Dog Tips

What to do when I have a dangerous dog?

admin • 02 Sep 2023


There are many pets that, even created with love, end up becoming dangerous dogs. And this is not only for people outside but also for their owners and everyone who lives in the house. Whether attacking or biting, he ends up becoming a problem, even if everyone is fond of him.

To deal with a dangerous dog, training is the best option, as a professional in this area will know how to make him develop habits of respect, and obedience and will carry out all the commands taught, thus having a more sociable life. However, there are cases where the degree is not so intense, so there are solutions that help to alleviate this situation.

What are the causes that make a dog dangerous?

As has already been said, the animal has its temperament and personality, even if each breed has a profile. As in every rule, there are exceptions, it may be that a furry is born angrier by nature, compared to others of the lineage and, then, it is up to find out what is causing him to have this type of behavior.

A common cause that turns the friend into a dangerous dog is the power of leadership, which can be his with other pets or even with their own owners. The instinct to dominate the environment means that he has to take a leadership position, so aggressiveness is his way out of this purpose. This attitude can also happen when you see prey in the other pet. And when he feels threatened by his owners or thinks they are in danger, he attacks whoever it is, regardless of whether the situation is real or a joke.

How to tame a dangerous dog

It's not a quick or easy task, but with affection and the right way, the furry can become less hostile. However, the first step is to take him to the vet, especially if he has changed his temperament from one hour to another or if he has really been accumulating days in this situation, as one of the causes could be some kind of pain. And, therefore, only he will know how to assess what is happening and will initiate the specific treatment.

Another reason for the pet to become a dangerous dog lies in its instinctive behavior, which requires the help of a specialist to train it for another behavior, in addition to the fact that in many cases there is a need to complement it with particular remedies for this problem, such as antidepressants. or serotonin. But remember that this medication can only be taken when indicated by a professional in the field and never on its own or in doses higher than those prescribed.

The owner should also keep in mind that aggression is never met with violence, so the dog needs to be treated with love. And the person should avoid situations that show provocation or even stress the animal, such as being next to him while drinking water, eating or doing his business, waking him up (especially in a sudden way), getting close to him while he is with the bone or a toy and under no circumstances let children get close to it.

A dangerous dog can also be a little tame after neutering, which ends up solving many cases. Once again, it is worth consulting with the veterinarian to decide on this procedure, and especially if it is a male, recovery is quick. If it's a dog, the surgery is a little more invasive, similar to a c-section, but if it's for her sake, why not?

Speaking of females, many are aggressive when they give birth and, by nature, want to protect their young. Try as much as possible to avoid unnecessary proximity (such as watching the little ones and stressing her out for nothing) and let only the person she trusts most have the daily contacts to put food and water in the pots, in addition to doing everything possible dressings.

One more tip: never take a dangerous dog for a walk without a muzzle. In addition to preventing accidents, you are respecting others and also the integrity of your pet.

What if I find a dangerous dog?

When we walk down the street, parks, squares, or anywhere else, we are subject to encountering such an animal. Therefore, avoiding some attitudes is essential, such as facing them. If you do this, he will perceive it as a threat or challenge and may attack you. Keep in mind that he has an impulse to defend his territory, so if you are in it and still try to persuade him with eye to eye, he will find himself in a cornered position and will not hesitate to protect himself.

So, when crossing a supposedly dangerous dog, walk straight by and don't even look back. Stay calm, don't show fear, and never underestimate one breed or be afraid of another, as a Pit Bull can be more docile than a Pinscher, depending on how he is educated.

I want to turn my dangerous dog into a tame one!

To have a more docile dog, observe its characteristics from when it is a puppy. If you realize that he has invasive behaviors and the discipline applied at home is not enough, already seek training, the sooner it starts and in the younger stages of his life, the better the result and the agility in the return of the new molds.

Another way to make your dangerous dog calmer is to get him out of stressful or nervous situations. Having a calm home, without fights or disagreements between his owners, who are “his parents”, makes him more confident in where he is, having a greater chance of balancing his behavior.

Treatment with flower remedies, acupuncture, massage therapy, and physical activity, mainly running and swimming, are great alternatives for him to oppose his instinct to a new rhythm of life, going through moments in which he is emotionally and physically treated, reaching an even greater level of balance.

Acupuncture, for example, takes 15 to 20 minutes and can be started with weekly sessions. The number of sessions will depend on the breed and the degree of the dangerous dog's behavioral imbalance, but usually, 6 to 8 already show excellent results.

If the person opts for massage therapy, their furry will undergo a technique that stimulates relaxation and decreases anxiety, working on the same points as the procedure above. And it is worth mentioning that both are also indicated therapeutically for diseases, such as pain due to fractures, and inflammation, among many others.

Pampering is also another point to be diverted. If you feel that your friend's transformation into a dangerous dog was the fact that he was spoiled, reverse this situation. Try to see him as a child who makes a fuss when he doesn't get what he wants, but play, spend time with him, treat him well, always take him to the vet when necessary, take care of his food and water in a balanced way, but do not confuse care with exaggeration, because if something in the routine of the house changes, his will also change and he may become depressed or aggressive.

Quick tips for your dangerous dog to be more docile

As everyone knows, what a furry needs most is attention and this also applies to the bravest, as these are often this way due to feelings of rejection, abandonment, or loneliness. And so that you have some solutions in your day-to-day with your friend, here are some suggestions to be with him and at the same time get him out of this aggressive climate:

  • He was adopted to be “part of the family”, correct? So, don't leave him alone for a long time and, if necessary, he should stay in a wide place, so that he can run and be in a more comfortable condition. Stock up on his food and water bowls, as well as leaving toys, bones and anything specific to animals that will entertain him, so that he doesn't become a dangerous dog because of the feeling of isolation;

  • When you get home, play with it. One of the best games and one that will also spend a lot of energy (physical and mental) is to hide snacks and encourage him to find them. In addition to having contact with the owner, the person he loves the most, this activity will also produce serotonin during this moment of joy;

  • Always take him for a walk (with a muzzle) so that he releases tension, gets used to other animals and people, in addition to getting tired. All this will make him remain more serene;

Finally, if you feel that nothing has worked, don't hesitate to look for a training service. In many cases, a month or two is enough to transform it from a dangerous dog to a sociable and happy pet.

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