Dog Tips

How to calm the dog and cat afraid of rockets and thunder?

admin • 08 Aug 2023


Rockets and fireworks are great ways to celebrate the New Year, wedding or summer parties, but not so great for cats and dogs. All animals have evolved to have an instinctive fear of loud sounds, be it rockets or thunder. It's a natural response to running away from an unidentified threat. But this response can be altered or reduced through training and habituation.

Rockets and thunder have common characteristics: they are loud, sudden and launch a shock wave in the air and on the ground. It is to be expected that our dogs and cats will be in a state of terror. In fact, 49% of caregivers in Great Britain say that their dog is afraid of rockets, followed by thunder.

Therefore, we are going to offer you some solutions that you can implement to calm your dog and cat afraid of rockets and thunder.

Early training prevents phobias

Socialization is the period of the dog's or cat's life when they are most receptive to learning what will be normal in their life . Poor socialization leads to behavioral problems such as aggression towards people or animals and phobias. In dogs, socialization takes place in the first 12 weeks, and in cats during the first 7 weeks of life.

This period is also essential to expose the animal to less pleasant situations, showing its harmlessness. This is the case with rockets and thunderstorms. By exposing the animal during this period and associating it with a positive and tranquilizing stimulus, we can prevent the development of phobias . However, if you haven't managed to do this during the first weeks of the animal's life, there is still hope.

hiding place inside the house

Dogs and cats feel more comfortable if they have a space to hide inside the house. Therefore, making a refuge den can help the animal to deal with the fear of rockets or thunder. Many animals already seek hiding places in these situations. For example, cats hide under the bed or sofa.

But the caregiver can also help with the search for a hiding place. You can buy tent beds, where the animal can hide. Or you can even make a den by placing a blanket over chairs or tables.

It is important that the dog or cat is inside the house before the fireworks or thunderstorms start . If they are outside, they can get lost in panic and even get hurt. If you can, stay home with the animal to give it comfort and safety.

desensitization training

Desensitization training allows you to format the animal's behavior to a certain stimulus. It is done through exposure to similar low-intensity stimuli. The animal is taught to tolerate the stimulus , learning that it is not a threat.

That is, in the case of rockets and thunderstorms, the animal should be exposed to a loud noise and taught that it is not dangerous. However, this training is complicated due to the difficulty in replicating the stimulus (rocket, thunder) and in overcoming the instinctive fear of loud and short noises. You can always improve the animal's reaction to noise , but it should always be done with the help of a professional.

Medication to calm the dog or cat

In severe cases, you can ask your veterinarian to write you a prescription for medication. Medication is especially recommended for animals that are very agitated , and may even injure themselves when trying to escape with fear. For these animals, the medication allows them to be more relaxed or sedated during the most critical period . You should never take medication without medical advice, as it could poison the animal.

Create a relaxing and distracting environment

If you can stay at home with your four-legged companion, we recommend that you create a relaxing environment. Games and walks allow to expend energy and keep the animal calmer during the critical period. Create hiding places and close the house so they can't run away in fear.

During, try to distract the animal  by playing with it, offering treats if it is calm and keeping it company. If the animal begins to express fear, do not offer more treats and affection as they reinforce the behavior. Let him find a safe place and be quiet. Watch from time to time if everything is ok, without disturbing him.

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