
Exotic cats: 8 breeds you need to know

admin • 30 May 2023


Check out 8 exotic cat breeds you need to know about! These felines have different colors, and sizes and can differ greatly in terms of behavior. All this variety is the result of the mixture of races and the different conditions of survival in each region of the planet, some stand out due to unusual characteristics, but this still pleases many.

The main characteristics of cat breeds are defined by the region where each one lives, in cold countries, for example, native breeds have long hair, while in warmer countries they have a shorter coat. But with the popularity of this kitty, several of them were created in the laboratory, by crossing different breeds or even cats with other types of felines.

Exotic cats are much sought after by those who are fans of the companionship and affection of these little animals and appreciate the different appearance, which is still a charm. In addition to drawing attention wherever they go, they are more difficult to find, some can only be purchased by order.

8 exotic cat breeds

Meet 8 main breeds of exotic cats :


The Toyger breed was recognized in 2007, these cats are the result of the mixture of many breeds, the sole objective of the breeder was to make it possible for a domestic cat to have the appearance of a wild feline, the tiger. He is a medium-sized cat and has short, yellowish hair with black stripes.

They are very active, and for this reason, they hardly exceed 5kg, they are healthy, resistant, and live a long time, approximately 15 years. It can be easily found and purchased for a price that varies between 5 and 7 thousand.

Scottish fold

The breed is immediately recognizable by its folded ears and slightly drooping eyes. They are a great option for an exotic cat for anyone who likes to have an animal that is really a companion, and likes to be with the cat all the time in his lap or playing games.

The Scottish Fold has medium-length hair that is plentiful and very soft, and therefore requires constant brushing. They are medium-sized cats that can weigh up to 7 kg and live for approximately 20 years. Very easy to find, it is sold for an average of 3 thousand.



They are extremely exotic cats because they don't have hair and have very wrinkled skin. These characteristics are also responsible for the greatest weaknesses of the breed, excessive exposure to the sun, cold, and humidity can cause serious dermatological problems in this type of cat.

Despite their frightening appearance for many, the sphynx are very affectionate, love to be with other cats, and love to play, even as adults. Their skin has a pink background and is covered with spots, most of the time they live for more than 10 years, however, disease prevention and periodic visits to the veterinarian are essential to ensure a long life for the breed. They are sold for 2 thousand.


Also known as the wolf cat, the Lykoi looks like a feline, but even in behavior, it resembles a dog. The hair is always of dark tones, medium length and very thin, especially in the region of the head, eyes, and mouth.


It is a new breed, which is not the result of a mixture, but a mutation of the American Shorthair breed. Very attached to the owner, they do not accept spending hours alone and enjoy socializing with visitors to where they live. It is still very difficult to find in Pak.


Savannah cats are the result of crossing between domestic cats and serval. They are part of one of the most exotic species in the world due to their distinctive appearance, they have a small head, large ears and long bodies and limbs, and they can weigh up to 15 kg. The coat is short, smooth, and painted, like a jaguar.


Despite the appearance of wild cats, they are extremely docile and love to play, whether with cats or even dogs. Those who wish to have a Savannah cat must be willing to wait, as most are sterile they are only bred on demand in some regions, in addition, it is necessary to spend at least 10 thousand to buy the feline.

Cornish rex

This exotic breed is characterized by long, lean legs, a small head, large eyes, an elongated muzzle, and a very fine coat of short hair. They are large, lean cats, full of energy, and prefer the company of humans to other animals.

The Cornish Rex is a hardy breed, but it should be raised indoors in a pleasant, dirt-free environment. They are faithful companions, live an average of 18 years, and prefer to stay in a cozy corner than on your lap. The price can vary between 3 and 6 thousand.


Somali cats have a unique appearance, with long orange hair and darker colors on the ends of the body, their beauty is compared to that of a fox. In addition, they always have green or almond-shaped eyes and are found on all continents of the world.

The behavior of this breed is ideal for those who already have other pets or children in the family because they adapt easily to other beings and are very active, they hardly refuse to participate in a game. Due to their very long hair, they need bathing and brushing once a month. 

Japanese bobtail

The main feature of this cat is the tail, they do not have a long tail like other felines of the species, the Bobtail only has a tuft of hair on the back of the body, which is very similar to a rabbit's tail. In addition to being very cute, easterners believe that it attracts luck.

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