Dog Health

The Barking Dog How do you deal with excessive noise?

admin • 31 Aug 2023


A constantly barking dog can be a big problem, and annoy both its own owners and the whole neighborhood. Although not all dogs have this type of behavior by nature – as some breeds are quite quiet and only bark in very specific and dangerous situations – a talkative dog is not hard to find and, when the barking goes far beyond normal, it's time to seek help and put some techniques into practice.

In addition to training dogs to perform certain tricks and commands, the training process with the help of a professional can also help a lot when calming a barking dog, making it possible to reduce the noise caused by the pet.

Taking advantage of talkative pets, the animal world market already offers accessories that promise to help control the barking of dogs; however, discovering the factor that causes this exaggerated talk is the first step so that the situation can be resolved without any harm to the animal and, as the objective of the owners is always the well-being of their pets, it is worth a greater investigation before going out buying products that claim to be miraculous.

In addition to simple communication, there are several other factors that make a dog bark a lot and, in many cases, the culprit for so much noise can be the owner of the pet, without even realizing it. Check out, in this article, the main reasons and occasions that make a dog bark a lot, and learn valuable tips to solve the problem and maintain peace and silence in your home and in the neighborhood.

Why do dogs bark?

The most common reason dogs bark is, without a doubt, the need for communication. However, understanding what is the factor that the dog wants to communicate is the first step to be able to avoid very constant barking and, in this regard, the motivations of canine pets can be as varied as possible.

Dogs that feel very lonely, abandoned, or anxious can bark like there's no tomorrow and, in these cases, it can be said that part of the responsibility for the high level of dog talk lies with the pet owners themselves. Not all dog breeds have the expected levels of independence and leaving a needy pet alone for too long can trigger day-long barking.

The desire to interact with other dogs is also a powerful reason why pets bark a lot, and dogs that live in places where there is a high concentration of other animals may feel this urge to talk to a friend on several occasions. This ends up causing barking to occur every time another friend walks by or starts a conversation - which is not difficult to happen at all; considering that, in the same way that your pet may be a fan of “chatting”, other dogs in the region may also have this habit. Usually, the barks that signify the dog's desire to talk are longer and more continuous and can be identified more easily.

Sadness at the separation from the owner is another factor that can influence the barking of the pet that, sad to see its owner leave the house, barks to show its dissatisfaction. In the same way that departure causes barking, the owner's arrival at home can also trigger an intense session of dog talk – however, this is a type of barking that only causes discomfort to the neighbors; as being greeted by the pet's talking animation is adorable for 100% of dog owners.

Finally, we come to the most intense barks in the pack: the ones that show some kind of danger. Very protective (and, in some cases, very fearful), dogs trigger the barking machine when they feel that something is out of order or represents some kind of danger - usually, due to hearing a noise or smelling something suspicious.

Although dog barking serves as a warning and can make all the difference in real dangerous situations, there are many pets that are simply not used to the environment in which they live, and see almost any noise or new smell as a sign of danger – putting it the voice to work and barking uncontrollably every time something happens (ie all day long).

 When the barking is the owner's fault

Dogs that want to get the owner's attention or play can also bark a lot to be noticed and, in these cases, the owner's attitude counts a lot in defining whether the dog's behavior can improve or not.

The explanation for this fact is simple and consists of the following: when a dog barks a lot (to get attention or ask for something) and is promptly attended to by its owner – who fulfills his wish for the dog to stop barking – this happens. it becomes a habit; since, in the dog's understanding, every time there is a lot of barking, he will get what he wants.

Although it's easy to understand, many owners end up not noticing this pattern of behavior in their pets, encouraging barking even more. The ideal in these cases is that, when noticing that your dog is barking exaggeratedly for wanting something, its owner waits until he calms down to fulfill the pet's desire; showing that it's not the barking that earns you a prize, but the calmness.

Very noisy families can also influence their pets to bark too much, because imitating the behavior of their owners is a tendency for dogs, and the more talkative the owners are, the more talkative the dog will be. Boredom is another common cause of excessive barking in dogs , so owners who have very active pets and don't spend time taking them for walks or doing activities can also trigger this type of behavior.

 How to Control and Reduce Dog Barking

To reduce the amount of dog barking and calm him down, making him understand that exaggerated talk is unnecessary, some dressage techniques can be of great help. As in the case of those who want to teach tricks to animals, methods involving rewards can be extremely efficient and, following the line of teaching intelligent training, it is possible to alleviate this type of behavior with some ease.

To begin the process, it is important that a single word is chosen to give the command to stop barking for the animal, such as “silence”, for example. The word must be used whenever the dog is barking a lot, and the owner must pronounce it firmly and clearly; rewarding him with lots of affection, or even a treat when the command is obeyed.

It is important to remember that, in large families, all members must be properly informed about the command keyword, making everyone ask for the dog's silence in the same way, facilitating their understanding. Another relevant factor is to avoid giving food or any kind of affection to the animal while it is still barking, as it can associate this type of rewarding action with the act of barking; and this can provoke the opposite reaction of what is desired.

Combining training techniques with physical activities can also be a great option for those who have very talkative dogs; since, with the practice of exercises, pets spend more energy and end up calming down in a natural way, no longer barking due to the accumulation of disposition.

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