Dog Tips

What vegetables and greens can the dog eat?

admin • 07 Jun 2023


We know that enriching our diet with vegetables is essential for a healthier life! But does this logic apply to our dogs? 

Find out in the article which veggies are safe for dogs to eat and which ones they should avoid.

First of all: 2 important alerts! 

You should always see a veterinarian to determine which diet is appropriate for your dog depending on its health history when tutors start altering its food.

Many foods that may be excellent for some animals may pose risks to others. So, before introducing new foods into your best friend's day-to-day, talk to your trusted professional.

The second alert is related to the amount of greens, vegetables and snacks that should be offered to your pet. For this, veterinarians indicate a general practical rule for tutors: “treats” should never constitute more than 10% of the total calories that the dog ingests per day. 90% of their diet should consist of the feed recommended by their veterinarian. So always keep the 10/90 rule in mind when considering giving your dog some of the foods listed in this article.

With that in mind, let's go to the complete guide to vegetables that dogs can eat!

Greens and vegetables that the dog CAN eat.

Can the dog eat a chayote?

Yes, the dog can eat chayote. The food can be consumed raw or cooked, being a rich source of B vitamins, vitamin A, fiber, phosphorus, calcium and iron.

Can the dog eat pumpkin?

Yes, the dog can eat pumpkins. The legume, offered without peel and without seeds, offers benefits to the dog through antioxidants such as vitamin C, A, and E that act on the immune system and soluble fibers that help in the functioning of the digestive system.

Can the dog eat zucchini?

Yes, the dog can eat zucchini. The vegetable is very healthy and safe for pets and can be offered raw or cooked and is a great source of vitamin A, E, and minerals.

Can the dog eat potatoes?

Yes, the dog can eat potatoes, as long as they are cooked. When raw, the potato contains a substance called solamine, which is harmful to the dog, but if offered correctly it can be an interesting source of vitamins and minerals.

Can dogs eat sweet potatoes?

Yes, the dog can eat sweet potatoes, as long as they are cooked. Just like the traditional potato, this tuber can cause poisoning in dogs if eaten raw. However, if eaten cooked, sweet potatoes are an important source of vitamin A, calcium, potassium and fiber.

Can the dog eat broccoli?

Yes, the dog can eat broccoli. The vegetable is one of the favorites of dogs, in addition to being healthy, as it is rich in calcium, iron, potassium and vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C. Remember, however, to always offer the broccoli cooked and without spices for your dog to enjoy.

Can the dog eat beans?

Yes, the dog can eat green beans. The vegetable is rich in a number of important nutrients for the pet’s organism, such as vitamins B, A, K, magnesium and potassium. However, excessive consumption can increase the concentration of uric acid in the dog's metabolism, and should be avoided if he suffers from kidney problems.

Can the dog eat carrots?

Yes, the dog can eat carrots. When offered cooked, the dog takes much more advantage of the nutrients and vitamins in the food, but it can also be offered raw in small pieces for recreation and teeth cleaning.

Can the dog eat cauliflower?

Yes, the dog can eat cauliflower. The vegetable is rich in vitamin A which helps in the dog's vision, in addition to vitamin K which is good for blood clotting. It is important to offer it in moderate amounts because it has a high amount of fiber and can cause discomfort in the pet's intestine.

Can the dog eat jiló?

Yes, the dog can eat eggplant. However, prefer cooked eggplant, as the bitter taste of the raw vegetable may not be attractive to dogs. The eggplant is full of nutrients such as vitamin A, B, calcium, and fiber that are very beneficial for us and dogs.

Can the dog eat peppers?

Yes, the dog can eat peppers. You can offer it raw, but prefer the cooked vegetable for better digestion. Although all the “colors” of bell pepper are allowed, the best for dogs is red because it has a lower level of acidity.

Can the dog eat lettuce?

Yes, the dog can eat lettuce. Among the various nutrients present in lettuce are: vitamin A, B, K, calcium, potassium and iron!

Can the dog eat cassava?

Yes, the dog can eat cassava. It should be served cooked to the dog in small amounts, but never offer elaborate or greasy recipes, with frying, seasonings or any other preparation that is not natural.

Can the dog eat cassava?

Yes, the dog can eat cassava. The legume has several benefits such as B vitamins, vitamin A, E and D, as well as minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. She, like other tubers, should be served boiled and in small quantities.

Can the dog eat cucumber?

Yes, the dog can eat cucumber. He is an excellent option for overweight dogs, as he is light, contains little fat and carbohydrate, and is rich in vitamins K, C and B1, in addition to potassium, copper, magnesium and biotin.

Can the dog eat eggplant?

Yes, the dog can eat eggplant. It can be served in small portions, roasted, boiled or braised, but always without seasoning. Eggplant is a great snack for dogs because it is low in calories and helps with fat metabolism.

Can dogs eat spinach?

Yes, the dog can eat spinach. This vegetable is super rich in vitamins (A, complex B, C, K) and minerals (iron, potassium, magnesium, and sodium), in addition to bringing antioxidant benefits and aiding in digestion. However, if consumed in excess, it can bring intestinal discomfort to the dog, so always offer it in small amounts.

Can the dog eat tomatoes?

Yes, the dog can eat tomatoes. Just as we love this vegetable, dogs can too. However, it should be consumed in small quantities, raw, very ripe and only the pulp, avoiding the skin and seeds. Excessive intake of tomatoes can cause problems with the dog's heart and nervous system, so always be very careful.

Greens and vegetables that the dog CANNOT or SHOULD NOT eat.

Can dogs eat green tomatoes?

No, the dog cannot eat green tomatoes. This prohibition is due to the fact that it has a chemical compound called “glycoalkaloid” that is toxic to dogs. The symptoms that dogs can show if they have accidentally ingested green tomatoes are: gas, vomiting, and diarrhea. If this happens to your dog, you need to observe his behavior and take him to the vet.

Can the dog eat pepper?

No, the dog cannot eat pepper. It can be just as harmful to dogs as it is to us humans, causing extreme gastrointestinal discomfort and symptoms of intoxication. So no offering your furry pepper!

Can dogs eat onions?

No, the dog cannot eat onions. That's because it contains a substance called iosulfate that affects the dog's hemoglobin, responsible for transporting oxygen through the body. So this food is 100% OUT of the picture.

Can the dog eat garlic?

No, the dog cannot eat garlic. As in the case of onions, garlic contains “thiosulfate” which attacks the cells responsible for transporting oxygen in the body. Depending on the amount of garlic or onion ingested by the dog, he may even have a serious case of anemia.

Can the dog eat corn?

The dog must not eat corn. Although cooked corn is not toxic to dogs, raw or undercooked corn can cause indigestion and diarrhea. In addition, it can contain fungi that are highly dangerous to the dog's health and can lead to death. With regard to cooked corn, it is not harmful for dogs, but it should be prepared only in water and never offered with the cob, as it can cause intestinal obstruction.

Can the dog eat arugula?

The dog must not eat arugula. Although not toxic to dogs, it does not bring benefits to your health and presents risks of causing gastrointestinal discomfort if ingested in excess.

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