Training and Behavior

How to train a puppy at home

admin • 17 Aug 2023


Raising a puppy is a process that requires a lot of patience and dedication. There is no definitive guide that can indicate how to raise a puppy. This process varies enormously depending on the individual, their learning ability or the sessions that we offer them. However, we can give you some general guidelines so that you know what to take into account when educating a puppy.

In this article, we will describe in detail the most important aspects to consider when raising a puppy, step by step, explaining what socialization is, how to teach a puppy to pee on the newspaper, and many other important details. Not to be missed!

What does a puppy need?

It will be very important that you prepare everything you need before the puppy arrives:

  • Dog pound

  • blanket and towel

  • food bowl

  • chew toys

  • bowl of water

  • puppy food

  • Toys

  • chew toys

  • snacks and prizes

  • Brush

  • puppy shampoo

  • Bib or adjustable neck

  • Belt

  • Bags to collect feces

Place the kennel in a quiet place and the bowls in an easily accessible area. Once she has chosen the place, do not move them so that the puppy gets used to it. Remember that it will be difficult for him to find his way in a new home, especially in the first few days.

House Rules

This detail is very important and must be taken into account before the puppy comes home. Dogs are creatures of habit and to maintain mental stability they must always follow routines, so you will have to establish:

  • walking times

  • meal times

  • What you can and can't do

All family members must agree with these points and respect them. For example, we have to decide if the dog will be able to climb on the sofa, if he will always have to sleep in the same place, if we will give him food when we are in the middle of dinner, etc. If we all follow the same training dynamics, the dog will be more stable and mentally healthy and will behave more politely.

Another aspect that must be addressed will be education . You should know that the dog is an animal that has its own autonomy: it will probably sometimes do things that you don't like, such as biting a piece of furniture, breaking a precious object or urinating where it shouldn't.  Using aggression and punishment with the dog will only lead to future behavior problems such as aggression or fear. Instead of punishing him for getting on the couch, positively reinforce him for getting off.

Finally, we encourage you to look for your new dog in a kennel to shelter a pup that has not had the opportunity to live in a real home, don't you think?

How to teach a puppy to take care of its needs

The vet should give your puppy the appropriate vaccinations for its age, following the vaccination schedule. Until you have all the necessary vaccinations, you cannot take your puppy for a walk. Otherwise, he could suffer from anything from a mild cold to more serious illnesses.

This is why you should teach your dog to pee on the newspaper at first. To teach your dog to pee on the newspaper, follow this simple step-by-step guide:

  1. Puppies usually urinate and defecate... 20-30 minutes after eating . You can stimulate him by stroking his belly, wiping his bottom with wet wipes, or just waiting for him to feel like it.

  2. If your pup has already urinated in the house, he probably has a favorite area, so to speak. Put several layers of newspaper in that corner.

  3. You can decide or not to use the newspaper. In either case, if your pup decides to pee elsewhere, she'll need to pick him up and take him to the newspaper quickly. When you're done, praise him and shower him with praise, petting, and snacks.

  4. Little by little, you will detect your puppy's need to urinate: some will sniff the ground, others will turn on themselves and others will become nervous. When you notice your pup's urge to urinate, quickly take him to the newspaper.

  5. Always praise and reward him.

  6. It will probably take some time to make the connection between the congratulations, the newspaper, and the urine, but at some point your pup will figure out what's going on and finish it himself. Don't despair if he needs more than 20 reps, it's normal, he's a puppy.

How to get a dog to respond when called

At this stage of his life, we need to actively and daily stimulate the puppy's mind so that he develops his intelligence and we can work with him positively and effectively. Since your puppy can't leave the house yet, we recommend that you start with intelligence games inside the house, whether he buys them or if you make them yourself. Stimulating your dog mentally and physically is very important for him to be able to think quickly and be healthy and balanced in the future.

Remember that at this time in his life, your pup will need a long rest. However, when he is awake, we will play with him using a variety of toys: plush, kong, bones… Anything I can think of. Always under our supervision.

Offering, taking away, and offering a toy again is a great way to prevent our dog from becoming possessive in the future. A great trick to offer food is to give it directly by hand, this way our dog will not be possessive and will understand that we are the ones who feed it.

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