterile they are only bred on demand in some regions, in addition, it is necessary to spend at least 10 thousand to buy the feline.

Cornish rex

This exotic breed is characterized by long, lean legs, a small head, large eyes, an elongated muzzle, and a very fine coat of short hair. They are large, lean cats, full of energy, and prefer the company of humans to other animals.

The Cornish Rex is a hardy breed, but it should be raised indoors in a pleasant, dirt-free environment. They are faithful companions, live an average of 18 years, and prefer to stay in a cozy corner than on your lap. The price can vary between 3 and 6 thousand.


Somali cats have a unique appearance, with long orange hair and darker colors on the ends of the body, their beauty is compared to that of a fox. In addition, they always have green or almond-shaped eyes and are found on all continents of the world.

The behavior of this breed is ideal for those who already have other pets or children in the family because they adapt easily to other beings and are very active, they hardly refuse to participate in a game. Due to their very long hair, they need bathing and brushing once a month. 

Japanese bobtail

The main feature of this cat is the tail, they do not have a long tail like other felines of the species, the Bobtail only has a tuft of hair on the back of the body, which is very similar to a rabbit's tail. In addition to being very cute, easterners believe that it attracts luck.

Author: admin

Date: May 30 2023

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Discover 6 Giant Cat Breeds with Unique Characteristics and Endearing Personalities

In addition to size, giant cats have different characteristics from ordinary cats. Life expectancy, for example, is much higher, which makes these pets even more attractive for pets. Read the article that knows the breeds of the “big” cats.

The relationship of affection and care between owners and pets stimulates the production of hormones that improve mood; therefore, having a giant cat at home directly influences the quality of life.

Despite the independent profile of these little animals, they are very affectionate with their caregivers, and even with a high weight, many have plenty of energy to play.

6 giant cat breeds you need to Know

Maine Coon

The breed emerged in the USA, in the state of Maine and its main characteristic is the tail similar to that of a raccoon. The weight of this giant cat varies from 5 to 7 kg (females) and 7 to 10 kg (males), its coloration is diverse, with brown being the most common. The fur is long, which requires essential care, such as brushing and a lot of hygiene to keep them free of fleas.

The Maine Coon is very calm and patient, coexists peacefully with other animals, and has no problems adapting to new environments. Its life expectancy is 15 to 20 years and the average price is 2000.


Also of American origin, the giants of the Ragdoll breed are extremely docile and needy, they need attention all the time and they love to stay in the lap of the owner. They are homemade, sociable, and gluttonous, for this reason, it is necessary to control their diet so that they do not exceed the average weight (10 kg).


The eyes are always blue, the fur coloration has chocolate and brown tones on the paws, ears, tail, and muzzle, and the rest of the body is grayish in color. Due to the large amount of fur, they need to be bathed twice a month. The average price of a Ragdoll is 2500 and they can live up to 25 years.  


The giant Ashera cat is known for its resemblance to leopards because the breed is the result of mixing the DNA of the domestic cat, the wild cat, and the Asian leopard. It is the most expensive cat in the world, it can cost from 40 to 300 thousand, depending on its characteristics. Furthermore, it is sterile and can only be reproduced in the laboratory.

The Ashera can reach one and a half meters in length and weigh up to 15 kg, despite its aggressive appearance, as it resembles wild cats, it is docile and a companion. Ashera cats live an average of 15 years.


Savannah-breed cats are busy, super smart, and love to play. They can be trained easily, they are ideal companions for walks in the park and short walks. The breed is the result of crossing a domestic cat and a Serval.

Even though they are very active, the average weight of these cats is 12 kg, the coat is short with a golden and silver background covered with spots in darker tones, such as brown or black. It is difficult to find these cats for sale, as most are sterile. They cost an average of R$10,000.


Siberians are of Russian origin, due to the country's cold climate they have developed the ability to withstand subzero temperatures, the coat is not so long and has shades of gray and brown. The big eyes of the giant Siberian cat give the impression that they are always alert and curious about everything that happens around them.

The Siberian likes to play and feels better in a group, it is perfect company for other kittens. The weight can reach 10 kg and their life expectancy is 20 years, the average price is 8 thousand.

Forest Norwegian

As the name implies, this breed originated in the forests of Norway. They like to exercise climbing trees and are not very sociable, they usually only trust and approach the owner, with whom they are very affectionate.

The Norwegian cat has a coat mixed with different colors, the hair is thick and difficult to tangle. The average weight is 8 kg and life expectancy is one of the lowest among giant cats, they live only 12 years.

Author: admin

Date: May 29 2023

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A Gentle Guide: How to Safely Trim Your Cat's Nails at Home

Do you know how to cut a cat's nails? Anyone who has a feline at home knows how rebellious this pet is in some hygiene procedures. They do not like these moments, as they feel a lot of discomfort, however, the tutor must overcome this barrier to prevent them from unintentionally hurting the people around them and even themselves when scratching.

The first skill that must be developed is the issue of interaction between the tutor and the cat, this will help a lot to solve this problem very quickly and with the least possible discomfort to the cat.

Below, learn a simple procedure on how to cut a cat's nail quickly and without hurting the feline!

Step by Step on how to cut a complete cat's nail!

The only material you will need is a “cat nail clipper”. Buy them at pet stores, they look like pliers and have an appropriate design to make the job easier. Never use common scissors, you could hurt the kitty.

1 – Choose a comfortable and well-lit corner of the house

Set aside time to do this, without rushing, as patience is required. Enjoy and interact with your kitten, create a moment of joy and relaxation, that way, he will be less tense.

 Evaluate which are the moments that the kitten most seeks you for affection, this is a good time to cut its nails. But, don't keep the cutter in your hands, be discreet to attract it.

It is very important to always maintain this habit, so your cat grows up knowing it, that is, this procedure will not be a surprise.

2 – Find a comfortable position

Most tutors prefer to hold the kitten in their lap to carry out this process. But, you can also take him in the tank, if you prefer and he doesn't get rebellious.

Take tests and evaluate which position is best for your pet and for you.

3 – Hold the paws firmly

At this point, the cat should be comfortable, meanwhile, you hold its paws very tight.


Press the center of the paw so that the nails are clearly visible. The pink part is where the blood vessels are located, so be careful not to hurt yourself, the part that should be trimmed is the one that is right at the tip.

To better understand the cutting limit, it is ideal that the first time the cat's nails are cut by a veterinarian, in this way, you can observe exactly how he did it and you will already have a more appropriate basis for not making mistakes.

4 – Bet on intervals of relaxation and caresses

Between one nail and another, make the caresses that your kitty likes the most. Let him feel very comfortable and happy at that moment, with that, he will always assimilate this time as happy and never as a lot of tension.

So, next time, cutting your cat's nails will be a less stressful task. Practice will make you understand this moment, but it is important that you act with care and affection, never shout at this time.

You can also offer some rewards between one nail and another, for example, a treat that he likes a lot. Make them very visible while you're doing this, he'll understand that it's a positive thing to cut his nails.

5 – Always have silver nitrate close by

This substance is able to stop the bleeding caused by the cut if that happens.

Of course, nobody wants to hurt their pet, but accidents can happen, to avoid something worse, take precautions to reduce the cat's suffering.

How often do you need to cut your cat's nails?

There is no fixed rule for this, each cat has its own different period of courtship because it will depend a lot on what the cat usually does in its day to day.

This assessment is made by your tutor, if he usually scratches people around, damaging furniture, the frequency will certainly be less. Because it is known that cats scrape their nails on furniture, walls, and floors to sharpen them.


Generally, front paws nails need cutting 1 time a month, while back paws, only when it's extremely necessary. There is no rule time, observe your kitten's needs. And remember that claws are important for cats, don't always keep them too short.

An excellent way to know the right time to cut your nails is to pay attention to the noise they make when walking. If the sound is very evident, it's because the nails are already too long.

Some people prefer to use scratching posts so they don't damage furniture indoors. They promote a nail wear process, so they can postpone or make cutting them unnecessary.

Understanding how to cut a cat's nail will only help your pet, as they don't scratch out of malice, it's their instinct.

As the feline is born with a certain independence, he sharpens his nails himself, this act serves to maintain the state of the nails and also to release his stress, through this, he can also delimit his territory.

It does not resolve to scold the cat for these actions, as it may even get sick. But, you can teach him to use a spider, that way, his instincts are not shaken and even the furniture in the house is not destroyed.

Generally, the cats most in need of a nail trim are the older ones. That's because these kittens are no longer as active, they play little, they don't explore the place where they live and consequently, their nails don't wear out naturally like before.

Now that you know how to cut a cat's nail, take care of your feline. This procedure is especially necessary for those who live indoors all the time, those who play a lot in backyards and outside, wear their nails more and sometimes they don't even need a cut.

Author: admin

Date: May 29 2023

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