
Learn now how to brush your cat's teeth correctly

admin • 21 Jul 2023


Do you know how to brush the cat's teeth? Do you do this regularly? Believe me, they need that care too! The oral hygiene of felines is fundamental, mainly, to avoid the appearance of tartar and cavities. When these problems happen, they can experience a lot of pain and even present more serious problems. 

Therefore, it is important that you periodically take care of your kitty's oral hygiene. But where to start? If you've never done this, don't worry! We've selected some essential tips to help with this process. So take some time and come learn with us about how to take care of your kitty's teeth!

In this article, we will explain the importance of this care, the best tips for doing this and what to use for this dental hygiene. In the end, we'll show you what can cause bad breath in cats. Good reading!

Important of brushing a cat's teeth

We don't usually make this kind of association, but cats feed just like humans, so their teeth can accumulate waste too. Knowing how to brush your cat's teeth the right way is important to eliminate these remains, which don't come off by themselves.

Food residues in the cat's teeth can cause oral problems such as caries and tartar, as mentioned above. But the bacteria that proliferate there still favor inflammation and infections. When these problems are not treated, they can develop into more serious illnesses, for example, cardiovascular disease.

Not to mention that food scraps decompose and cause bad breath. If this happens to your kitty, maybe he needs good oral hygiene. She is important for senior cats as well as younger ones.

What are the tips for how to brush your cat's teeth?

It's not hard to learn how to brush your cat's teeth the right way. You just need to prepare a good environment, invest in the right products and be patient with your pet. See the tips below.

Choose a peaceful and calm environment

Like every cat tutor, you may have noticed that this type of animal gets stressed easily, right? So, considering that the action of brushing your teeth already causes stress, it is essential that the environment is favorable.

Try to take the cat to a quiet place, without other people and, mainly, without other animals. This will be key to putting you at ease.

Start by handling the cat's mouth

The region just below the cat's mouth is usually a place where he likes to receive affection, helping to make him more relaxed. So that he doesn't find the manipulation strange, start caressing that point.

When you see that the cat is calm, start handling the inside of the mouth so that it gets used to this contact. Then, start the process by wrapping a piece of gauze around your index finger (keep it very firm so it doesn't come loose) and massage your teeth gently for a while, so that it gradually adapts.

Be patient and wait for the cat to adjust

You may not be able to get a good result right away, but that doesn't mean you don't know how to brush your cat's teeth. In fact, it is an adaptation process that you will go through together, and it requires patience.

Take your time. Try to respect the animal's time, making it gain confidence and realize that brushing won't do any harm. Don't force the situation at first, but don't give up either. Keep trying until the cat gets used to the manipulation. Try to observe his reactions to understand what the kitty accepts best.

Create a comfortable environment

In addition to ensuring privacy for the cat when brushing its teeth, it is important that the environment is comfortable for it. Many cats feel calm wrapped in a towel, a technique that is also used when cutting nails. You can leave just the head out and keep the animal on your lap.

Avoid placing the cat on a hard or cold surface, such as over the sink or countertop. Always think about what will be most pleasant for him, so that the moment is associated with positive things.

Use a cat-specific toothbrush and toothpaste

When he gets used to this manipulation, it's time to come in with the toothbrush and toothpaste. Here, it is important to note that human items should not be used, okay?

The cat brush is usually smaller and often comes in the form of a thimble, precisely for you to be more precise when manipulating. With this, you can brush your teeth and gums more quietly for both of you.

Usually, the paste has a pleasant taste for the animals, making the process even more comfortable and causing it to reject less. Brushing should be carried out with circular movements, from the gum to the tips of the teeth. This helps to remove dirt and stuck plaques.

Make the cat feel welcome

As we said, cats are very sensitive to stress. If he feels insecure about the whole process, it could make brushing very difficult. Therefore, before, during and after, it is important that he feels welcomed.

Pet him, hug him and make the place favorable, as we teach. As uncomfortable as he may be, if he is secure, he may be more receptive to the process.

Be careful when brushing

Remember that cats' mouths are very sensitive. In addition, he may feel the urge to struggle, try to get away or meow a lot. If you make very firm movements or are not careful, you can hurt the cat's mouth, leading to possible inflammation in the region. Not good, is it? Therefore, be careful throughout the process.

Give a reward after brushing

Finished brushing? Now it's time to reward your feline friend for helping with the whole process. This makes the cat realize that even if it is an uncomfortable moment, if he helps, everything will be fine and he will receive something good in return.

What to use to brush the cat's teeth?

It's not enough to know how to brush your cat's teeth the right way, you also need to invest in specific products for this. Just as we choose other hygiene items made for cats, such as sand, we must invest in items designed for these animals in order to achieve good results. Remembering that products for humans should not be used.

The toothpaste assists in the removal of residues, but, in fact, it is the movements performed that do the heaviest work. So, it is essential to invest in a good brush, either in the traditional or thimble format.

Gauze is also valid, but be very careful when wrapping it around your finger so as not to end up getting loose and disturbing hygiene. It is worth emphasizing that it is not necessary to rinse the cat's mouth, since the specific toothpaste for it does not hurt. So, nothing else is needed.

What can cause bad breath in cats?

 If you don't know how to brush your cat's teeth the right way, or if you don't have the habit of taking care of your feline's oral hygiene, the result can be bad breath. After all, the accumulation of waste is the main cause of halitosis in kittens.

However, this is not the only reason. If you brush your cat's teeth and he still has bad breath, it's very important to see a veterinarian. This is because diseases that affect the kidneys, liver, and gastric system can also lead to this problem, in addition to diabetes.

Until you learn how to brush your cat's teeth and get them used to it, it can be a laborious process. But by adopting the essential care we suggest, over time, everything will become easier and more peaceful. Most importantly, these actions will effectively help protect your feline's health.

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