Dog Tips

The Ultimate Guide to Traveling with Dogs: Tips for a Safe and Enjoyable Adventure

admin • 29 May 2023


The vacation trip is a moment awaited by the whole family. It's time to relax, get to know new landscapes and create great memories. In the midst of so many good things, your four-legged friend doesn't need to be left behind; as it is possible to travel with a dog and ensure that he also enjoys it.

However, before setting foot on the road, it is important to plan, as there are specific precautions to avoid problems and maintain the well-being of the pet. Sound complicated? Don't worry! Below you will see 9 tips for a successful trip. Check out!

1. Consult the veterinarian

Everything should start with a trip to the vet, as you need to know if the pet is able to make the trip. Very young dogs that have not been vaccinated, for example, are not eligible to embark on this adventure. Older or sick people may also not be indicated.

There are also some breeds that are sensitive to certain conditions, such as too low or too high a temperature. To top it all off, dogs that are anxious or that have already shown dissatisfaction on this type of walk require special attention. It is the veterinarian who can authorize the trip and indicate the best care. If applicable, he can still administer components that make the pet calm at the time of displacement.

2. Pay attention to the means of transport

Then you need to make a good assessment of the means of transport. Each one requires special care, so it's best to know how to proceed in each situation.


In the case of transport by car, leave aside that idea of ​​having the dog free, with its head out the window while the wind blows, as it can cause ear problems and accidents with other vehicles. In addition, if the dog is loose, it can disturb your direction or get hurt in abrupt braking.

As unsafe transport of pets is considered a traffic violation, invest in protection. The easiest way is to use a carrier, but there are special harnesses and “chairs” for dogs.


For those who intend to travel with a dog on the bus, it is necessary to know the rules of each vehicle. There are companies that require an exclusive ticket for the pet while others do not. There may also be some limitations on the number of animals inside the bus.

All transport is conditioned to the use of the appropriate box so that it travels safely. Before the trip confirm with the company responsible for the line to avoid boarding problems.


In the case of airplanes, the procedure depends on the size of the animal. Small dogs must be in transport boxes between 7 and 10 kilos and go in the cabin itself. The medium and large ones need to be kept in boxes made of reinforced and safe material. They are carried in the cargo hold throughout the journey.

Each airline has its rules and they should be known beforehand. If it is the case for an international trip, be sure to see what the destination country says about it.

3. Find out what documents are required

Another important point of traveling with a dog is the required documentation. For health reasons, it is common to have to present some documents. By car or bus, just show a certificate from the veterinarian that indicates the health conditions. The professional must be registered with the Regional Council of Veterinary Medicine (CRMV) for the document to be valid.

As for air travel, and especially international ones, the list is longer. You must give the anti-rabies vaccine at least 30 days in advance. After this period, it will be tested and a report will be issued.

It is also necessary to carry out microchipping, which allows the identification of the dog in any country. On international tours, quarantine may be required to ensure the effectiveness of the vaccination. Countries have varying periods, so you need to plan for the pet to be released at the right time.

Last but not least, there is the International Veterinary Certificate (CVI). It is withdrawn at the Ministry of Agriculture and serves as a kind of passport for the animal. In order not to take risks, check if the country of destination has any specific requirements regarding health or preparations.

4. Take care to prevent fleas and ticks

No one deserves to take their dog on a trip and end up scratching themselves because of fleas,  ticks, and other parasites, right? Therefore, the ideal is to give a professional bath in order to prepare the companion for the adventure. To prevent problems while traveling, consider giving an ongoing action asset.

During the tour, do not go to places with a lot of vegetation or with several other animals so that it is not affected. On the way back, it's time for a new complete bath. This will help contain infestations and prevent your canine friend from suffering from such problems.

5. Make sure the destination is pet-friendly

After resolving the initial bureaucracies, start thinking about the characteristics of the destination. See, for example, if the city you intend to stay in is suitable for animals. There are places that are not completely pet-friendly and then the experience is not so nice. To be sure, find out what other visitors say. If you know someone who has traveled there, don't be afraid to ask.

Did you give the city the green light? So you need to think about hosting. More and more establishments know that dogs are great companions for travelers and allow the entry of animals. To avoid problems, check if the hotel or inn accepts pets. Otherwise, it's best to look for a place with that permission.

6. Separate pet items

The next step to traveling with a dog the right way is to gather all the products that must be taken on the trip. Starting with the fundamentals, save the medications that the animal takes daily or with some frequency. Take extra doses to avoid the risk of not finding the product.

Also, remember the collar and the toilet mat. These items are essential for everyday life and ensure more comfort. You can't forget about favorite toys and objects either. Take his favorite ball or even the blanket he can't be without. If you're driving, the bed fits in the trunk and brings that feeling of home wherever you are.

7. Be careful with food

To avoid accidents, care must be taken with food. The movement of the car, the bus, and even the plane can make your partner nauseous. If he has eaten before, he runs the risk of suffering from nausea and being unwell.

The best way to avoid this is to not feed your partner until 3 hours before departure. Just make sure you drink enough water to prevent dehydration.

If he eats some kind of special food, don't forget to pack it in your luggage. Unless you are sure that you can buy at the destination, it is better to be safe. After the journey, it's time to feed him: let him get used to the new environment and serve him the desired pot of food.

8. Use the collar and identification tag

With just one oversight your dog has the opportunity to run away. If this scenario is already bad at home, in a different city it is even worse. So be extra careful so that problems like this don't happen.

Even if the place seems calm or the dog is calm, just walk with the leash on. This prevents him from running away or running away before you can stop him. In the end, the walks will be much more peaceful. It is also important to use the identification tag at all times. In addition to giving a very special charm, it is a differential for your pet and prevents it from being lost, in case something goes out of schedule.

The best part is that a product of this type is also useful when you return home. So, don't give up leaving it identified with style!

9. Be careful with temperatures

It is common to travel in seasons with higher temperatures; however, an environment like this can be harmful to your dog. Excess heat leads to dehydration and fatigue and, in more fragile animals, generates health complications.

In addition, the very hot ground burns the pet's paws and harms the entire travel experience. Before taking him out for a walk, make sure the location is suitable enough. In order not to make mistakes, take him for a walk at the beginning of the day or at the end of the afternoon. If the place is colder than normal, wearing clothes to protect the pet is essential if he is not used to this wide variation.

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