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The Barking Dog How do you deal with excessive noise?

A constantly barking dog can be a big problem, and annoy both its own owners and the whole neighborhood. Although not all dogs have this type of behavior by nature – as some breeds are quite quiet and only bark in very specific and dangerous situations – a talkative dog is not hard to find and, when the barking goes far beyond normal, it's time to seek help and put some techniques into practice.

In addition to training dogs to perform certain tricks and commands, the training process with the help of a professional can also help a lot when calming a barking dog, making it possible to reduce the noise caused by the pet.

Taking advantage of talkative pets, the animal world market already offers accessories that promise to help control the barking of dogs; however, discovering the factor that causes this exaggerated talk is the first step so that the situation can be resolved without any harm to the animal and, as the objective of the owners is always the well-being of their pets, it is worth a greater investigation before going out buying products that claim to be miraculous.

In addition to simple communication, there are several other factors that make a dog bark a lot and, in many cases, the culprit for so much noise can be the owner of the pet, without even realizing it. Check out, in this article, the main reasons and occasions that make a dog bark a lot, and learn valuable tips to solve the problem and maintain peace and silence in your home and in the neighborhood.

Why do dogs bark?

The most common reason dogs bark is, without a doubt, the need for communication. However, understanding what is the factor that the dog wants to communicate is the first step to be able to avoid very constant barking and, in this regard, the motivations of canine pets can be as varied as possible.

Dogs that feel very lonely, abandoned, or anxious can bark like there's no tomorrow and, in these cases, it can be said that part of the responsibility for the high level of dog talk lies with the pet owners themselves. Not all dog breeds have the expected levels of independence and leaving a needy pet alone for too long can trigger day-long barking.

The desire to interact with other dogs is also a powerful reason why pets bark a lot, and dogs that live in places where there is a high concentration of other animals may feel this urge to talk to a friend on several occasions. This ends up causing barking to occur every time another friend walks by or starts a conversation - which is not difficult to happen at all; considering that, in the same way that your pet may be a fan of “chatting”, other dogs in the region may also have this habit. Usually, the barks that signify the dog's desire to talk are longer and more continuous and can be identified more easily.

Sadness at the separation from the owner is another factor that can influence the barking of the pet that, sad to see its owner leave the house, barks to show its dissatisfaction. In the same way that departure causes barking, the owner's arrival at home can also trigger an intense session of dog talk – however, this is a type of barking that only causes discomfort to the neighbors; as being greeted by the pet's talking animation is adorable for 100% of dog owners.

Finally, we come to the most intense barks in the pack: the ones that show some kind of danger. Very protective (and, in some cases, very fearful), dogs trigger the barking machine when they feel that something is out of order or represents some kind of danger - usually, due to hearing a noise or smelling something suspicious.

Although dog barking serves as a warning and can make all the difference in real dangerous situations, there are many pets that are simply not used to the environment in which they live, and see almost any noise or new smell as a sign of danger – putting it the voice to work and barking uncontrollably every time something happens (ie all day long).

 When the barking is the owner's fault

Dogs that want to get the owner's attention or play can also bark a lot to be noticed and, in these cases, the owner's attitude counts a lot in defining whether the dog's behavior can improve or not.

The explanation for this fact is simple and consists of the following: when a dog barks a lot (to get attention or ask for something) and is promptly attended to by its owner – who fulfills his wish for the dog to stop barking – this happens. it becomes a habit; since, in the dog's understanding, every time there is a lot of barking, he will get what he wants.

Although it's easy to understand, many owners end up not noticing this pattern of behavior in their pets, encouraging barking even more. The ideal in these cases is that, when noticing that your dog is barking exaggeratedly for wanting something, its owner waits until he calms down to fulfill the pet's desire; showing that it's not the barking that earns you a prize, but the calmness.

Very noisy families can also influence their pets to bark too much, because imitating the behavior of their owners is a tendency for dogs, and the more talkative the owners are, the more talkative the dog will be. Boredom is another common cause of excessive barking in dogs , so owners who have very active pets and don't spend time taking them for walks or doing activities can also trigger this type of behavior.

 How to Control and Reduce Dog Barking

To reduce the amount of dog barking and calm him down, making him understand that exaggerated talk is unnecessary, some dressage techniques can be of great help. As in the case of those who want to teach tricks to animals, methods involving rewards can be extremely efficient and, following the line of teaching intelligent training, it is possible to alleviate this type of behavior with some ease.

To begin the process, it is important that a single word is chosen to give the command to stop barking for the animal, such as “silence”, for example. The word must be used whenever the dog is barking a lot, and the owner must pronounce it firmly and clearly; rewarding him with lots of affection, or even a treat when the command is obeyed.

It is important to remember that, in large families, all members must be properly informed about the command keyword, making everyone ask for the dog's silence in the same way, facilitating their understanding. Another relevant factor is to avoid giving food or any kind of affection to the animal while it is still barking, as it can associate this type of rewarding action with the act of barking; and this can provoke the opposite reaction of what is desired.

Combining training techniques with physical activities can also be a great option for those who have very talkative dogs; since, with the practice of exercises, pets spend more energy and end up calming down in a natural way, no longer barking due to the accumulation of disposition.

Author: admin

Date: Aug 31 2023

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Dog coughing: know what to do

Watching and hearing your dog coughing can cause a lot of concern, as it is possible to indicate a wide variety of diseases, such as distemper, for example. Meanwhile, it's vital to pay attention to your puppy and assess whether this cough wasn't caused by some choking or allergy.

In this way, We decided to produce this article to inform the most diverse tutors about what could be happening to the health of a dog with a lot of cough . In that sense, follow the content below! 

Dog with a cough: what could it be?

The truth is that a dog with a cough is not always suffering from a serious illness. After all, the puppy can end up coughing for several reasons, from allergies and choking on food or water intake. Therefore, it is important that you assess the weather conditions and the environment in which the dog is most at home. Still, it is worth mentioning that it is possible to consider a disease only when the dog does not stop coughing .

How is a dog's cough?

There is not much mystery to identify the problem of coughing in dogs. That's because the noise made is very similar to that of the human being. On the other hand, you need to pay close attention and assess what type of cough is being presented by the pet. 

A more acute cough may indicate that the dog has an allergy or some respiratory disease, as a normal cough, but chronic and dry, may represent a contagious or heart disease. Finally, being a cough after meals, it could just be a simple gagging, but it could also mean that there is some abnormal condition with the animal's stomach.

When the dog has a continuous cough it is necessary to take him to the veterinarian

It is normal for an owner to have questions such as: “ my dog ​​is coughing , I don't know what to do”, among other similar ones. In that case, the main action to be taken is to take your four-legged friend to the veterinarian as soon as possible so that he has the proper care.

However, the owner needs to assess the condition of the pet, because if the problem of the dog coughing is occurring sporadically, there is nothing to worry about. Now, being a common condition in the puppy's routine, the search for a trusted veterinarian is essential. 

What are the common illnesses in dogs with a cough?

A common infectious disease among dogs is canine parainfluenza, which is also known as “kennel cough”. It is a problem caused by parasitic microorganisms and which causes the puppy to have a continuous and dry cough. 

Another viral disease that also causes dogs to cough is distemper, which, by affecting the animal's respiratory and gastrointestinal system, induces an insistent cough. It is worth noting that distemper is an extremely serious disease that can be fatal to the pet, as it affects the set of cells, tissues and organs responsible for the nervous activities of the canine organism.

How to treat dog cough?

First of all, it is very important that, from the onset of cough symptoms, you take your dog to a trusted veterinary clinic. Thus, only canine health professionals are capable of competently diagnosing the problem and treating it. In that sense, the best remedy for a dog with a cough is to take him to the doctor.

Dog coughing problem: tips to avoid

To prevent your dog from having this cough problem, it is important that you apply all puppy vaccines during the animal's childhood. This makes the animal have the necessary antibodies to protect itself from contamination by viruses and bacteria harmful to animal health.

It's also interesting to feed your four-legged friend correctly - either through quality dog ​​food or natural food - and take him for walks constantly . After all, just like us, animals also need to eat well and exercise in order to maintain a healthier life. 

It is essential to have a check-up on your puppy

Identifying a problem in a preventive way is always good, before it causes damage to health, isn't it? In this way, keeping your dog's veterinary doctor's frequency between 6 and 12 months is essential for the pet to be properly cared for and maintain a healthier life, avoiding a series of serious illnesses and conditions.

Author: admin

Date: Jul 21 2023

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How to take care of an elderly dog? See some important tips

As time goes by, it is necessary to know well how to take care of an elderly dog. After all, it is during this time that the health of the little animal becomes more fragile and susceptible to various problems. In that sense, some measures are important for maintaining your four-legged friend's quality of life.

Unfortunately, some tutors are still not well informed about the necessary care for domestic animals. That's why We created this article on certain essential measures to ensure the health and well-being of your senior dog. Then follow the content below!

What is the best way to determine how old my dog is?

The different sizes and breeds of dogs present a great variation in calculating the age of the dog. Thus, small and medium-sized animals have greater longevity than large and giant animals. However, a dog is usually considered elderly between the 7th and 8th years of life.

An elderly dog ​​has some habits

During this dog's life cycle, it is common for him to change some things during his old age. Soon, it's common for them to eat less than usual, sleep more and have difficulty practicing exercises that were simple before. Certain physical changes are also observed, for example, the change to a dull and greyish coat.

A senior dog sleeps how many hours a day?

Just like us humans, animals also need to rest after an ordinary day. Generally, an adult puppy sleeps between 12 and 14 hours, however, in the case of elderly dogs, they have a longer period of sleep that can last from 14 to 18 hours. So, don't make too much noise and let your pet sleep at ease, even more so during old age.

What to feed an elderly dog ​​to eat?

Good nutrition is crucial to ensure your pet's good health, even more so when you want to know how to care for an elderly dog. Therefore, taking into account that your puppy's physical condition is weakened during this phase of life, you must understand that older animals have different nutritional needs compared to younger ones. In this sense, we have listed some of the foods that you can offer your elderly dog:

  • Dry or wet food suitable for elderly dogs;

  • Greens, vegetables, fruits, cereals, and boiled egg;

  • Low-fat meats, chicken, fish;

  • Remember that all-natural foods cannot be seasoned.

Give your pet a quality senior dog food

At any stage of life, it is very important that you give your dog a high-quality dog ​​food. After all, if your friend is not fed correctly, it is possible that he will develop obesity and diabetes problems. In the case of elderly dogs, it is important that they are given food suitable for this stage of life that is free of dyes, with a high amount of protein and omega 3.

Before changing your pet's diet, consult a veterinarian

Do not make any changes to your pet's diet without first consulting a veterinarian. Especially because only a professional in the field is able to make such a change in your dog's daily meal. In any case, make it a habit to take your friend to the doctor between 6 months and 1 year, and this time may be shortened due to advanced age.

Vitamin for elderly dogs: know what they are and their benefits

Only after the indication of a professional can you offer supplements to your beloved pet. With this in mind, it is interesting to understand the function of each of the various vitamin options in the animal's body. Therefore, we list the benefits of some of them, see:

  • Vitamin A: very good for the health of the pet's eyes, being indicated for dogs that are susceptible to eye diseases;

  • B complex vitamins: these vitamins are responsible for improving cell reproduction, metabolism, and the dog's nervous system;

  • Vitamin D: contributes to blood clotting and muscle development of the animal;

  • Vitamin E: prevents the dog from aging and muscle problems;

  • Omega 3 and 6: Strengthen the pet's immune system and increase its energy

  • Calcium: helps strengthen bones, preventing the pet from various bone diseases.

Encourage regular physical exercise in your senior dog

It's important to promote your senior dog's exercise practice. This makes the dog spend energy, stimulating blood circulation and preventing a sedentary lifestyle. However, even if he can't exercise like he used to, opt for short walks and quiet games. Even so, it is important to mention the need to respect the dog's physical limits, avoiding any unusual effort.

Elderly dog ​​with difficulty getting up and walking: what could it be?

Understanding better how to care for an elderly dog ​​is essential, especially when the little animal is having locomotion problems. In cases like this, the veterinarian may suspect problems such as hip dysplasia, osteoarthritis, or some other bone disease. However, in cases of such symptoms, take your dog to a trusted veterinary clinic so that your pet receives professional guidance.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 15 2023

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What is tick disease and how to deal with the problem?

Summer and its delicious weather make you want to be outside and enjoy parks, squares, and beaches with your furry friend, right? But high temperatures combined with humidity also favor the multiplication of ticks in the environment, leaving our partners even more vulnerable to tick disease.

This disease greatly torments dog owners, as there is no vaccine and, despite having treatment and cure, it can be fatal. Yes, that's right: tick disease can kill. You already know, right? Extra care in hot seasons!

But do you know what tick disease is and how it is transmitted? What are your symptoms and treatments? In this post, we explain everything! Let's go.

What is tick disease?

The tick is a hematophagous ectoparasitic arachnid, that is, it settles outside the host's body, feeding on its blood. Tick ​​disease, in turn, is caused by bacteria or protozoa that were introduced into the dog through the tick bite. That is, the arachnid is simply the vector of the disease.

This means that even if your friend is not carrying the parasite at the time of diagnosis, he may be contaminated by the disease because he had previously had contact with the tick. So pay close attention to the symptoms! Yes, we'll talk about them.

First, you need to know that tick disease comes in two forms because it is caused by different agents. However, they cause very similar manifestations and it is quite common for them to occur simultaneously in dogs. See below!

Ehrlichiosis (or Ehrlichiosis)

It is mainly caused by the bacteria  Ehrlichia canis and is the most severe form of the disease. She attacks the white blood cells of the infected animal and therefore her immune system is compromised, leaving the dog extremely susceptible.


Caused by the protozoan  Babesia canis, it differs from Ehrlichiosis by attacking the dog's red blood cells. Often, clinical symptoms only appear when the dog has made a lot of effort (from physical exercises), underwent surgery or had another infection.

What are the symptoms of tick disease?

Tick ​​disease has 3 phases: acute, with manifestations common to an infection (such as fever and lack of appetite); subclinical, which does not show symptoms and can remain incubated for years after the tick bite; and the chronic phase, which has symptoms similar to those of the first phase, but more critical and intense.

So the symptoms can be:

  • fever;

  • jaundice;

  • weakness;

  • vomiting;

  • lack of appetite;

  • weight loss;

  • pale mucous membranes;

  • swelling in the paws;

  • nervous disorders;

  • breathing difficulties;

  • apathy or depression (due to anemia);

  • reddish spots on the skin;

  • sensitive and painful abdomen;

  • ease of acquiring infections such as pneumonia and  skin problems ;

  • nose and urinary bleeding (difficulty with blood clotting due to low number of platelets).

What are the treatments?

Did you notice any symptoms in your furry? So, run to the vet! But calm down, remember that tick disease is treatable, it can be done at any stage and will cover two issues: combating the causative agent and correcting the problems caused by this parasite.

Thus, after carrying out the blood test that identifies the form of the disease, antibiotics will be applied for Ehrlichiosis or piroplasmicides for Babesiosis, capable of destroying the parasites. It is possible that your friend needs a supplemental serum or blood transfusion.

How to prevent the disease?

The best medicine is always prevention, do you agree? So, to put this nightmare far away from your furry friend, take the following precautions:

  • monitor the presence of ticks on your dog;

  • give baths  and use shampoos or acaricide soaps with immediate effect;

  • keep the garden grass short and the yard clean;

  • be aware of dog hotels (if there is another infected dog and ticks in the place);

  • apply anti-flea and anti-tick products periodically.

You noticed, right? Tick ​​disease is very dangerous, but it is treatable and can be easily prevented. Take your partner to the vet as soon as you notice any symptoms or changes in behavior. Enjoy the outdoors with your friend, but don't make it easy for the parasites!

Author: admin

Date: Jun 07 2023

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Dog diseases: What are the precautions to avoid them?

Seeing our sick pet friends is one of the worst feelings in the world! Therefore, there is little care to avoid the main diseases in dogs. But to avoid them, you need to know what are the most common diseases in dogs and the symptoms they present.

Thinking about it, we have gathered the 5 most common dog diseases, considering the symptoms presented in treatment and how to avoid them. See what they are below!

Main diseases in dogs

Everyone knows that prevention is the best way to avoid all kinds of diseases in dogs, cats, or any other pet. But to know which preventive methods to put into practice, you need to understand a little about each type of disease.

1. Food allergy

The name itself says, food allergy is the immune process developed by the dog's organism when coming into contact with a certain substance.

Symptoms: diarrhea, vomiting, redness, skin peeling and itching.

Causes: chemical substances, preservatives, ingestion of dangerous foods such as grapes and chocolate.

Treatment: it is necessary to identify the cause of the food allergy and replace the food, for example, homemade food.

How to avoid: don't buy low-quality feed, choose a feed that doesn't have dye, preservatives, and many chemical additives. You can also replace the plastic feeder with an aluminum or stainless steel feeder to prevent food allergies.

2. Parvovirus

It is one of the most dangerous dog diseases. When contaminated with the virus, the animal becomes extremely weak, and in many cases may die of dehydration or myocarditis, which is one of the complications generated by parvovirus.

In puppies, the disease is almost always fatal!

Symptoms: blood in the stool, diarrhea, fever, vomiting, dehydration, tachycardia, hypothermia, and food refusal.

Causes: virus.

Treatment: fight only the symptoms of the disease while the animal builds immunity to fight the virus.

How to avoid: the polyvalent vaccine for dogs is the only prevention of the disease.

3. Ehrlichiosis

The famous tick disease is also among the most common dog diseases. It is considered a serious illness and deserves great attention.

Symptoms: fever, vomiting, cough, anemia, loss of appetite, bruising, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, and depression.

Causes: infected tick bite.

Treatment: done through medicine, when diagnosed at the beginning, or hospitalization, when in a very advanced stage.

How to avoid: monthly application of ectoparasites, which are remedies that prevent tick infestation in dogs.

4. Otitis

Ear inflammation is a common problem for dogs, as well as humans and other animals.

Symptoms: itchy ears, lateralized head, yellow secretion, and pungent smell.

Causes: It can be caused by fungi, parasites, or sebum.

Treatment: it is done with specific remedies to fight the cause of otitis.

How to avoid it: do not wet the dog's ears during the bath, clean the ear carefully so as not to harm the region and do not leave the dog with its head out of the car, as strong wind in the ear can trigger the disease.

5. Obesity

It is one of the most common diseases in humans and in dogs as well. This disease is characterized by excess fat in dogs that do not exercise regularly and that eat poorly.

Symptoms: shortness of breath during walks, plump body and weight above the indicated for the breed.

Causes: poor diet and lack of physical exercise.

Treatment: healthy eating, physical exercise , and veterinary monitoring to assess performance.

How to avoid: offer good quality feed or homemade food in adequate proportion with the necessary nutrients. Do not offer inappropriate food for dogs, control the amount of snacks and other goodies.

Another treatment technique widely used to treat various diseases and which has excellent results is veterinary acupuncture. In this technique, the skin is perforated with very thin stainless steel needles, in specific places. In addition, acupuncture also works with laser, ultrasound, light baths, massage stimulation and exercises.

How to prevent dog diseases

Each disease has a different method of prevention, as there is a wide variety of diseases that can affect dogs. In that case, it is indicated that you give all the necessary vaccines and that you do veterinary follow-up whenever possible. Monitoring your dog's day-to-day life and changes in its behavior are important so that you can identify any changes in its health as soon as possible.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 04 2023

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4 most common skin problems among dogs!

With more than 160 types of skin diseases, dogs are one of the animals that suffer the most from dermatological problems. Find out what the main illnesses are and how to identify them to help your doggo.

Skin diseases are some of the main causes of demand for veterinary treatment for dogs. Even the mildest conditions, if not properly treated, can trigger more serious complications for our partner. So, learn to identify the most common diseases to help your pet if he starts showing symptoms of these dermatoses. 


Mange is an extremely common skin condition and can be highly contagious to other dogs and humans. Currently, three types of mange are known to veterinarians: sarcoptic, demodectic (or black mange) and otodectic. 

Sarcoptic mange is one of the most common types of dermatosis in dogs and is caused by the mite “Sarcoptes Scabiei”. Being extremely contagious, when affecting the dog, it can cause itching, redness, hair loss, and thickening of the skin. Also, it can be transmitted to humans, causing similar symptoms. 

Demodectic mange, or black mange, is transmitted by the mother to her puppies during breastfeeding and, unfortunately, has no cure. The mite responsible for the disease can normally live on the dog's skin, showing symptoms only when the pet has low immunity. The main symptoms of black scabies are hair loss, inflammation, skin thickening, redness and itching. 

Although more common in cats than dogs, otodectic mange is caused by a parasite that inhabits the animal's ear and skin surface. Commonly confused with otitis, this type of scabies causes itchiness, excess reddish or brown wax, wounds and a bad smell, but differs from it in that it has an even greater concentration of wax. 

Ticks and fleas 

Both parasites are responsible for skin problems that, if not properly cared for, can progress to serious health issues and even death. 

In the case of fleas, their bite leads to an allergic response from the animal that irritates its skin and triggers extreme itching and, in certain cases, causes reddened and inflamed skin. Thus, the dog tends to scratch and bite the affected parts, causing even more sensitivity and skin complications. 

In addition to feeding on the blood of dogs, ticks can transmit protozoa and bacteria that give rise to “ tick disease ”, where agents affect vital organs, causing symptoms such as anemia, fever, petechiae (red dots on the body), bleeding, weight loss, seizures, and even death. Thus, when identifying the presence of a tick in the dog, it is essential that it is properly extracted by a veterinarian and that the tutor pays attention to these possible symptoms in the weeks following the diagnosis of the parasite.

Yeast infections 

Diseases caused by fungi are very common in warm areas of the puppy's body, such as the ears, and groin, between the toes, and the perineum. Although most fungi present in dogs naturally inhabit their body, their uncontrolled proliferation can trigger more serious illnesses. 

In addition, factors such as exposure to humidity, hormonal imbalances, presence of parasites, allergies, poor nutrition and hypersensitivity of the skin can also be responsible for the acquisition and development of fungal diseases in dogs. Three of the most common diseases in this category are candidacies, malasseziosis and dermatophytosis. 

Caused by the fungus of the genus “ Candida SPP ”, candidacies occurs when its presence occurs in excess in the dog, affecting mainly the mucous membranes, nostrils, ears, abdomen, perineum and, in general, the most humid and warm areas of the body. Candidacies can manifest itself through inflammation, edema and itching at the affected sites to wet and reddish erosions.  

Already otitis, ear itch and ear secretions can be a sign of malassezia. The microorganism responsible for the disease proliferates without control in the animal's ear due to humidity and heat or due to immunological deficiencies, causing great discomfort in our companion. 

In a similar way, dermatophytosis develops in dogs, but in this case, the fungal agents are transmitted by an infected animal to a healthy one. Feeding on the keratin of the skin, this fungus essentially affects the extremities of the dog's body, such as the paws and nails, and is characterized by itching, flaky, inflamed, reddened, or hardened skin, in addition to nail injuries.


Unlike the other skin problems seen above, allergies in dogs can cause reactions in some animals and not others, considering that the immune system of each one will interpret a certain allergen in different ways. 

Allergies in dogs can be caused by environmental or dietary factors. Some of the most common environmental allergens are grass, mites, pollen and dust, which can cause itchiness, excessive licking of the body, progression of the condition to bacterial or fungal lesions and recurrent otitis. As the symptoms of atopy (environmental allergy) are similar to those of other skin diseases, it is important for the veterinarian to carry out a detailed evaluation so that he can rule out other dermatomes and draw an accurate diagnosis of the reasons for the allergic reaction. 

Food allergies, on the other hand, are linked to a pet's intolerance to certain foods, such as beef, eggs, chicken and dairy - although some dogs also suffer from allergies to wheat or even vegetables. Among the main symptoms are: itchy face, feet, ears, anus, chronic diarrhea, red spots and bacterial lesions. Dogs that have a confirmed diagnosis will have to undergo a diet reformulation together with the responsible veterinarian.

Author: admin

Date: May 30 2023

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Your dog's emotional health: why you should pay attention to these signs.

Pets are loving creatures that fill our lives with joy and every pet owner knows that they have feelings just like ours. Animals can have emotional lives as rich and complex as ours.

Living with our four-legged friends, we can notice the change in behavior they have when they feel jealousy, anxiety, anger, or other feelings that are easily identified.

However, few people know that domestic animals also have emotional health and that they also show signs when something is not going well in this area. And just like humans, illnesses and emotional problems can affect the entire lifestyle, behavior, and even physical health of our best friends.

Depending on the type of emotional suffering, the consequences can be more serious: such as allergies, gastritis, weight loss, obesity, depression, and even death. There are many signs that, if observed and treated early, inhibit future major problems. That's why it's important to understand a little more about it to help your pet if he needs you.

Know the types of emotional disorders that can be developed by your dog or cat and understand how to identify the symptoms in your pet. See also what might be causing these disorders and how to eliminate them.

Signs we can identify

One of the most common symptoms among domestic animals is boredom​. Yes, our little friends can get bored and that triggers a series of complications. Boredom may seem simple and harmless, but it is triggered by a sedentary lifestyle and social isolation.

You must have witnessed the sad scene of seeing a dog serving as a guard dog in some environment. This animal is alone for days and even weeks, often tied to chains and with reduced mobility.

This shakes the dog's emotions deeply. He may become depressed and aggressiveness emerges as an instinctive mechanism.

A more common scene and probably closer to reality for many pet owners is the following: leaving for work and leaving your best friend alone in the apartment all day. This habit also negatively influences your pet's emotional health.

That's why it's important to play and interact with him as much as possible when he's at home, to make up for the long hours he's away.

Boredom and social isolation cause changes in the behavior of dogs and cats, such as chewing on furniture and objects, appetite disorders, aggression, apathy, chasing one's own tail, insistent barking, and even self-mutilation.

Other causes of depression in pets

When an animal loses its owner: without a doubt, this event directly affects the emotional integrity of pets. A death in the family is traumatic even for dogs, cats, and other species of domestic animals. Unfortunately, many animals die days after their owners leave.

A sudden change of environment: Sudden changes affect the emotional reflexes on the physique of dogs and cats. This involves changes of residence or even a place of coexistence. The pet organism gets used to habits and routines just like ours. Changing an environment is changing the whole logic of functioning and predictability of the body and this causes anxiety and other emotional disturbances.

It's important to be careful with sudden changes in our pet's routines. If changes are necessary, they should be made cautiously and progressively.

The arrival of new members in the family: Just like children, pets are also impacted by the arrival of a little brother, be it a baby or even another pet. Jealousy, strong changes in habits, indisposition, and lack of appetite are some of the most common symptoms. Who has never witnessed their own dog peeing in a different place just to get the attention of visitors? Imagine what he can't do when he feels like he's losing space and attention to a new family member.

How to avoid or reverse a case of emotional problems in animals

As in humans, emotional disorders are likely to be identified and treated. For this, it is necessary to carefully observe the changes in the behavior of our four-legged friends. There are signs that we can notice to identify if something is wrong.

It is necessary to investigate the environment in which the animal lives and the routines of the house and the guardian's habits, as problems are often caused by the repetition of a routine that is harmful to the health of the pets.

It is always best to look for a veterinary professional to diagnose and prescribe the best treatment. The forms of treatment are the most diverse and varied, depending on the severity and situation of each pet. There are services on the market offered by professionals in order to minimize causes and assist in treatments.

Many owners do not have enough time or space to spend quality time with their pets, so walking the animals and socializing in dog hotels are some of the alternatives.

For the more sociable, it is still important to adopt a new friend, as long as this is gradually integrated into the family and in a way that does not cause discomfort to those who have already lived in the house for a while... This way, both will have company to play together and not be left alone. lonely or bored.

In short, we can observe and feel when something is not going so well with our best friend. After all, he lives with us and lives directly with our habits. Everything we do or change in our lives affects them directly. And everything they feel can be noticed and investigated early to prevent it from evolving into a more serious condition.

They take very good care of us and influence our own psychological health, with companionship and great joy. Nothing is fairer than us also taking care of their health.

Author: admin

Date: May 29 2023

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What to do if your dog is stung by a bee

Dogs love to explore their surroundings and sometimes they may encounter a bee along the way. Unfortunately, bee stings in dogs are relatively common and can cause discomfort and even severe allergic reactions. It is essential for pet owners to know what to do in the event of a bee sting to help alleviate their dog's discomfort and ensure their safety. In this article, we will provide you with first-aid tips to help you deal with this situation.

  1. Identify the sting: When you notice that your dog is acting abnormally, such as biting or scratching the affected area, it's important to check if he was stung by a bee. Look for a small red bump or bump on the animal's skin, which is usually the site of the bite.

  1. Remove the sting: If you can identify the bee's sting, try to carefully remove it. Use clean tweezers or a flat surface, such as a fingernail, to gently scrape the dog's skin and remove the stinger. Make sure not to squeeze the stinger, as this can release more venom into the animal's skin.

  1. Clean the affected area: After removing the stinger, gently wash the affected area with warm water and mild soap. This will help prevent infections. Make sure not to use irritating chemicals or harsh disinfectants, as this could cause your dog more discomfort.

  1. Apply cold compresses: To relieve swelling and pain, you can apply cold compresses on the affected area. Take a clean towel, soak it in cold water, or wrap some ice cubes in a towel and place it gently on the bite for a few minutes. The cool temperature will help reduce swelling and discomfort.

  1. Watch for signs of an allergic reaction: Some dogs can have a severe allergic reaction to bee stings. Watch for signs such as excessive swelling, difficulty breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, or abnormal behavior. If you observe any of these signs, seek immediate veterinary care as it may be necessary to administer an allergy reliever or other medication to avoid serious complications.

Avoid self-medication: While it's tempting to give your dog human medication to relieve pain or swelling, avoid doing so without a veterinarian's guidance. Some medications can be toxic to dogs, so it's important to

  1. Seek professional guidance before administering any substance to your pet.

  1. Keep your dog calm: After the bite, it is essential to keep the dog calm and calm. Stress and excitement can increase blood circulation and spread the poison faster through the body. Therefore, avoid vigorous activities or games that could agitate the dog. Provide a peaceful and nurturing environment so he can recover properly.

  1. Consult a Veterinarian: While most bee stings in dogs are not a cause for serious concern, it is always recommended that you contact a veterinarian to report the incident and seek further advice. The professional will be able to assess the severity of the dog's reaction to the bite, recommend specific treatments and provide adequate guidance for the case in question.

  1. Consider preventative measures: To avoid future bee stings, especially if you live in an area where these insects are common, consider some preventative measures. Keep your garden clean, free of bee nests and flowers that attract these insects. Also, avoid leaving sweet foods out in the open, as this can also attract bees. If necessary, consult a pest control specialist to help deal with hives near your home.

Bee stings in dogs can be uncomfortable and, in rare cases, lead to severe allergic reactions. Knowing how to act quickly is essential to help your dog recover properly. By following the first aid tips mentioned above, you will be prepared to handle this situation properly. However, always remember to seek veterinary advice to ensure the best care for your pet.

Author: admin

Date: May 29 2023

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Unveiling the Hidden Signs: Recognizing Illness in Dogs and the Importance of Preventive Health

Many tutors don't understand why their doggies get ′′ sick out of nowhere ′′... However, the story isn't always that simple. Your furry friend can show symptoms for a long time before becoming ill, so it's essential to be aware of signs that indicate possible health problems in your dog. Check out some of them in the article!


8 signs that the dog may be sick

1. Bad breath 

Some cases of halitosis in dogs are due to the animal's lack of daily oral hygiene. However, in other cases, bad breath may be associated with gastric diseases - such as ulcers and gastritis - canine diabetes, liver diseases, kidney diseases and even respiratory problems. So, if you notice that your dog has bad breath associated with other symptoms, such as apathy, vomiting, or diarrhea, for example, it is essential to take him to a veterinary evaluation. 

2. Yellow eyes

A dog with yellow eyes can indicate problems that are not necessarily ophthalmological. This symptom is usually associated with liver disease, hemolytic anemia and even the presence of parasites in the pet's bloodstream. Jaundice - the technical term for yellowing - can often also be observed in the animal's skin, in addition to the eyes. A veterinary medical consultation is essential to assess the health status of the dog. 

3. Excessive paw licking

Dogs can lick and bite their paws for a variety of reasons, most of which are related to cleaning or removing foreign bodies. However, this behavior can become abnormal as the tutor begins to observe that paw licking can be linked to physical or even psychological illnesses. If you've identified that your puppy is showing this unusual behavior, it's essential to take him to the vet for an accurate diagnosis of his condition.

4. Excessive hair loss

Hair loss in animals is completely natural and indicates a change in coat, especially during the transition between seasons. Thus, if the fall occurs in a controlled manner and is distributed throughout the animal's body, there is no need for concern. However, excessive hair loss may be associated with the presence of parasites, fungi, dermatitis, and mycoses, in addition to hormonal changes, stress, and anxiety, among other conditions. If you notice this change in your pet, don't hesitate to take him to the vet. 

5. Facial paralysis

As with humans, facial paralysis is a sign of some disturbance in the pet's body. It can be caused as a result of otitis media and internal, trauma, metabolic changes, hypothyroidism, diabetes, and several other conditions. Thus, just by running a battery of tests, the veterinarian will be able to accurately identify the cause of facial paralysis in your dog. 

6. Runny nose

A dog presenting nasal secretions can be a punctual event linked to an allergy to a substance that he inhaled by accident. However, if the tutor notices that the secretions are recurrent and/or that they have changed color (becoming whitish, for example), it is a sign that something may be wrong with your furry, and may even be developing a cold or even pneumonia. 

7. Excessive thirst

Dogs consuming more water on hot days or after exercising is natural and expected to cool down and regulate their body temperature. In addition, dogs whose diet consists essentially of dry food also tend to consume more water. However, if you notice that the dog is showing excessive thirst out of context, it is important to be aware that this behavior can be indicative of serious diseases such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism, pyometra, and kidney diseases, among others. 

8. Eating inedible things

If your dog has the habit of eating everything in sight, it is important to be aware, because despite being a common behavior among puppies, it can also be related to anemia in animals. 

After all, the dog gets sick out of nowhere? 

In general, it is difficult to say that the dog can get sick “out of the blue”, after all, every animal has symptoms when it is not well physically or mentally. Thus, a guardian attentive to his pet will be able to tell when some behavior is out of line and it is time to pay a visit to the veterinarian. 

The importance of preventive health 

To avoid the development of diseases - more or less serious than others - it is essential that every guardian invests in preventive health for his pet! This means visiting the veterinarian every six months or annually in order to carry out check-up exams that will identify in due time any physical problem that the pet may be facing or will face. 

Author: admin

Date: May 29 2023

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The Barking Dog How do you deal with excessive noise?

A constantly barking dog can be a big problem, and annoy both its own owners and the whole neighborhood. Although not all dogs have this type of behavior by nature – as some breeds are quite quiet and only bark in very specific and dangerous situations – a talkative dog is not hard to find and, when the barking goes far beyond normal, it's time to seek help and put some techniques into practice.

In addition to training dogs to perform certain tricks and commands, the training process with the help of a professional can also help a lot when calming a barking dog, making it possible to reduce the noise caused by the pet.

Taking advantage of talkative pets, the animal world market already offers accessories that promise to help control the barking of dogs; however, discovering the factor that causes this exaggerated talk is the first step so that the situation can be resolved without any harm to the animal and, as the objective of the owners is always the well-being of their pets, it is worth a greater investigation before going out buying products that claim to be miraculous.

In addition to simple communication, there are several other factors that make a dog bark a lot and, in many cases, the culprit for so much noise can be the owner of the pet, without even realizing it. Check out, in this article, the main reasons and occasions that make a dog bark a lot, and learn valuable tips to solve the problem and maintain peace and silence in your home and in the neighborhood.

Why do dogs bark?

The most common reason dogs bark is, without a doubt, the need for communication. However, understanding what is the factor that the dog wants to communicate is the first step to be able to avoid very constant barking and, in this regard, the motivations of canine pets can be as varied as possible.

Dogs that feel very lonely, abandoned, or anxious can bark like there's no tomorrow and, in these cases, it can be said that part of the responsibility for the high level of dog talk lies with the pet owners themselves. Not all dog breeds have the expected levels of independence and leaving a needy pet alone for too long can trigger day-long barking.

The desire to interact with other dogs is also a powerful reason why pets bark a lot, and dogs that live in places where there is a high concentration of other animals may feel this urge to talk to a friend on several occasions. This ends up causing barking to occur every time another friend walks by or starts a conversation - which is not difficult to happen at all; considering that, in the same way that your pet may be a fan of “chatting”, other dogs in the region may also have this habit. Usually, the barks that signify the dog's desire to talk are longer and more continuous and can be identified more easily.

Sadness at the separation from the owner is another factor that can influence the barking of the pet that, sad to see its owner leave the house, barks to show its dissatisfaction. In the same way that departure causes barking, the owner's arrival at home can also trigger an intense session of dog talk – however, this is a type of barking that only causes discomfort to the neighbors; as being greeted by the pet's talking animation is adorable for 100% of dog owners.

Finally, we come to the most intense barks in the pack: the ones that show some kind of danger. Very protective (and, in some cases, very fearful), dogs trigger the barking machine when they feel that something is out of order or represents some kind of danger - usually, due to hearing a noise or smelling something suspicious.

Although dog barking serves as a warning and can make all the difference in real dangerous situations, there are many pets that are simply not used to the environment in which they live, and see almost any noise or new smell as a sign of danger – putting it the voice to work and barking uncontrollably every time something happens (ie all day long).

 When the barking is the owner's fault

Dogs that want to get the owner's attention or play can also bark a lot to be noticed and, in these cases, the owner's attitude counts a lot in defining whether the dog's behavior can improve or not.

The explanation for this fact is simple and consists of the following: when a dog barks a lot (to get attention or ask for something) and is promptly attended to by its owner – who fulfills his wish for the dog to stop barking – this happens. it becomes a habit; since, in the dog's understanding, every time there is a lot of barking, he will get what he wants.

Although it's easy to understand, many owners end up not noticing this pattern of behavior in their pets, encouraging barking even more. The ideal in these cases is that, when noticing that your dog is barking exaggeratedly for wanting something, its owner waits until he calms down to fulfill the pet's desire; showing that it's not the barking that earns you a prize, but the calmness.

Very noisy families can also influence their pets to bark too much, because imitating the behavior of their owners is a tendency for dogs, and the more talkative the owners are, the more talkative the dog will be. Boredom is another common cause of excessive barking in dogs , so owners who have very active pets and don't spend time taking them for walks or doing activities can also trigger this type of behavior.

 How to Control and Reduce Dog Barking

To reduce the amount of dog barking and calm him down, making him understand that exaggerated talk is unnecessary, some dressage techniques can be of great help. As in the case of those who want to teach tricks to animals, methods involving rewards can be extremely efficient and, following the line of teaching intelligent training, it is possible to alleviate this type of behavior with some ease.

To begin the process, it is important that a single word is chosen to give the command to stop barking for the animal, such as “silence”, for example. The word must be used whenever the dog is barking a lot, and the owner must pronounce it firmly and clearly; rewarding him with lots of affection, or even a treat when the command is obeyed.

It is important to remember that, in large families, all members must be properly informed about the command keyword, making everyone ask for the dog's silence in the same way, facilitating their understanding. Another relevant factor is to avoid giving food or any kind of affection to the animal while it is still barking, as it can associate this type of rewarding action with the act of barking; and this can provoke the opposite reaction of what is desired.

Combining training techniques with physical activities can also be a great option for those who have very talkative dogs; since, with the practice of exercises, pets spend more energy and end up calming down in a natural way, no longer barking due to the accumulation of disposition.

Author: admin

Date: Aug 31 2023

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Dog coughing: know what to do

Watching and hearing your dog coughing can cause a lot of concern, as it is possible to indicate a wide variety of diseases, such as distemper, for example. Meanwhile, it's vital to pay attention to your puppy and assess whether this cough wasn't caused by some choking or allergy.

In this way, We decided to produce this article to inform the most diverse tutors about what could be happening to the health of a dog with a lot of cough . In that sense, follow the content below! 

Dog with a cough: what could it be?

The truth is that a dog with a cough is not always suffering from a serious illness. After all, the puppy can end up coughing for several reasons, from allergies and choking on food or water intake. Therefore, it is important that you assess the weather conditions and the environment in which the dog is most at home. Still, it is worth mentioning that it is possible to consider a disease only when the dog does not stop coughing .

How is a dog's cough?

There is not much mystery to identify the problem of coughing in dogs. That's because the noise made is very similar to that of the human being. On the other hand, you need to pay close attention and assess what type of cough is being presented by the pet. 

A more acute cough may indicate that the dog has an allergy or some respiratory disease, as a normal cough, but chronic and dry, may represent a contagious or heart disease. Finally, being a cough after meals, it could just be a simple gagging, but it could also mean that there is some abnormal condition with the animal's stomach.

When the dog has a continuous cough it is necessary to take him to the veterinarian

It is normal for an owner to have questions such as: “ my dog ​​is coughing , I don't know what to do”, among other similar ones. In that case, the main action to be taken is to take your four-legged friend to the veterinarian as soon as possible so that he has the proper care.

However, the owner needs to assess the condition of the pet, because if the problem of the dog coughing is occurring sporadically, there is nothing to worry about. Now, being a common condition in the puppy's routine, the search for a trusted veterinarian is essential. 

What are the common illnesses in dogs with a cough?

A common infectious disease among dogs is canine parainfluenza, which is also known as “kennel cough”. It is a problem caused by parasitic microorganisms and which causes the puppy to have a continuous and dry cough. 

Another viral disease that also causes dogs to cough is distemper, which, by affecting the animal's respiratory and gastrointestinal system, induces an insistent cough. It is worth noting that distemper is an extremely serious disease that can be fatal to the pet, as it affects the set of cells, tissues and organs responsible for the nervous activities of the canine organism.

How to treat dog cough?

First of all, it is very important that, from the onset of cough symptoms, you take your dog to a trusted veterinary clinic. Thus, only canine health professionals are capable of competently diagnosing the problem and treating it. In that sense, the best remedy for a dog with a cough is to take him to the doctor.

Dog coughing problem: tips to avoid

To prevent your dog from having this cough problem, it is important that you apply all puppy vaccines during the animal's childhood. This makes the animal have the necessary antibodies to protect itself from contamination by viruses and bacteria harmful to animal health.

It's also interesting to feed your four-legged friend correctly - either through quality dog ​​food or natural food - and take him for walks constantly . After all, just like us, animals also need to eat well and exercise in order to maintain a healthier life. 

It is essential to have a check-up on your puppy

Identifying a problem in a preventive way is always good, before it causes damage to health, isn't it? In this way, keeping your dog's veterinary doctor's frequency between 6 and 12 months is essential for the pet to be properly cared for and maintain a healthier life, avoiding a series of serious illnesses and conditions.

Author: admin

Date: Jul 21 2023

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How to take care of an elderly dog? See some important tips

As time goes by, it is necessary to know well how to take care of an elderly dog. After all, it is during this time that the health of the little animal becomes more fragile and susceptible to various problems. In that sense, some measures are important for maintaining your four-legged friend's quality of life.

Unfortunately, some tutors are still not well informed about the necessary care for domestic animals. That's why We created this article on certain essential measures to ensure the health and well-being of your senior dog. Then follow the content below!

What is the best way to determine how old my dog is?

The different sizes and breeds of dogs present a great variation in calculating the age of the dog. Thus, small and medium-sized animals have greater longevity than large and giant animals. However, a dog is usually considered elderly between the 7th and 8th years of life.

An elderly dog ​​has some habits

During this dog's life cycle, it is common for him to change some things during his old age. Soon, it's common for them to eat less than usual, sleep more and have difficulty practicing exercises that were simple before. Certain physical changes are also observed, for example, the change to a dull and greyish coat.

A senior dog sleeps how many hours a day?

Just like us humans, animals also need to rest after an ordinary day. Generally, an adult puppy sleeps between 12 and 14 hours, however, in the case of elderly dogs, they have a longer period of sleep that can last from 14 to 18 hours. So, don't make too much noise and let your pet sleep at ease, even more so during old age.

What to feed an elderly dog ​​to eat?

Good nutrition is crucial to ensure your pet's good health, even more so when you want to know how to care for an elderly dog. Therefore, taking into account that your puppy's physical condition is weakened during this phase of life, you must understand that older animals have different nutritional needs compared to younger ones. In this sense, we have listed some of the foods that you can offer your elderly dog:

  • Dry or wet food suitable for elderly dogs;

  • Greens, vegetables, fruits, cereals, and boiled egg;

  • Low-fat meats, chicken, fish;

  • Remember that all-natural foods cannot be seasoned.

Give your pet a quality senior dog food

At any stage of life, it is very important that you give your dog a high-quality dog ​​food. After all, if your friend is not fed correctly, it is possible that he will develop obesity and diabetes problems. In the case of elderly dogs, it is important that they are given food suitable for this stage of life that is free of dyes, with a high amount of protein and omega 3.

Before changing your pet's diet, consult a veterinarian

Do not make any changes to your pet's diet without first consulting a veterinarian. Especially because only a professional in the field is able to make such a change in your dog's daily meal. In any case, make it a habit to take your friend to the doctor between 6 months and 1 year, and this time may be shortened due to advanced age.

Vitamin for elderly dogs: know what they are and their benefits

Only after the indication of a professional can you offer supplements to your beloved pet. With this in mind, it is interesting to understand the function of each of the various vitamin options in the animal's body. Therefore, we list the benefits of some of them, see:

  • Vitamin A: very good for the health of the pet's eyes, being indicated for dogs that are susceptible to eye diseases;

  • B complex vitamins: these vitamins are responsible for improving cell reproduction, metabolism, and the dog's nervous system;

  • Vitamin D: contributes to blood clotting and muscle development of the animal;

  • Vitamin E: prevents the dog from aging and muscle problems;

  • Omega 3 and 6: Strengthen the pet's immune system and increase its energy

  • Calcium: helps strengthen bones, preventing the pet from various bone diseases.

Encourage regular physical exercise in your senior dog

It's important to promote your senior dog's exercise practice. This makes the dog spend energy, stimulating blood circulation and preventing a sedentary lifestyle. However, even if he can't exercise like he used to, opt for short walks and quiet games. Even so, it is important to mention the need to respect the dog's physical limits, avoiding any unusual effort.

Elderly dog ​​with difficulty getting up and walking: what could it be?

Understanding better how to care for an elderly dog ​​is essential, especially when the little animal is having locomotion problems. In cases like this, the veterinarian may suspect problems such as hip dysplasia, osteoarthritis, or some other bone disease. However, in cases of such symptoms, take your dog to a trusted veterinary clinic so that your pet receives professional guidance.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 15 2023

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What is tick disease and how to deal with the problem?

Summer and its delicious weather make you want to be outside and enjoy parks, squares, and beaches with your furry friend, right? But high temperatures combined with humidity also favor the multiplication of ticks in the environment, leaving our partners even more vulnerable to tick disease.

This disease greatly torments dog owners, as there is no vaccine and, despite having treatment and cure, it can be fatal. Yes, that's right: tick disease can kill. You already know, right? Extra care in hot seasons!

But do you know what tick disease is and how it is transmitted? What are your symptoms and treatments? In this post, we explain everything! Let's go.

What is tick disease?

The tick is a hematophagous ectoparasitic arachnid, that is, it settles outside the host's body, feeding on its blood. Tick ​​disease, in turn, is caused by bacteria or protozoa that were introduced into the dog through the tick bite. That is, the arachnid is simply the vector of the disease.

This means that even if your friend is not carrying the parasite at the time of diagnosis, he may be contaminated by the disease because he had previously had contact with the tick. So pay close attention to the symptoms! Yes, we'll talk about them.

First, you need to know that tick disease comes in two forms because it is caused by different agents. However, they cause very similar manifestations and it is quite common for them to occur simultaneously in dogs. See below!

Ehrlichiosis (or Ehrlichiosis)

It is mainly caused by the bacteria  Ehrlichia canis and is the most severe form of the disease. She attacks the white blood cells of the infected animal and therefore her immune system is compromised, leaving the dog extremely susceptible.


Caused by the protozoan  Babesia canis, it differs from Ehrlichiosis by attacking the dog's red blood cells. Often, clinical symptoms only appear when the dog has made a lot of effort (from physical exercises), underwent surgery or had another infection.

What are the symptoms of tick disease?

Tick ​​disease has 3 phases: acute, with manifestations common to an infection (such as fever and lack of appetite); subclinical, which does not show symptoms and can remain incubated for years after the tick bite; and the chronic phase, which has symptoms similar to those of the first phase, but more critical and intense.

So the symptoms can be:

  • fever;

  • jaundice;

  • weakness;

  • vomiting;

  • lack of appetite;

  • weight loss;

  • pale mucous membranes;

  • swelling in the paws;

  • nervous disorders;

  • breathing difficulties;

  • apathy or depression (due to anemia);

  • reddish spots on the skin;

  • sensitive and painful abdomen;

  • ease of acquiring infections such as pneumonia and  skin problems ;

  • nose and urinary bleeding (difficulty with blood clotting due to low number of platelets).

What are the treatments?

Did you notice any symptoms in your furry? So, run to the vet! But calm down, remember that tick disease is treatable, it can be done at any stage and will cover two issues: combating the causative agent and correcting the problems caused by this parasite.

Thus, after carrying out the blood test that identifies the form of the disease, antibiotics will be applied for Ehrlichiosis or piroplasmicides for Babesiosis, capable of destroying the parasites. It is possible that your friend needs a supplemental serum or blood transfusion.

How to prevent the disease?

The best medicine is always prevention, do you agree? So, to put this nightmare far away from your furry friend, take the following precautions:

  • monitor the presence of ticks on your dog;

  • give baths  and use shampoos or acaricide soaps with immediate effect;

  • keep the garden grass short and the yard clean;

  • be aware of dog hotels (if there is another infected dog and ticks in the place);

  • apply anti-flea and anti-tick products periodically.

You noticed, right? Tick ​​disease is very dangerous, but it is treatable and can be easily prevented. Take your partner to the vet as soon as you notice any symptoms or changes in behavior. Enjoy the outdoors with your friend, but don't make it easy for the parasites!

Author: admin

Date: Jun 07 2023

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Dog diseases: What are the precautions to avoid them?

Seeing our sick pet friends is one of the worst feelings in the world! Therefore, there is little care to avoid the main diseases in dogs. But to avoid them, you need to know what are the most common diseases in dogs and the symptoms they present.

Thinking about it, we have gathered the 5 most common dog diseases, considering the symptoms presented in treatment and how to avoid them. See what they are below!

Main diseases in dogs

Everyone knows that prevention is the best way to avoid all kinds of diseases in dogs, cats, or any other pet. But to know which preventive methods to put into practice, you need to understand a little about each type of disease.

1. Food allergy

The name itself says, food allergy is the immune process developed by the dog's organism when coming into contact with a certain substance.

Symptoms: diarrhea, vomiting, redness, skin peeling and itching.

Causes: chemical substances, preservatives, ingestion of dangerous foods such as grapes and chocolate.

Treatment: it is necessary to identify the cause of the food allergy and replace the food, for example, homemade food.

How to avoid: don't buy low-quality feed, choose a feed that doesn't have dye, preservatives, and many chemical additives. You can also replace the plastic feeder with an aluminum or stainless steel feeder to prevent food allergies.

2. Parvovirus

It is one of the most dangerous dog diseases. When contaminated with the virus, the animal becomes extremely weak, and in many cases may die of dehydration or myocarditis, which is one of the complications generated by parvovirus.

In puppies, the disease is almost always fatal!

Symptoms: blood in the stool, diarrhea, fever, vomiting, dehydration, tachycardia, hypothermia, and food refusal.

Causes: virus.

Treatment: fight only the symptoms of the disease while the animal builds immunity to fight the virus.

How to avoid: the polyvalent vaccine for dogs is the only prevention of the disease.

3. Ehrlichiosis

The famous tick disease is also among the most common dog diseases. It is considered a serious illness and deserves great attention.

Symptoms: fever, vomiting, cough, anemia, loss of appetite, bruising, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, and depression.

Causes: infected tick bite.

Treatment: done through medicine, when diagnosed at the beginning, or hospitalization, when in a very advanced stage.

How to avoid: monthly application of ectoparasites, which are remedies that prevent tick infestation in dogs.

4. Otitis

Ear inflammation is a common problem for dogs, as well as humans and other animals.

Symptoms: itchy ears, lateralized head, yellow secretion, and pungent smell.

Causes: It can be caused by fungi, parasites, or sebum.

Treatment: it is done with specific remedies to fight the cause of otitis.

How to avoid it: do not wet the dog's ears during the bath, clean the ear carefully so as not to harm the region and do not leave the dog with its head out of the car, as strong wind in the ear can trigger the disease.

5. Obesity

It is one of the most common diseases in humans and in dogs as well. This disease is characterized by excess fat in dogs that do not exercise regularly and that eat poorly.

Symptoms: shortness of breath during walks, plump body and weight above the indicated for the breed.

Causes: poor diet and lack of physical exercise.

Treatment: healthy eating, physical exercise , and veterinary monitoring to assess performance.

How to avoid: offer good quality feed or homemade food in adequate proportion with the necessary nutrients. Do not offer inappropriate food for dogs, control the amount of snacks and other goodies.

Another treatment technique widely used to treat various diseases and which has excellent results is veterinary acupuncture. In this technique, the skin is perforated with very thin stainless steel needles, in specific places. In addition, acupuncture also works with laser, ultrasound, light baths, massage stimulation and exercises.

How to prevent dog diseases

Each disease has a different method of prevention, as there is a wide variety of diseases that can affect dogs. In that case, it is indicated that you give all the necessary vaccines and that you do veterinary follow-up whenever possible. Monitoring your dog's day-to-day life and changes in its behavior are important so that you can identify any changes in its health as soon as possible.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 04 2023

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4 most common skin problems among dogs!

With more than 160 types of skin diseases, dogs are one of the animals that suffer the most from dermatological problems. Find out what the main illnesses are and how to identify them to help your doggo.

Skin diseases are some of the main causes of demand for veterinary treatment for dogs. Even the mildest conditions, if not properly treated, can trigger more serious complications for our partner. So, learn to identify the most common diseases to help your pet if he starts showing symptoms of these dermatoses. 


Mange is an extremely common skin condition and can be highly contagious to other dogs and humans. Currently, three types of mange are known to veterinarians: sarcoptic, demodectic (or black mange) and otodectic. 

Sarcoptic mange is one of the most common types of dermatosis in dogs and is caused by the mite “Sarcoptes Scabiei”. Being extremely contagious, when affecting the dog, it can cause itching, redness, hair loss, and thickening of the skin. Also, it can be transmitted to humans, causing similar symptoms. 

Demodectic mange, or black mange, is transmitted by the mother to her puppies during breastfeeding and, unfortunately, has no cure. The mite responsible for the disease can normally live on the dog's skin, showing symptoms only when the pet has low immunity. The main symptoms of black scabies are hair loss, inflammation, skin thickening, redness and itching. 

Although more common in cats than dogs, otodectic mange is caused by a parasite that inhabits the animal's ear and skin surface. Commonly confused with otitis, this type of scabies causes itchiness, excess reddish or brown wax, wounds and a bad smell, but differs from it in that it has an even greater concentration of wax. 

Ticks and fleas 

Both parasites are responsible for skin problems that, if not properly cared for, can progress to serious health issues and even death. 

In the case of fleas, their bite leads to an allergic response from the animal that irritates its skin and triggers extreme itching and, in certain cases, causes reddened and inflamed skin. Thus, the dog tends to scratch and bite the affected parts, causing even more sensitivity and skin complications. 

In addition to feeding on the blood of dogs, ticks can transmit protozoa and bacteria that give rise to “ tick disease ”, where agents affect vital organs, causing symptoms such as anemia, fever, petechiae (red dots on the body), bleeding, weight loss, seizures, and even death. Thus, when identifying the presence of a tick in the dog, it is essential that it is properly extracted by a veterinarian and that the tutor pays attention to these possible symptoms in the weeks following the diagnosis of the parasite.

Yeast infections 

Diseases caused by fungi are very common in warm areas of the puppy's body, such as the ears, and groin, between the toes, and the perineum. Although most fungi present in dogs naturally inhabit their body, their uncontrolled proliferation can trigger more serious illnesses. 

In addition, factors such as exposure to humidity, hormonal imbalances, presence of parasites, allergies, poor nutrition and hypersensitivity of the skin can also be responsible for the acquisition and development of fungal diseases in dogs. Three of the most common diseases in this category are candidacies, malasseziosis and dermatophytosis. 

Caused by the fungus of the genus “ Candida SPP ”, candidacies occurs when its presence occurs in excess in the dog, affecting mainly the mucous membranes, nostrils, ears, abdomen, perineum and, in general, the most humid and warm areas of the body. Candidacies can manifest itself through inflammation, edema and itching at the affected sites to wet and reddish erosions.  

Already otitis, ear itch and ear secretions can be a sign of malassezia. The microorganism responsible for the disease proliferates without control in the animal's ear due to humidity and heat or due to immunological deficiencies, causing great discomfort in our companion. 

In a similar way, dermatophytosis develops in dogs, but in this case, the fungal agents are transmitted by an infected animal to a healthy one. Feeding on the keratin of the skin, this fungus essentially affects the extremities of the dog's body, such as the paws and nails, and is characterized by itching, flaky, inflamed, reddened, or hardened skin, in addition to nail injuries.


Unlike the other skin problems seen above, allergies in dogs can cause reactions in some animals and not others, considering that the immune system of each one will interpret a certain allergen in different ways. 

Allergies in dogs can be caused by environmental or dietary factors. Some of the most common environmental allergens are grass, mites, pollen and dust, which can cause itchiness, excessive licking of the body, progression of the condition to bacterial or fungal lesions and recurrent otitis. As the symptoms of atopy (environmental allergy) are similar to those of other skin diseases, it is important for the veterinarian to carry out a detailed evaluation so that he can rule out other dermatomes and draw an accurate diagnosis of the reasons for the allergic reaction. 

Food allergies, on the other hand, are linked to a pet's intolerance to certain foods, such as beef, eggs, chicken and dairy - although some dogs also suffer from allergies to wheat or even vegetables. Among the main symptoms are: itchy face, feet, ears, anus, chronic diarrhea, red spots and bacterial lesions. Dogs that have a confirmed diagnosis will have to undergo a diet reformulation together with the responsible veterinarian.

Author: admin

Date: May 30 2023

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Your dog's emotional health: why you should pay attention to these signs.

Pets are loving creatures that fill our lives with joy and every pet owner knows that they have feelings just like ours. Animals can have emotional lives as rich and complex as ours.

Living with our four-legged friends, we can notice the change in behavior they have when they feel jealousy, anxiety, anger, or other feelings that are easily identified.

However, few people know that domestic animals also have emotional health and that they also show signs when something is not going well in this area. And just like humans, illnesses and emotional problems can affect the entire lifestyle, behavior, and even physical health of our best friends.

Depending on the type of emotional suffering, the consequences can be more serious: such as allergies, gastritis, weight loss, obesity, depression, and even death. There are many signs that, if observed and treated early, inhibit future major problems. That's why it's important to understand a little more about it to help your pet if he needs you.

Know the types of emotional disorders that can be developed by your dog or cat and understand how to identify the symptoms in your pet. See also what might be causing these disorders and how to eliminate them.

Signs we can identify

One of the most common symptoms among domestic animals is boredom​. Yes, our little friends can get bored and that triggers a series of complications. Boredom may seem simple and harmless, but it is triggered by a sedentary lifestyle and social isolation.

You must have witnessed the sad scene of seeing a dog serving as a guard dog in some environment. This animal is alone for days and even weeks, often tied to chains and with reduced mobility.

This shakes the dog's emotions deeply. He may become depressed and aggressiveness emerges as an instinctive mechanism.

A more common scene and probably closer to reality for many pet owners is the following: leaving for work and leaving your best friend alone in the apartment all day. This habit also negatively influences your pet's emotional health.

That's why it's important to play and interact with him as much as possible when he's at home, to make up for the long hours he's away.

Boredom and social isolation cause changes in the behavior of dogs and cats, such as chewing on furniture and objects, appetite disorders, aggression, apathy, chasing one's own tail, insistent barking, and even self-mutilation.

Other causes of depression in pets

When an animal loses its owner: without a doubt, this event directly affects the emotional integrity of pets. A death in the family is traumatic even for dogs, cats, and other species of domestic animals. Unfortunately, many animals die days after their owners leave.

A sudden change of environment: Sudden changes affect the emotional reflexes on the physique of dogs and cats. This involves changes of residence or even a place of coexistence. The pet organism gets used to habits and routines just like ours. Changing an environment is changing the whole logic of functioning and predictability of the body and this causes anxiety and other emotional disturbances.

It's important to be careful with sudden changes in our pet's routines. If changes are necessary, they should be made cautiously and progressively.

The arrival of new members in the family: Just like children, pets are also impacted by the arrival of a little brother, be it a baby or even another pet. Jealousy, strong changes in habits, indisposition, and lack of appetite are some of the most common symptoms. Who has never witnessed their own dog peeing in a different place just to get the attention of visitors? Imagine what he can't do when he feels like he's losing space and attention to a new family member.

How to avoid or reverse a case of emotional problems in animals

As in humans, emotional disorders are likely to be identified and treated. For this, it is necessary to carefully observe the changes in the behavior of our four-legged friends. There are signs that we can notice to identify if something is wrong.

It is necessary to investigate the environment in which the animal lives and the routines of the house and the guardian's habits, as problems are often caused by the repetition of a routine that is harmful to the health of the pets.

It is always best to look for a veterinary professional to diagnose and prescribe the best treatment. The forms of treatment are the most diverse and varied, depending on the severity and situation of each pet. There are services on the market offered by professionals in order to minimize causes and assist in treatments.

Many owners do not have enough time or space to spend quality time with their pets, so walking the animals and socializing in dog hotels are some of the alternatives.

For the more sociable, it is still important to adopt a new friend, as long as this is gradually integrated into the family and in a way that does not cause discomfort to those who have already lived in the house for a while... This way, both will have company to play together and not be left alone. lonely or bored.

In short, we can observe and feel when something is not going so well with our best friend. After all, he lives with us and lives directly with our habits. Everything we do or change in our lives affects them directly. And everything they feel can be noticed and investigated early to prevent it from evolving into a more serious condition.

They take very good care of us and influence our own psychological health, with companionship and great joy. Nothing is fairer than us also taking care of their health.

Author: admin

Date: May 29 2023

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What to do if your dog is stung by a bee

Dogs love to explore their surroundings and sometimes they may encounter a bee along the way. Unfortunately, bee stings in dogs are relatively common and can cause discomfort and even severe allergic reactions. It is essential for pet owners to know what to do in the event of a bee sting to help alleviate their dog's discomfort and ensure their safety. In this article, we will provide you with first-aid tips to help you deal with this situation.

  1. Identify the sting: When you notice that your dog is acting abnormally, such as biting or scratching the affected area, it's important to check if he was stung by a bee. Look for a small red bump or bump on the animal's skin, which is usually the site of the bite.

  1. Remove the sting: If you can identify the bee's sting, try to carefully remove it. Use clean tweezers or a flat surface, such as a fingernail, to gently scrape the dog's skin and remove the stinger. Make sure not to squeeze the stinger, as this can release more venom into the animal's skin.

  1. Clean the affected area: After removing the stinger, gently wash the affected area with warm water and mild soap. This will help prevent infections. Make sure not to use irritating chemicals or harsh disinfectants, as this could cause your dog more discomfort.

  1. Apply cold compresses: To relieve swelling and pain, you can apply cold compresses on the affected area. Take a clean towel, soak it in cold water, or wrap some ice cubes in a towel and place it gently on the bite for a few minutes. The cool temperature will help reduce swelling and discomfort.

  1. Watch for signs of an allergic reaction: Some dogs can have a severe allergic reaction to bee stings. Watch for signs such as excessive swelling, difficulty breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, or abnormal behavior. If you observe any of these signs, seek immediate veterinary care as it may be necessary to administer an allergy reliever or other medication to avoid serious complications.

Avoid self-medication: While it's tempting to give your dog human medication to relieve pain or swelling, avoid doing so without a veterinarian's guidance. Some medications can be toxic to dogs, so it's important to

  1. Seek professional guidance before administering any substance to your pet.

  1. Keep your dog calm: After the bite, it is essential to keep the dog calm and calm. Stress and excitement can increase blood circulation and spread the poison faster through the body. Therefore, avoid vigorous activities or games that could agitate the dog. Provide a peaceful and nurturing environment so he can recover properly.

  1. Consult a Veterinarian: While most bee stings in dogs are not a cause for serious concern, it is always recommended that you contact a veterinarian to report the incident and seek further advice. The professional will be able to assess the severity of the dog's reaction to the bite, recommend specific treatments and provide adequate guidance for the case in question.

  1. Consider preventative measures: To avoid future bee stings, especially if you live in an area where these insects are common, consider some preventative measures. Keep your garden clean, free of bee nests and flowers that attract these insects. Also, avoid leaving sweet foods out in the open, as this can also attract bees. If necessary, consult a pest control specialist to help deal with hives near your home.

Bee stings in dogs can be uncomfortable and, in rare cases, lead to severe allergic reactions. Knowing how to act quickly is essential to help your dog recover properly. By following the first aid tips mentioned above, you will be prepared to handle this situation properly. However, always remember to seek veterinary advice to ensure the best care for your pet.

Author: admin

Date: May 29 2023

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Unveiling the Hidden Signs: Recognizing Illness in Dogs and the Importance of Preventive Health

Many tutors don't understand why their doggies get ′′ sick out of nowhere ′′... However, the story isn't always that simple. Your furry friend can show symptoms for a long time before becoming ill, so it's essential to be aware of signs that indicate possible health problems in your dog. Check out some of them in the article!


8 signs that the dog may be sick

1. Bad breath 

Some cases of halitosis in dogs are due to the animal's lack of daily oral hygiene. However, in other cases, bad breath may be associated with gastric diseases - such as ulcers and gastritis - canine diabetes, liver diseases, kidney diseases and even respiratory problems. So, if you notice that your dog has bad breath associated with other symptoms, such as apathy, vomiting, or diarrhea, for example, it is essential to take him to a veterinary evaluation. 

2. Yellow eyes

A dog with yellow eyes can indicate problems that are not necessarily ophthalmological. This symptom is usually associated with liver disease, hemolytic anemia and even the presence of parasites in the pet's bloodstream. Jaundice - the technical term for yellowing - can often also be observed in the animal's skin, in addition to the eyes. A veterinary medical consultation is essential to assess the health status of the dog. 

3. Excessive paw licking

Dogs can lick and bite their paws for a variety of reasons, most of which are related to cleaning or removing foreign bodies. However, this behavior can become abnormal as the tutor begins to observe that paw licking can be linked to physical or even psychological illnesses. If you've identified that your puppy is showing this unusual behavior, it's essential to take him to the vet for an accurate diagnosis of his condition.

4. Excessive hair loss

Hair loss in animals is completely natural and indicates a change in coat, especially during the transition between seasons. Thus, if the fall occurs in a controlled manner and is distributed throughout the animal's body, there is no need for concern. However, excessive hair loss may be associated with the presence of parasites, fungi, dermatitis, and mycoses, in addition to hormonal changes, stress, and anxiety, among other conditions. If you notice this change in your pet, don't hesitate to take him to the vet. 

5. Facial paralysis

As with humans, facial paralysis is a sign of some disturbance in the pet's body. It can be caused as a result of otitis media and internal, trauma, metabolic changes, hypothyroidism, diabetes, and several other conditions. Thus, just by running a battery of tests, the veterinarian will be able to accurately identify the cause of facial paralysis in your dog. 

6. Runny nose

A dog presenting nasal secretions can be a punctual event linked to an allergy to a substance that he inhaled by accident. However, if the tutor notices that the secretions are recurrent and/or that they have changed color (becoming whitish, for example), it is a sign that something may be wrong with your furry, and may even be developing a cold or even pneumonia. 

7. Excessive thirst

Dogs consuming more water on hot days or after exercising is natural and expected to cool down and regulate their body temperature. In addition, dogs whose diet consists essentially of dry food also tend to consume more water. However, if you notice that the dog is showing excessive thirst out of context, it is important to be aware that this behavior can be indicative of serious diseases such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism, pyometra, and kidney diseases, among others. 

8. Eating inedible things

If your dog has the habit of eating everything in sight, it is important to be aware, because despite being a common behavior among puppies, it can also be related to anemia in animals. 

After all, the dog gets sick out of nowhere? 

In general, it is difficult to say that the dog can get sick “out of the blue”, after all, every animal has symptoms when it is not well physically or mentally. Thus, a guardian attentive to his pet will be able to tell when some behavior is out of line and it is time to pay a visit to the veterinarian. 

The importance of preventive health 

To avoid the development of diseases - more or less serious than others - it is essential that every guardian invests in preventive health for his pet! This means visiting the veterinarian every six months or annually in order to carry out check-up exams that will identify in due time any physical problem that the pet may be facing or will face. 

Author: admin

Date: May 29 2023

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