Dog Tips

How to shave a dog at home

admin • 30 May 2023


Do you spend more than you should on your dog's hygiene between bathing, grooming, nails and everything else? Or let the pet become a fur ball due to lack of money? Does your friend suffer from fear and stress every time he has to face the pet shop? So how about learning how to take care of your puppy alone? Combine the right products and equipment with a good dose of affection and patience, and learn with us how to shave a dog at home!

Step by step on how to shave a dog at home

1 – Gather all the materials you will need

You don't want to be looking for tools and products when you're already hands-on. If it's already complicated having to drop a wet dog in the bathtub or shower and go get the shampoo, imagine getting the puppy ready for the grooming and having to go look for where you left the clipper!

 From the time of the bath, have shampoo and conditioner (if necessary) within reach of your free hand – the one you won't be used to hold and soothe your friend. Also, keep towels handy and some snacks in case you need them.

The grooming tools, such as a comb, clipper, and scissors, should be close at hand so that you don't have to move your dog from one side to the other once dry, but they should be sheltered from water.

And don't forget to put a non-slip pad on the bottom of the bathtub or on the floor of the shower, so your friend doesn't slip during the bath. He could get hurt or scared and make the whole process impossible.

2 – Comb the dog first

By the way, know that the ideal is to brush your friend every day. This process maintains healthier fur and skin, even reducing the frequency of necessary baths.

But, returning to how to shave your dog, combing is important to undo knots and tangles that may be in the coat. Here, just brushing is not enough, because there are times when the brush simply goes over the knots and does not undo the tangle.

The comb will undo them, allowing you to handle all the hair during clipping. And when you find a tangle, use the comb or brush to gently detangle. Remember to comb the tail inclusive.

3 – Cut the knots that were not undone

Some knots can be very difficult to undo. Insisting can cause pain, skin irritation and even make your dog stressed or aggressive. In that case, cut all the hair that is part of the mat.

Always try to cut in the direction of hair growth, so as not to spoil the design of the coat. And be extremely careful if you're going to do this with scissors - by the way, choose scissors with a round trip, to avoid hurting your friend.

4 – Start with the bath

The whole process starts in the water. First, choose the right place for the bath. In some cases, depending on the size of the dog and the climate, it is easier to wash your friend in the backyard, for example. Especially for those dogs trying to escape the bathtub.

For smaller, calmer dogs, or when the weather outside doesn't allow it, you can use the laundry tub or a basin, and a bathtub or shower for large dogs. The most important thing here is to make sure that the water is warm, so as not to harm the animal's health.

5 – Start washing from the back

And come forward, leaving the head last. She always waters her dog very carefully. Running a shower or hose over the animal can startle it. Rinse it thoroughly before applying shampoo. And never get wet inside the ears, which can cause ear infection.

For shampoo, read the manufacturer's guidelines. In general, rather than applying the product directly to the coat, place a small amount on your hand and rub it in to dilute it before applying it to the dog.

Start at the neck (don't shampoo the head and ears - clean them with a wet cloth at the end) and spread towards the paws and tail. Rinse thoroughly until you are sure there is no shampoo left on the skin and hair.

Long-haired dogs may need conditioner. Repeat the same shampoo process and do not leave any product left after rinsing.

6 – Dry your dog

First, wring out excess water with your hands, pushing the wet coat in the direction of hair growth. Then, use a terry towel to dry it off. Also, allow him to shake his body to remove the water.

Avoid the use of dryers, prefer the hair to dry naturally. However, if use is unavoidable, use it at a comfortable temperature and distance, and do not point it at your head. If the coat is long, you can brush it while it dries.

7 – Wipe your eyes

This step can be simpler or more complicated depending on your dog's breed and color. In general, cleaning the eyes boils down to removing scum from the corners with a damp handkerchief. However, some long-coated dogs, and especially light-colored ones, can have tear stains. For this, there are specific products in specialized stores.


As for shaving around the eyes, only do it if you are completely sure you know what you are doing and have the right tools for the operation. In case of doubt, even if minimal, choose to transfer responsibility to a specialist. Any mistake can blind your pet!

8 – Clean the ears

Another step on how to shave a dog at home includes cleaning your friend's ears. The best way to do it is to apply a solution for cleaning the ears of animals (which you can buy in specialized stores) or saline solution, with the help of a cotton ball.

You don't need to stick the cotton inside your ears, only as far as you can see. Just remove wax and dirt, without scrubbing too hard. Dry the ears with a dry cotton swab, also without rubbing.

If the ears are irritated, red or blackened, swollen, oozing, or smelling, see a veterinarian as soon as possible.

9 – Only clip when your friend is completely dry

The process of how to shave a dog at home begins to require more care now.

First of all, have the right tools for grooming. Ordinary scissors, razors, and devices for cutting human hair do not work the same way for animals.

Choose to buy a clipper from specialized stores to ensure an aesthetically successful and safe clipper. And the blades need to be sharp, so you don't pull the fur.

10 – Choose your friend’s look before starting

Some breeds even have characteristic clipping designs that can be followed to improve aesthetics. Only cut when you are sure of the cut you want to make.

11- Methodically cough

You can place the blade against the dog's body as long as you don't press it hard into the skin. ALWAYS pass the machine in the direction of hair growth. Move the cutter slowly across the body – moving too fast can leave jagged lines.

Start at the neck, then move down to the shoulders, below the ears, and towards the chin and chest. NEVER use large blades, size 7 or larger, around the throat, tendons, armpits, genitals, tail, and anus. These angled areas can get caught inside the machine's blades, which is extremely dangerous.

Then shave the back and sides – always in the direction of the hair. And finally, the paws.

12 – Be very careful with the neck and anus

NEVER cut straight across the neck so that you are able to see the direction you are moving the machine. Also, use caution when removing hair from around the anus.

The anus can come out during clipping and be accidentally cut. NEVER pass the machine over the anus, only around and under the tail.

Shaving paws, tail, and face can also bother your friend. So pay close attention to sudden movements in order not to hurt him.

Tips on how to shave a dog at home

Give your friend some time

Standing bathed and groomed can be tiring for a dog. If you notice him becoming restless or upset, take a short break so he can rest and recover. During the break, give them snacks and cuddle them.

Use proper equipment

Find out about clippers, blades, scissors, combs, brushes, and hygiene products when deciding to shave your dog at home. There are different tools for different types of dogs. Do your research, talk to experts, and purchase your materials in specialized and trusted stores.

Take your time

Don't pull your friend's fur with the brush or comb. Also, be sure to keep the blades on your clipper very sharp so the clipper doesn't pull or pull the dog's hair either.

Do not move the cutter too quickly or press too hard against the animal's skin. And even control the temperature of the clipper, as well as the water and dryer during and after the bath.

Go in the right direction

Note that your dog's hair changes the direction of growth according to the area of ​​the body. Grooming should always follow this direction, respecting the differences in each part of the animal.

Restrain your dog

The process of shaving your dog at home can be quite exhausting for him. Therefore, secure him with a collar so that he does not move or run away during all procedures, which could be dangerous for him.

Finally, in addition to understanding how to shave your dog at home, you can also learn how to cut your friend's nails and brush their teeth, for complete hygiene, without needing a pet shop.

The sooner you start with the whole process, the sooner your friend will get used to it. And the more relaxed and adapted he is, the faster and easier it will be for you.

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