Dog Tips

What fruits can dogs eat? See the complete list!

admin • 30 May 2023


Dog tutors are always concerned about how they can enrich the diet of their furry ones and, therefore, resort to special diets that may even include fruit!

However, many are in doubt about which of them would actually be released for consumption by their dogs. With that in mind, we have gathered in this article the fruits that dogs can eat and those that they should stay away from.

First of all: 2 important alerts!

You should always see a veterinarian to determine which diet is appropriate for your dog depending on its health history when tutors start altering its food.

Many items, especially fruit, can be risky for some animals even while they may be great for others. Therefore, consult with your preferred specialist before adding some of these delectable tiny fruits into the routine of your closest companion.

The second alert is related to the number of fruits and snacks that should be offered to your pet. For this, veterinarians indicate a general practical rule for tutors: treats should never constitute more than 10% of the total calories that the dog ingests per day. 90% of their diet should consist of the feed recommended by their veterinarian. So always keep the 10/90 rule in mind when considering giving your dog some berries.

With that in mind, let's go to the complete guide to fruits that dogs can eat!

Fruits that dogs can eat.

Can dogs eat strawberries?

Yes, dogs can eat strawberries. The fruit has a low caloric content, is a source of vitamin A, and B vitamins, fiber, minerals, and antioxidants. Strawberries should always be offered seedless, without stems, and in low quantities.

Can dogs eat raspberries?

Yes, dogs can eat raspberries, as the fruit does not pose a risk to dogs when administered in low amounts.

Can dogs eat blueberries?

Yes, dogs can eat blackberries. It has vitamin C, fibers, antioxidants and minerals that benefit the immune system, slow down aging, and is a great ally of the brain, heart, and other organs of the animal.

Can dogs eat peaches?

Yes, dogs can eat peaches. The typical summer fruit has several nutrients, such as vitamins A and C, and antioxidants, and has a high fiber and sugar content, and should be given in moderation, especially for dogs with a predisposition to diabetes and overweight. Remember to always remove the pit and peels before offering it to your sweetie.

Can dogs eat mangoes?

Yes, dogs can eat mangoes. The fruit pleases the palate of dogs, in addition to having vitamins that will make you strong and healthy. It can be offered without the shell and without the core to prevent the dog from choking, in addition to small amounts.

Can dogs eat apples?

Yes, dogs can eat apples. She is a great snack for dogs, as she is rich in vitamin A and C. In addition, the apple is a food with a firmer texture, low in fat, and excellent for obese and elderly pets. Always offer the fruit without the stem and seeds.

Can dogs eat bananas?

Yes, dogs can eat bananas. Although they don't benefit in the same way as we do from this amazing fruit, dogs extract a lot of fiber, vitamin A and C, helping to boost their immune system!

Can dogs eat cashews?

Yes, dogs can eat cashews. The fruit contains many benefits for dogs such as vitamins A, B, and C, minerals, and fiber. It must be offered without sweeteners, ripe, cut into pieces and in small amounts for them.

Can dogs eat papaya?

Yes, dogs can eat papaya. Great source of vitamins A and C, fibers, and important minerals, such as potassium and calcium, the fruit contains the papain enzyme, which works by facilitating digestion. Thus, you need to be careful with the amount administered, as it may end up loosening your dog's intestines too much.

Can dogs eat melon?

Yes, dogs can eat melon. Fruit is an excellent option for dogs that have a habit of ingesting little water, in addition to having vitamin A, B and potassium.

Can dogs eat watermelon?

Yes, dogs can eat watermelon. Composed of 92% water, watermelon is another excellent option to keep your pet hydrated, with vitamins A and B6. Remember to always offer seedless and peeled fruit.

Can dogs eat pears?

Yes, dogs can eat pears. Just like the apple, the texture of the pear makes the fruit a great snack option for our furry ones. Source of vitamins A and K, potassium, calcium and phosphorus, it can be served in small amounts for the dog.

Can dogs eat gossip?

Yes, dogs can eat gossip. If you deceive anyone who thinks that just because it's citrus, the fruit would be off that list. It must always be given to your dog without the shell, without the seeds and in amounts that do not exceed 10% of the daily calories consumed by him. If offered correctly, tangerine is an excellent source of vitamin A and C, potassium and fiber.

Can dogs eat guava?

Yes, dogs can eat guava. Considered by some veterinarians as one of the most interesting fruits for dogs, guava has interesting amounts of folic acid, potassium, vitamin A and C and fiber, which can benefit the animal's intestinal health.

Can dogs eat coconut?

Yes, dogs can eat coconut. With benefits similar to those they bring to us humans, the fruit has a high amount of “good fat” that can be consumed by the dog, of course, always in low amounts.

Can dogs eat prunes?

Yes, dogs can eat plums. But NEVER with the lump. In addition to offering great risks of choking for dogs - especially for puppies -, the lump has cyanide in its composition, a toxic substance for the organism of many animals, including dogs. Thus, properly offered, plum pulp is a good source of vitamin A, B complex and fiber.

Can dogs eat figs ?

Yes, dogs can eat figs. The fruit is not considered toxic for dogs, in addition to ensuring vitamins A, B and E, fibers and being an interesting source of calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium that contribute to the healthy functioning of the animal's organism. It is important to always clean the fruit and remove the skins and seeds before giving it to the dog.

Can dogs eat jabuticaba?

Yes, dogs can eat jabuticaba. The fruit is rich in antioxidants, essentially in its skin, and therefore it can be a good snack option for dogs. Despite this, it has a lot of fructose and calories, so it should not be offered in large amounts, always following the 10% rule.

Can dogs eat passion fruit?

Yes, dogs can eat passion fruit. However, always without the lumps and in small quantities. It is worth remembering that the main vitamin in the fruit is ascorbic acid (or vitamin C), which is already naturally synthesized by the body of healthy dogs, so the fruit will not bring as many benefits to the dog.

Fruits that dogs CANNOT eat.

Can dogs eat grapes?

No, dogs cannot eat grapes. It is not exactly known the reason for intoxication in dogs due to the fruit, but the grape is dangerous for them in any quantity.

Some animals may have more severe reactions than others, but the most common symptoms of grape poisoning are: reduced appetite, lethargy or weakness.

Vomiting, diarrhea, flabbiness of the abdomen, dehydration, increased thirst, decreased urine output, and may even lead to cases of kidney failure.

Thus, if your dog has ingested grapes, it is essential to take him to a veterinary clinic to receive the necessary assistance from a professional.

Can dogs eat raisins?

No, dogs cannot eat raisins. Like traditional grapes, the raisin is a fruit that the dog should stay away from, as it causes different reactions that can lead to kidney failure and death of the animal. In case of ingestion, seek veterinary advice as soon as possible.

Can dogs eat cherry?

No, dogs cannot eat cherries. Due to the concentration of cyanide in the peel and seed of the cherry – a substance that causes intoxication and disrupts cellular transport – experts do not recommend that tutors offer the fruit to their dogs as a snack.

If your dog has ingested cherries, be aware of signs of intoxication, such as vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, and tremors, and look for a veterinarian at the slightest sign of change in the animal's behavior.

Can dogs eat avocado?

No, dogs cannot eat avocados. The fruit contains persin, a toxic substance for dogs that can cause mild or severe gastrointestinal complications. In addition, it is a very fatty fruit and contains a core that can cause suffocation in dogs. Thus, avocados should never be included in the diet of dogs.

If your dog has ingested an avocado, keep an eye on his behavior. At the sign of any change or abnormal behavior, such as abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and apathy, look for a veterinary emergency room.

Can dogs eat carambola?

No, dogs cannot eat carambola. The star-shaped fruit has soluble calcium oxalate salts that can lead to kidney failure in dogs with weak or even healthy kidneys! In addition, the fruit contains a substance called caramboxin, which further impairs kidney health and can lead to neurological changes in the animal.

So, in case of ingestion of carambola, take your dog for medical assistance from a veterinarian.

Can dogs eat pineapple?

No, dogs cannot eat pineapple. In general, the fruit is not toxic to dogs; however, because it is very acidic, it can cause gastritis or other complications in your friend's stomach. Thus, pineapple is not a good treat for dogs.

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