
Cat's Nails - How to take care of the cat's claws

admin • 09 Jun 2023


That felines are natural scratchers, everyone knows, and cat's claw is a fundamental piece for the development of a healthy kitty. Although the excitement of cats is so great that, in some cases, it can transform a room in the house into a veritable patchwork factory, the felines' claws must be well cared for so that they can lead a happy and active life.

In the same way that cats usually lick themselves in the famous cat baths - to remove the dirt accumulated in their fur - the act of scratching also has very specific functions for cats and, contrary to what many may think, it is not an attitude that necessarily presents some aggressiveness. Over time, the cat's claw begins to have aged layers, and scratching is one of the measures that the cat takes to get rid of this old layer.

In addition to these aged layers, a cat's claw can irritate the animal a lot when it becomes too big, triggering endless sessions of scratching on all sides. Kitty nails also serve as a form of protection and defense against threats and attacks, as well as being a great way for them to calm down and lower stress levels.

Anyone who has a feline friend as part of the family knows that constant attention must be paid to the pet's mood and claws , as almost any item within reach can become the perfect spot for many scratches, including furniture, walls and curtains. , between others.

Discover, in this article, good tips to reduce the amount of scratches your feline pet and how to take care of its nails in the best way, contributing to the cat having a healthy life and free of annoyances due to nails.

How to take care of cat nails

As explained above, the cat's claw has many functions in a feline's life and, therefore, must always be well cared for and trimmed. Just like people's nails, those of cats never stop growing and, in view of the irritation that this can cause to the pet, it is important that owners stay alert to identify the time to trim them, as this type of procedure it must be done very carefully so as not to injure the animal.

Because they are very delicate, feline nails when cut the wrong way can cause a lot of pain, in addition to a kind of mutilation in the region. Unlike people's nails, kittens' claws are completely exposed on their paw and, highlighting a close proximity to the bones, are full of nerves and vessels - which when injured can cause a lot of discomfort in the pet.

The keratin layer that covers the cat's nail should be the only part to be cut or trimmed, and it is necessary to be very careful when performing this task, as the dermis is positioned very close to the surface of the nail , and can be affected in procedures performed by inexperienced people.

In kittens that have white nails, identifying the portion to be trimmed is quite easy, as it is possible to see the red color of the blood vessels that pass through it and must be preserved. However, other colors prevent this limit line from being easily identified and, when in doubt, the best thing to do is to take your pet to a pet shop so that the nails are cut - avoiding the risks of ending up hurting your animal, without wanting to.

If the preference is to trim the cat's nails indoors, a visit to the veterinarian may be a good option, as he can explain how to carry out the process in the best way and with all the necessary safety. For those who choose to cut their claws at home, it is essential that they purchase specific accessories for this type of work, such as scissors and clippers suitable for cat nails, which can be found in pet stores.

As feline claws are etractable, there may be difficulty in carrying out the process on the part of the less skilled. However, when applying slight pressure to the animal's paw, its nails become more prominent and visible, making it easier to cut – which must always be done carefully to avoid hurting the internal part.

So that your kitty's nails can be trimmed whenever necessary, it's important to get your pet used to the process from a young age, and show him that touching his paws or other more delicate and sensitive regions does not pose a threat. As in the case of bathing and cleaning their ears, cats tend to be much calmer during the action when they have known it since they were puppies, and carrying out all the main care for their health from the first months of life is the guarantee of a feline calm and not at all aggressive in procedures like these.

Even used to the situation, cats remain active animals and feel uncomfortable with having to spend a lot of time still. Therefore, it is indicated that the process of trimming his nails is done in parts, cutting one or two at a time and letting him play a little before resuming the process.

 False nails for cats

A method widely used these days to avoid the constant scratching of felines is the adoption of false nails for cats . Although the idea may seem a little wrong at first, coating the claws can bring very good results for those who suffer from a cat that scratches too much.

Made from materials such as rubber, gel and silicone, false nails for cats can be easily found in the most modern pet stores and, in addition to protecting their claws, they also protect the furniture in the house. The greatest care with regard to this type of accessory must be applied when applying it, which must be done calmly and carefully to prevent the adhesive product from coming into contact with areas other than the nail itself.

Regardless of the type of false claw you decide to apply to your animal, the feline's nails will continue to grow every day and, when they are too long, they tend to cause the same discomfort that the cat feels without this type of covering; which reinforces the need to trim the nails from time to time in the same way.

The variety of colors is already large in the feline false nails market, and it's not difficult to leave your kitty with a top-notch “manicure”. Although it proves to be efficient, this accessory is not always very well accepted by the animals and, therefore, it cannot always be seen as the ideal solution.


Regarded as an indispensable accessory for most pet owners, scratching posts are a great option to help your pet relax and trim its nails naturally. As with other products, cats do not always adapt well to the item and, in these cases, it is up to the feline owner to investigate other types of objects that he can destroy while “sanding” his claws.

In addition to serving as a relaxation tool for kittens, scratching posts are valid when teaching specific rules for the pet. In the same way that cats learn which are the correct places to eliminate, they can also learn which is the right item to scratch if the owner has a little patience.

Rubbing a little catnip (catnip) on the scratching post can be a good idea to attract it to the right place, and with that in mind, it is essential that the item has a designated place to stay inside the house, showing that it is allowed to play and scratch only in this location.

Because they are used a lot by most kittens who have a copy available, scratching posts wear out with a certain ease, accumulating dirt and smells. With this, cats end up losing interest in the accessory and, to prevent them from attacking the furniture in the house again, it must be changed every time the feline starts to ignore it, guaranteeing the relief of its stress and the fulfillment of its tasks. natural claw care activities.

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