Dog Tips

The 20 dogs with the strongest bite in the world. Full list!

admin • 08 Jul 2023


Every dog ​​has natural nibbling behaviors and biting objects, games, and even other dogs playfully. However, some dogs have more power in their bite than others due to their size and physical condition.

Meet today 20 breeds of dogs with higher PSI, capable of destroying the most resistant objects or even facing wild animals bigger than them!

What is PSI?

The term PSI is the abbreviation in English for the terms “Pounds per Square Inch”, whose translation would be “Pounds per Square Inch”. These terms refer to the measurement scheme used to determine a dog's bite force based on the amount of pressure exerted by its jaw on a given object.

How is bite force measured in dogs?

The method of evaluating the PSI of dogs can vary, as pointed out by the authors of the study “ Bite Forces and Their Measurement in Dogs and Cats ” (2018), with in vivo approaches (with the animal awake or under anesthesia), in vitro (with based on calculations and mechanism of the skull of the deceased animal) or in silico (simulation based on information already known about the species).

Still, according to the researchers, there are factors that directly affect the performance of the bite of dogs, such as:

– Size of the skull;

– Skull shape (dolichocephalic – elongated muzzle dogs – or brachycephalic – flat muzzle dogs);

– Pain associated with oral diseases (such as periodontal disease or TMJ disorders);

– Other diseases that affect the muscles responsible for biting (such as masticatory muscular myositis – MMM).

Top 20 domestic dogs with the strongest bite in the world

Now that you're already on top of what PSI is and how it's measured in dogs, get to know the breeds that have shown the greatest force in their bites.

However, first, it is important that you have as a reference that the human PSI is, on average, 162. The following ranking will feature breeds ranging from 195 to 743 PSI!

  1. Belgian Shepherd Malinois (195 PSI)

Recently awarded the title of the smartest dog in the world, the Belgian Shepherd Malinois is also recognized for its strength and athletic ability. The breed is commonly used for activities that require a high level of training, agility, and intelligence, such as police missions. That is, it is no wonder that the furry dog ​​ranks 20th in the ranking of dogs with the strongest bite in the world.

  1. English Bulldog (210 PSI)

The English bulldog is a very popular family dog ​​as it is spirited, fun and playful. However, make no mistake! Despite its quiet personality, the dog has great strength in its bite and thus ranks 19th in our ranking.

  1. Chow Chow (220 PSI)

The history of Chow Chows takes us back to ancient China, where they emerged to act as guards and war dogs. In this way, its physical structure was essential throughout its history to fulfill such functions. To this day, the dog carries a protective personality and is somewhat distrustful of strangers, being very loyal partners to their families.

  1. Dutch Shepherd (224 PSI)

A close cousin of the Belgian Shepherd Malinois, the Dutch Shepherd is now a rare dog to find, given that the breed almost became extinct after World War II. Like the other member of its family present in the ranking, the dog of Dutch origin is often used by the police and is capable of carrying out powerful bites.

  1. Alano Espanol (227 PSI)

The Spanish Alano, also known as the Spanish Bulldog, is a breed of dog originally from Spain that emerged as a hunting dog. As it is relatively rare in Pak, it is possible to say that we do not need to worry so much about the risks of knowing the strength of this giant's bite.

  1. Doberman Pinscher (228 psi)

An imposing dog that loves family life, the Doberman Pinscher ranks 15th in the ranking of dogs with the strongest bite in the world. The breed is usually very loving, patient and calm with its family members, but it is not possible to guarantee the same with strangers, given its strong instinct for protection.

  1. Boxer (230 psi)

Being large and very athletic dogs, boxers are not surprisingly doing so well when it comes to their biting ability! Despite its performance scaring some, the breed is also known to be very playful and fun, making it a great partner for the whole family!

  1. Pitbull (235 psi)

Pit bulls are unfortunately misclassified as aggressive and ferocious animals, making many people fearful of interacting with the breed. However, studies have already proven that breed does not determine the personality of any dog ​​and its behavior is essentially linked to the way the animal was socialized and trained.

Thus, despite occupying the 13th place in the ranking of the strongest bites in the world, it is essential that this information is not used in a way that perpetuates such prejudice about the breed, but rather understands that the pitbull is just an athletic dog with strong muscles and energy. physical, like the other dogs on this list.

  1. German Shepherd (238 psi)

As the other shepherds present in the ranking, the German Shepherd is a darling of the military and police forces, making the breed integrate these groups that need skilled, obedient and agile dogs for their activities. Because it has a very powerful bite, the dog is also a defensive agent in these missions. In addition, the German Shepherd is also known to be an excellent company for families, being a very partner and extremely loyal dog.

  1. American Bulldog (305 psi)

Another bulldog integrating the ranking, this time with the American Bulldog . The breed was originally bred to fight bulls until the mid-19th century. After this period, the dogs became part of families all over the world, showing themselves to be very affectionate with their tutors.

  1. Rottweiler (328 psi)

One of the most popular dogs in Pak, the Rottweiler opens the top 10 of domestic dogs with the strongest bite in the world. With proper training and socialization, dogs of these breeds become excellent protectors and inseparable friends of their owners.

  1. Leonberger (399 PSI)

Known as the gentle giant, the Leonberger would have emerged in Germany and throughout its existence caught the attention of artists across Europe, who portrayed the dog in several works. Very protective and attached to its family, the giant has great physical strength which is also reflected in its ability to bite at almost 400 PSI.

  1. Argentine Dogo (500psi)

The Argentine dogo is commonly confused with pitbulls or American bulldogs because of their physical characteristics. However, the breed shoots ahead of its “twins” when it comes to PSI, occupying eighth place in the ranking. The Argentine dogo emerged at the beginning of the 20th century to act as a hunting and guard dog, but today it enters several homes around the world as a furry member of the family.

  1. Dogue Canario (540 psi)

Coming in with everything in the category of giant dogs, the Dogue Canario – as its name already reveals – emerged in the Canary Islands, Spain. The giant has thick skin, intense eyes and very strong and developed musculature, which even gives the dog a bite that would leave anyone with their mouth open.

  1. Tibetan Mastiff (550 PSI)

Best known for being the most expensive dog in the world, the Tibetan Mastiff also makes its mark as the sixth strongest bite of all domestic dog breeds! The giant is believed to have prehistoric origins as a guard dog in Tibet around 1100 BC, where it had the first record of its existence.

  1. English Mastiff (552 PSI)

The origin of the second Mastiff on the list goes back to England, where it would have appeared thousands of years ago. For centuries, it is believed that these dogs were used to fight other wild animals until, finally, such competitions were extinct and the breed became incorporated into other functions among humans, as a great life partner!

  1. Dogue de Bordeaux (556 PSI)

The dog of French origin stands out for its large size and muscular body. For centuries, the breed was used for various types of service, from hunting large animals to even protection. Despite not being well known to Pak, the Dogue de Bordeaux today is part of families all over the world with its generally calm and friendly behavior.

  1. Tosa Inu (556 PSI)

Tied in third place with the Dogue de Bordeaux, we have the Tosa Inu – or Japanese Mastiff -, a dog of Japanese origin that lives up to the physical capacity of the other mastiffs that make up our ranking. With a tendency to be more reserved and vigilant, dogs of this breed can be very protective and need to undergo socialization training - just like any other dog -, after all, nobody wants to know the strength that makes the furry one occupy such a high position in the world. strongest bite ranking in the world.

  1. Cane Corso (700 PSI)

Perhaps you are no longer surprised to learn that second place in our ranking belongs to yet another Mastiff, this time the Cane Corso – or Italian Mastiff. As muscular, imposing and agile as its “cousins” on the list, the breed also has an incredibly strong jaw musculature capable of crushing objects at 700 PSI.

  1. Kangal (743 PSI)

And finally, we present the dog with the strongest bite in the world: the Kangal. The dog appeared in the city of Kangal in Turkey, which explains the origin of its name. The breed is very traditional in Turkish families, being considered a national symbol.

Due to the physical capacity of its bite, it is believed that the breed can fight against lions, wolves, bears and jackals, since its super strong jaws would not be at a disadvantage. In addition, the whole body of the Kangal dog is considered to be strong, making it an excellent guard or herding dog.

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